What were people's opinions on Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

I really enjoyed it, thoughts, Sup Forums?

I'd say it's 8/10 good.

I just played it for the first time earlier today:

>Use of psychosis voices done very well, especially for conveying character thoughts.
>Combat was really cool
>Great Cinematic effects
>Great portrayal of mental health overall

>A bit buggy at times
>Overuse of circle pans during cutscenes.
>Some puzzles got repetitive rather quickly

it looked generic as fuck.

Plus it's Ninja Theory so I was going to avoid it anyway just because they made it.


I played an hour and a half, liked what I saw, and was then happy to refund

Beautiful presentation, great sound design, absolutely nothing to keep you playing

Pretty much this.
Excellent Binaural sound... that isn't used well. Senua's psychosis is... confusing. Ninja Theory presents it as it being a result of
>Family History of Mental Illness
>Fathers abuse towards her
>Loss of her boyfriend
>Inherent fears

Also I give it an innate -1 because Ninja Theory shamelessly taking the indie tag to go get cred, and go against tiny teams of amateur game developers.

Shit combat, as typical of ninja theory. Shit cutscene aesthetic of interjecting real actors in with Senua which looks uncanny as fuck. Boring storyline.

Basically, it's like every other Ninja Theory game, trash.

>Shit cutscene aesthetic of interjecting real actors in with Senua which looks uncanny as fuck.

as typical of Ninja Theory

>it has a female protag so its sjw
neck yourself

6/10 decent story amazing graphics but dull slow boring predictable combat and piss eazy puzzles

oh and the lie about the permadeath

Senua a cute

The gameplay is repetetive and boring, the puzzles feel condecending and the voices-in-your-head gimmick was pretty disappointing.
They made such a big deal out of how they consulted psychologists in order to portray schizophrenia realistically but in the end the voices just end up saying the same shit over and over like "lololo, she can't open the door" "lol she scared tho".

The graphics are technically solid but it felt really conservative when they should have gone all out.

The gameplay offers nothing we haven't seen before. It's actually pretty lackluster.

A lot of hot air over what is basically just a mediocre movie game with some action-adventure elements.

I hated some puzzles, other than that it was great




hi GAF, how is your 1st day one Sup Forums?

I thought it was boring. Not my kind of game.

It's not sjw shit, you autistic faggot.

Furthermore, in a sea of fully corporatized AAA money-milking machines surrounded by indie BS derivative titles with a few gems once in a while, it's refreshing to get a good middle budget game on the experimental side once in a while.

>good middle budget game

where is that? All I see is a thread on generic Ninja Theory trash

the game could have been good with faster more dangerous combat


Story is kind of interesting. Wish they would have done more stuff with her Pictish religious background, but whatever


Barely any more gameplay than a walking simulator. Combat system is bare-bones and repetitive. Not a single 'puzzle' that requires any level of problem solving. Also, what the fuck's with Senua's face? I know they used mocap from an actual schizo, which must have been hard to find, but holy shit.

6/10, didn't regret pirating.

what game?

theres basically 1 enemy with 3 varieties that are almost identical, each with a single attack
they do nothing but walk towards you and attack, and they just pause while you're knocked down
and thats the entirety of ''combat'' in this game

her mo cap actress is cute

>what game?


the newest mess released by Ninja Theory. aka the same fucks that made the bad Devil May Cry reboot and that Enslaved game

theres no game named Hellblade