Is this the single worst Souls enemy?
>ugly as fuck design and animations
>insanely huge hitboxes
>1HKO grab with said insanely huge hitboxes
>attacks have very little wind-up despite hitting like a truck
>obscene amount of health
>throws two of them at the beginning of the game
>the fucking Aldia's Keep cheap shot that encapsulates everything wrong with DS2
Is this the single worst Souls enemy?
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aren't the two at the beginning of the game optional?
like you're supposed to come back later for their shit?
They are.
Yep. They don't even drop cool shit, save for that one ring.
There are others in the game besides the ones at the start. The 2 in the tutorial area are only there so you get the "ur gonna le die" message.
No. Giant enemy crabs are by far the worst thing the series has ever produced.
The one in Aldia's keep have a very obvious tell, in that there's heavy breathing from beyond the door that the one just before it also had.
DS2 in general is pretty bad.
Are these demon hippos?
Nah, they can be staggered and riposted
Yeah but they are incredibly out of place for the game. You could at least bullshit a reason for why the hippo cyclops exist through Aldia or whatever. But there is no way any lore could be made out of big crabs in the woods.
*poisons self*
>Is this the single worst Souls enemy?
>Retarded lanky design like every other not-Bloodborne enemy.
>Insane reach that you have no way of dealing with.
>Spams darts constantly, which can 1-shot you if there's no cover.
>Runs around at breakneck speed that your character's tracking can't match.
>Attacks so aggressively and does so much damage that even full Havels can't take a combo from it.
>They're so broken that the game gives you placements where you can try and cheese them with a bow or magic, because the devs knew full well that certain builds simply couldn't deal with them.
>Their retarded speed, damage, aggressiveness, and spammy nature encapsulates everything wrong with DaS3's enemy design.
Dark Souls 2 is full of really annoying and lazy shit
>dude how about we put 10 of these huge motherfuckers with infinite stamina in this one tiny boring location
Fuck off. Even Demon's Souls did levels and enemies a million times better and far more consistently, and they probably had 100 times less budget or expectations back then.
>I don't quite feel the same but fair enough, I guess
>True, no excuses for that shit
>Also true
>Don't agree, plenty of time to react even in your first encouter with them
>Not really
>I can understand getting mad at that, but you can just lure them to the cave and hit them when appropriate
>That was truly garbage. I neve died though.
yeah they're faggots
I beat these guys on my second try and they STILL ruined the game for me. Fuck the designers of DS2. The rest of the series including BB is better.
Dogs in general are worse than the ogres. The DaS3 ones especially since they break the laws of physics.
Who are you quoting?
Mace knights
This desu. Fuck literally every dog enemy in the series.
Fucking kek
If you're excluding BB, DaS1 wheel skeletons are worse especially with little to no poise. If you are including BB, these guys take the cake.
I think the most out of place enemies in the series are those stupid lion men in the Shaded Woods.
It doesn't help that they aren't at all threatening and kook like shit.
their patterns are predictable as hell, combined with their xbox huge hp bar they're just repetitive and boring to fight, like everything else in ds2
These things are definitely fucking retarded looking, but they're by no means difficult to fight if that's what you're implying
Is it worth picking up SotFS on PS4 nowadays?
The voices inside my head.
If you didn't buy the DLC maybe. Depends how much you disliked the base game
The hardest thing about them is trying to not get greedy with attacks because they're such a fucking slog to fight
It's been ages since I actually played the DLC, but I distinctly remember thinking these things were the worst Souls enemy
They're one of the few enemies in DaS2 that are highly resistant to Strike damage, while also having very high slash resistance and high thrust resistance.
Basically they're a cakewalk if you use a bow or magic, but they're a damage sponge otherwise.
Cheapshots are in Dark Souls game because you're supposed to passively co-operate with other players and leave messages and warning and shit. They've always been in them.
Am I seeing double?
Nothing personal kid
>TFW I never had the problems anyone else had with DS3 because I used the biggest greatsword I could find and pretended I was playing monster hunter
Hit and run deals with anything you can't one-shot
it was also in the gameplay demos they showed.
>ugly as fuck design
they're ogres you nigger did you expect them to be pretty?
The fire hounds on the way down through blight town wrecked my shit first playthrough
I'm going in boys, wish me luck
>Dark Souls 2 is full of really annoying and lazy shit
it also has by far the most content in general, so of course it's also going to have the most bad content.
>Fill game with recycled content from the last game
>Wow look at how much content we have
I always thought this was funny. They just run right the fuck into the poison jars. You have to actually try to prevent them from running into them.
i got the vanquisher's seal, is there a way to make them do more damage? i dont have any of the dlc's btw
Were they supposed to be the repurposed dragon asses from DaS1?
>ugly as fuck design and animations
Theyre bad as in theyre fucking hard as shit, but theyre also very iconic of das2.
I remember letting some newbies try to fight the hippo man and they nearly wet themselves trying to dodge the swipes.
are you talking about dark souls 3 or something? DS2 has like one boss thats recycled and thats it. no, having skeletons as enemies doesn't count as recycling since every game does that.
>Played the series so damn much I can perfect most bosses in the game
>Still can't figure out how to approach a dog in DaS games without a shield and not take a hit
>Sometimes their leap-tracking will actually snap around your shield and hit you from in front
They should just have an area in the next game called Darkrape Kennel populated solely by every type of dog enemy in the entire Soulsborne lineup. If you manage to beat it, you get an item that allows you to invade as a dog.
Onis are sexy creatures though.
The good content to bad content ratio is hideously skewed to bad content though, and most of the good stuff is just rehashed from earlier games
>Death Count: 101.5
>Nails aren't sharp
God I hated the dogs in DaS3. They were such a crapshoot, and if you didn't 1-shot them they'd inexplicably be launched to safety so that they can attack you all over again.
I guess they were similar in BB, but it didn't seem nearly as bad.
The worst thing about these cunts is the massive aggro range they seem to have. They're managable at early levels, assuming you bring a blunt weapon of some sort.
But two or more isn't a fun experience, that's for sure.
Now this, I agree with. Dogs are a problem in every Soulsbourne game. I remember when I first played BB, I naively thought "Maybe they won't be as bad this time?" as two ran at me whilst I engaged a villager.
How wrong I was. And that, was my first death.
oh i'm sorry is this more to your liking?
No, I would have to give it to the dragon asses in 1. Especially if we're talking pre patch
>The 2 in the tutorial area are only there so you get the "ur gonna le die" message.
It's the same thing as the black knights in Undead Burg. Why do people not complain about those?
>this whole thread
Get Gud
u-uh because based A team
>quantity beats quality
Dark Souls 2: the mindset
getting raped by an iconic enemy is better in the eyes of the average pleb than getting raped by something that's easy in countless other games
Fuck, it's been so long, I forgot about the Bonewheels. They're especially cunts in the Painted World, when you drop into the sewers and can't escape.
I still wonder if Pinwheel's so easy because you've had to fight past a shit-tonne of them already.
Don't they afflict you with curse? Or was the area just fucking covered with Curse jars?
I do remember expecting to get my shit wrecked by them, then ended up spattering one with one hit from my hammer.
They're basically dragon asses with a grab attack, such bullshit
casul. that's actually one of the very few challenging enemies in DkS3.
Not a single area in 2 is enjoyable.
Flynn ring?
They are easy as fuck to kill, don't have bullshit hitboxes, and you fight them one on one
The drake keepers in the dragon shrine will fight you one on one, provided you don't rush past them and clear them as they challenge you.
They don't have instant kill command grabs with hitboxes that reach 2 or 3 player body lengths past their hands.
level up STR you nerd
Fuck these things.
Undead Burg is not the tutorial area you fucking mong
clams in crystal cave says hello
Engraved Gauntlets and Ring of Blades.
It also gives you bare fists what amounts to an A- in STR scaling and a C in DEX scaling.
Flynn's ring is from a Sunken King dlc.
>it's a Sup Forums complains about the easiest enemies in the easiest game episode
Christ people you literally just stand outside of their range and hit them when they fall harmlessly on the ground
>proceeding to cry about dragon shrine
LITERALLY the easiest area in the fucking game
Don't even post if your only experience is with the release version or you use lock-on with melee weapons
Now we're talking.
You need to *dab* git gud
That reminds me, another thing that sucks ass about 2 is that it's obvious many of the enemies have infinite stamina bars.
They're very weak to thrust.
>the fucking Aldia's Keep cheap shot that encapsulates everything wrong with DS2
you mean that giant skeleton that comes to life, roars at you, and gives you plenty of time to get out of the way
Shit i thought it was going to give me the chaos blade or something
The thing in the OP shouldn't be called an ogre. They're more like hippos.
It was done with the Vanguard in DeS first, DaS babby. That fight was better because it was more sudden, unexpected, and had a more boss-like moveset, plus the fact it gives a better reward immediately and later on in the game.
I think he means the 3 hippos attacking you as you reach the end of the hall.
The thing that bugs me is that this guy is basically a newbie killer. They exist in the tutorial area simply to give the message to inexperienced players that there will be other paths to be explored, but they will have dangers and you might not be ready to confront.
And then they "fixed" the game's enemy placement by having one of these guys be the first enemy you encounter on the proper path a new player is expected to travel. That shit makes no sense!
Someone call the hospital
le prepare to die
dark souls is challenging and yet....fair at the same time...
>Being 150cm
*turns on a dime*
the one in the FoFG? That nigger doesn't even aggro in DX11 SOTFS unless you hit him or stand right the fuck next to him and there's no reason to do that