Wow kamiya really hates cuphead

wow kamiya really hates cuphead

Other urls found in this thread:

>SHIT calling anything SHIT

He's mad you can't play as the dice? Fair complaint.

That man is so tsun tsun

He's talking about Devil May Cry 4


This bum hasn't been relevant for years lol

Akira Kitamura says he wants to get back into game development, so I tweeted Kamiya to hire him at platinum games.

Twitter screencaps are not video games.

based as fuck


Nope. Never blocked me. :)


when's the last time he pushed a good game?

when Jack has a rape allegation and shuts down twitter, then the mods will be all uppity about banning it.

*mighty no. 9 bombs*

Which came out last? Wonderful 101 or Bayo 2?

Kamiya is a bald hack. The only good dmc game wasn't even made by him. Bayonetta and viewtiful are both trash. I hope he never makes another game or makes bad ones for the wiiu like that one long haired guy

How bad do you want to be a janitor?

This but unironically. Itsuno cucked him out of his own franchise and did it better. Then he went and made a knockoff of his OWN series. How beta can you be?


Bayo 2

Honestly if that is what he's talking about, he's right. That level wasn't interesting at all.

hes just mad his girl got B L A C K E D

Nah fuck you. We've had enough not vidya for long enough. The mods finally making a sticky should be the start of a new age. One where you drama faggots go to another board.

Fucking this.


Fuck off with this mediocre business man

It's ironic, because Sup Forums loved him years ago but now they see how much of a hack he is

Kinda rude to openly call it shit like that. Is he friends with Itsuno at least so he has some degree of intimacy to criticise it like that?

Nice try but his track record is still mostly flawless.


why are neogafers such angry little pedophiles?

The mods are just covering for their neogaf buddies, they don't give two shits about the other off topic shit.

What part in dmc4 do you control the dice?

they did pol a huge favor by redirecting tons of users from Sup Forums to their board.

so the extent of sjw intelligence.

>when the game comes out, he'll play it and have a different opinion

did you play it?

When it came out on 360 yes, I forgot about most of the game though

The worst parts.

Trash after trash I agreed.

oh. yeah, theres a board game sequence where you smack the giant dice and fight enemies and bosses

He must be bad

so, does he also hate Gunstar Heroes?

He make some more hardcore games.

Pass Xvideo link

>in practice, Inafune often spends a lot of time developing a game's creative concept up-front, and then brings in others to help see it through.
literally and idea man who is also a con man

he's obviously referring to RNG manipulation and how it's a terrible game mechanic.


Thanks to MS.

I'm sure he's not going back to those people any time soon.

>Most of his games have some sort of timer that ranks you on speed
>yfw he takes his sweet ass time overstuffing his inventory

Classic japanese. Fate is such a retarded concept.

Funny how he spouts this shit but makes those annoying as fuck QTE encounters in Bayo

I haven't played Breath of the Wild, but isn't super easy to stack the shit out of everything?

>it's a brainlet believes in free will episode

sauce on webm

It's time to stop playing. Let the journey end gracefully.

His twitter.

>made the best Resident Evil and Okami
Yeah, fuck off. He's been our guy for ages, you fucking NeoFAG refugee.
>newfags weren't in the thread where he posted

>1k arrows
>5 of each element arrows
>A bunch of royal bows

This is an overstuffed inventory.

this twitter

848 apples
358 peppers
415 red mushrooms
288 stamina mushrooms
198 meat on bones
800 fucking big meat
472 raw steak
428 raw legs
486 acorns
277 hylian fish
171 whatever other fish

All those fucking minerals

That's an awful lot of shit in BotW for that many hearts. Does he not progress in the game at all?

Doesn't even have the master sword either

he made RE2 tho.

>Bayonetta and viewtiful are both trash

McFucking kill yourself, faggot.

I fucking hate King Dice. I finally beat him after realizing you can stand behind his hands as the cards come out

Post this to see hackmiya ass burn on the ground.

So I take it he liked BOTW? Zelda was his favorite franchise until WW left abad taste kn his mouth right?

Don't want to ask him and risk getting blocked.

why can't he be as chill as Itsuno? i followed that guy on twitter and he followed my back.

Devil glitch. Use charge gun and aim at bottom left of the screen (you gotta crouch though). Avoid all of Devil's shit in phase 1, then when the flames come in for phase 2 transition, DONT go down the hole. Stand right next to it, and continue to shoot bottom left corner of the screen. Eventually you will beat the Devil.

I didn't abuse this glitch on regular, but on expert I will.

God DMC2 dante outfit is fucking stupid. A skin tight jacket shirt that has a fucking coattail? Why do people like this outfit so much.

DMC 4 Dante is cute and manly as fuck.

Uncle Dante is best Dante.

honestly DMC3 Dante's outfit is my favorite. DMC1 is too red, DMC2 is stupid like you said, and DMC4 is too leathery.

I always really like the first games outfit because it reminds me of like a Van Helsing type thing and considering the game its probably what they were going for.

Yeah they're good friends.

Humanity has run away from fate long ago

It's not like it matters if you aware of your powerlessness anyways, sweetie.

As long as you searched his tweets and made sure he hasn't already answered the question you should be good. He seems to mostly just block people for forcing him to repeat himself.

ass blasted

The influence I have on my very own microcosm is enough for me

I think 1 would be my favorite if the pants weren't red.

On a side note, I've been ironically talking like a nigger so much at my part time job that I used you in place of you're and didn't even catch it while proofreading.

Wonderful 201 when?

>shitting on VJ
you're Baaaad!

>Kamiya hates Nero too