2x2, 3x3 GOTY Edition

You Mosaic thread with a bit of a twist.

Post your personal GOTY's of 2017 so far.

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3/4 Negative being for Sanic

4/4 though I sorta dropped off on playing Nier Automata, loved what I played of it though.

This is objectively the correct answer. Anyone who says otherwise is a complete deviant.

1. Persona 5
2. Sonic Mania
3. Yakuza 0
4. either BOTW or odyssey, probably odyssey.

Hat in Time was decent platforming carried by good presentation. It's mechanically inferior to Yo! Noid 2 and that was made in a month time frame as a fucking meme. It's not GOTY material.

Odyssey seems like a budget Banjo Tooie that doesn't do connecting worlds, exploration, or collectibles nearly as well. It's also not fucking out.


>Hat in Time
and probably Nier and hollow knight, but haven't gotten a chance to play them yet

definitely not BOTW or Odyssey though

I see you're a man of taste as well.

How can you have more than one.
Either way mine is rose in the castle.


It turned out much better than I expected. Pyre might be my favorite SG game.

I'll get to Nier, Cuphead, Hat, and Odyssey before the year is over, but so far one of the best years for gaming in a while. Too bad I come to Sup Forums of all places to discuss this shit.

I gotchu fampai

>Nex Machina
My man

Literally this.

Persona 5
Hollow Knight

Uuh. I really don't see what's good about the sonic games.

This is mine, maybe Xenoblade will crack it but doubt it.


Spotted the Nintenbro

This was mine
forgot to put this in my post but Persona 5 and Sonic Mania were great but not as great as those 4 and I haven't played Cuphead, Nier, South Park or Hollow Knight yet but I'm sure I'll like them when I do.


Check here Sorry, forgot in my first post

What an absolutely fantastic year. Even 3x3 would be too small to fit everything i liked but oh well.
Though there were some disappointments here and there like Elex (probably the worst PB game on par with r2) and Cuphead (nice visual style trapped in a boring pattern memorisation simulator).


So far.

Honestly the fact that you played a bunch of games but still rate the weaker of the two Nintendo musous ahead of them makes it worse.

Oh also a fucking unreleased game.

This is the only right answer.

Unless you're a normie faggot

AND Splatoon 2 is worse than 1.
Fuck me it's just bad outside of BOTW honestly.

Splatoon 2 is good fun and all, but I don't see it as GOTY material.

I like FE Warriors better than HW because I'm a massive Awakening fan, Splatoon 2 is better than the first, and I played the store demo for Odyssey for two hours at Best Buy and it was flawless. What I've seen officially and leaked looks stunning. It's not even out and I fucking know it will be either my favorite or second favorite game this year.

>Splatoon 2 is better than 1
This is objectively false.
>Worse gyro aiming, it has shitty smoothing that butchers its accuracy and snappiness
>Losing the fast ass teleporting and ultimates on the gamepad
>Don't fix any of the core issues of Splatoon like the local multiplayer situation
Splatoon deserved a much better sequel than this. It was the most unique game of 2015 and it's sequel is so safe and samey it'd make COD and Pokemon blush.

This used to be a nice fan base before the switch was announced

I watched a good deal of the leak and odyssey just looks miserable. Its incredibly polished like all nintendo games, but level design, music and the general aesthetic is so terrible I honestly can't believe what Im seeing.

In order from top left to bottom right

Waiting for Hollow Knight and Hat in Time to come to console but I could see either of them bumping off Dragon Quest from what i've seen and heard.

There's still more games from this year I haven't played yet that I'm interested in.


I never had the first one so this has been quite the change of pace for me in terms of a shooter, lots of fun.

Same here. I really enjoy it but it falls short of being worthy of being called GOTY. Maybe FPS of the year, it's the best shooter I've played this year.

How is there no physical copy of sonic mania? I can't wrap my head around how stupid that is

Sega had no idea what they had with Mania, that's a part of it. Hence the denuvo shit, the tie in to Forces, the overabundance of rehashed zones, and being digital only.

You, sir, are a man of refined taste. While I wouldn't call it GotY that is one of my favorite games, period.

>BOTW being a good game meme

generic anime weeb garbage with big swords

yeah. will be forgotten by next year with just another replacement. the only thing that will remain are half assed sfm models

You're referring to BotW, right?

I hope Sega gets their head out of their ass. I'd hate for them to turn into Konami 2.0

>You're referring to BotW

there isn't a single thing i would remember about breath of the wild after 1-2 years. most nintendo games are usually saved by their ost and i can't even give botw that.

Far as I can tell this user is referring to Nier Automata.


No, he appears to be triggered by 2B's wonderful ass. I say this because he subconsciously mentions the word ass right in his post.

>all this hat in time

Was it really that good?

it has its flaws but its really fun

>game composed of reused levels is goty material

most games are terrible so getting something good for once feels like a godsend

Most of the levels do enough to feel fresh honestly. It's only Green Hill that's tiring.

I genuinely wish it were all new zones though, or that the split was at least more even.

LOL. I like this guy!

Is Fire Emblem Warriors really that good? I've been on the fence about it, keep in mind I don't like Dynasty Warriors at all.

Everything beyond world 1 will be some of the best video game goodness you will ever play, albeit it won't last a long time at all. The biggest objective flaw about this game is that it's very short but we strongly recommend you check out some gameplay footage of world 2, 3 and 4 before you dismiss the game as amateur or lacking. It's a very, very good game and if you were to remove world 1 and add in 2, maybe 3 more worlds the quality of the world 2, this game would be an OBJECTIVE 10/10. It's also getting 2 free DLC worlds. You should give the game a chance if you have the opportunity to.

What are the chances we get to see some good new levels from modding?

If you like Fire Emblem, especially Nu-Emblem it is a blast. I played 22 hours of it over the weekend. Keep in mind I'm a student and I had tpo beat it before Odyssey, but damn is it really good.

100%. But we'll be waiting quite some time for them. I think there are some solid levels out there already.

Meant to quote this.

Its a real shame that world one is the only level that is any good.

I like the conductor levels infinitely more and I loved the first world.

Looked this up, tempted to grab it, it a good game for Halloween?

Honorable mention to Nier: Automata. Everything after playthrough A was just excruciatingly boring.

In one of the strongest years for console gaming in history, western developers were able to make games more interesting than most of the trash from Japan. I honestly don't know how GUST and Compile Heart manage to stay in business.

I'll go ahead and post my GOTY.


Localization issues aside, the GAMEPLAY is realy fucking good, so it wins in that category alone.

dont. its a musou game that gets extremely stale, very quickly. its just slashing through hundreds of enemies at once, with no real challenge to the player
the same gameplay is reused in each entry, so each game is just covered with the skin of some larger franchise, albeit with a few shitty bells and whistles

2. P5
3. haven't played others, but EDF5 should be #1 once it comes out

The only reason it's getting any attention at all is because it's better than yooka laylee and that hat kid is cute. That's literally it.

Have you tried Fortnite Battle Royale? I can't see myself giving money to a game that looks this bad.

i haven't, but the reason why is because i really don't like the artstyle

musous are very hit and miss they're very shallow games
though this one adds a few ideas from fire emblem giving it a bit more depth which i think makes it a decent game.

>hollow knight



i didnt mind the rehashed zones, since i hadnt replayed sonic 2 or 3 for some time

I would sneak Battleborn Free TRIAL there.

No face smash = inferior gameplay


It isn't a horror game, really. More of a melancholic game you'd play in the middle of fall alone. I recommend picking it up, but if you want a horror game, Yomawari and Yomawari Midnight shadows are both good.