So we're all in agreement, right?
So we're all in agreement, right?
yes, Noire takes in the biggest dicks
your way to prove that is to post one of the sexiest, slutties Noire pics?
Yes, anime is trash
Prove it.
I hate posting on Sup Forums because it's full of waifu faggots but I have nowhere else to talk about this game. Fuck, I guess I should just go to Reddit afterall.. Anyways, it's sad to know that Erin Fritzgerald won't return as the voice actress for Noire. She gave the character so much class and personality. I'll miss her voice acting.
Why does Uni want to fuck her sister so much?
The new VA is better. Also JP voices are even better. So I don't see any reason to complain at all.
Can you blame her?
>She gave the character so much class and personality
I agree. I especially enjoyed the Noire/Lastation section on VII. The lack of Noire in Rebirth;2 and 3 was criminal.
With what
Kiss the pits
I wish I was Noire.
I wish I was Vert's little sister.
Why's she so perfect, lads?
good normal form, Sexy as hell CPU form
she also does everything.
She's not
She is
Those of you who have played 4GO: is it better than VII, or is the latter still the best Nepgame? Or are they simply incomparable.
They're pretty different, 4GO is an action RPG nothing turn based at all.
If I had to pick one I'd still pick VII because 4GO is relatively short.
Noire is literally my perfect gf.
I want to be with her forever.
She has no hats, and thus no power.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
I really like neptunia, but 4GO = kusoge
Kurome is the nep of choice for true patricians (me).
I bet all the sales people at the local Hot Topic equivalent all know her by name.
>Wow, 20% off black-painted decorative chains! Count me in.
Gonna be honest, I would love to get a footjob from tsundere Noire who pretends she's in a hurry cause she has to meet her friends so she only does it reluctantly, telling me to hurry up and that I should be grateful a girl like her is even willing to touch a gross loser like me
4GO is the second best game after VII. The only Nep kusoges are the PS3 games and Nep U/Hyperdevotion/Blanc vs Zombies
Behind all that edge lies the purest nep in the whole series.
What did I just read...
I want to suck orange juice out of her tits.
What did Tsunako mean by this scene?
Nep likes pudding.
Name one (1) good reason you haven't killed yourself yet.
Because I'm not a filthy Drakeposter.
>no response
That's right. Consider it seriously, I implore you.