Confess your gaming sins my son
I play splatoon 2 with traditional controls
Confess your gaming sins my son
I play splatoon 2 with traditional controls
$2000 or $3000 on microtransactions including $1000 on rainbow six siege skins and shit
i quit due to them making it more punishing to team kill/harass people
i did nothing wrong
user, you need to seek help.
suck my dick
I like playing with cheats and play with god mode because I have more fun that way
>I pirate anything that isn't a Vita game
>I scalped Switches and made $1000
>I accidentally bricked my cousin's 3DS messing around with the homebrew and she thinks she did something wrong. Never got a new one after.
>I instantly ignore and distance myself from anybody who talks about video games or anime in real life. Unless I'm in a club for whatever reason, or delivering something to an area where they planned these things, I immediately view the one talking about such things as immature and not worth maintaining a relationship with.
>I help distribute files to pirate titles if I dislike the developer or producer of the game
>I will probably skip the PS4 entirely. If a new handheld doesn't come out from Sony or if the new handheld isn't BC, I'll probably go pure PC unless the Switch gets hacked too, by which then I'll use the one that I kept for myself to install homebrew and start pirating its games.The Vita is the last console I will actively support -- not because of what happened to it, but because I now own 188 Vita titles on it and feel as though a skip in generation from Vidya would be good. A BC handheld console will still allow me to clear backlogs so it's an exception.
You bought 1000 dollars in a game to troll in? What is your income like is it tugboat?
I dont understand mods and I feel as though they dont extend the lifespan of games by much
im on disability for mental illness. also got a long criminal record. no sex shit tho :^)
>long criminal record
wow, so you're a piece of sh-
>no sex shit tho
well, I guess you could be worse
yeah it sucks that you gotta clarify that. its easy to assume based on the number of creeps out there
I pride myself on beating "hard" games like the Souls games and Nioh and make fun of casual gamers, but I never try to play hard NES/SNES games because I'm afraid I'll get my shit pushed in.
im a difficultyfag too. theyre not that bad. just way less complex. its literally muscle memory
dont be intimidated, but dont feel like you gotta play them. games do age and its not fun to play old shit if you dont genuinely want to
I can only truly enjoy and care about 1 game because I can't get the same kind of rush from any other game. I get excited for new games and eagerly wait for them hyped, then the initial hype wears off when I get the game and I rarely finish them. I still got the new zelda waiting to be finished even though I put something like 30 hours into it, at least I finished the new metroid. I also got FF15 that I played for 1 hour last Christmas and thought I would continue when I felt like it. FE:echoes and birthright I got about halfway and got bored with.
>its literally muscle memory
That's what scares me though. In modern games, even if they're hard, you often have several ways of beating a boss or a level. You can always find your way around having to perfectly roll through every attack. But in older or more simple games, it's do or die. You have to beat your head against the wall until it breaks. And if that is what defines pure skill in games, I'm just not as good as other people.
you can get over that if you try fucko
then so be it. nobody cares and you're better than 80% of gamers by being able to beat modern challenging games. most people whine about bullet sponges and artificial difficulty like weak crybabbies
I pretend to be a girl online so thirsty virgins would buy me stuff including butt toys.
Other games just aren't deep enough and don't give me the same kind of rush when playing. Of course I enjoy other games too and it's not like I'm miserable when playing them, but they just don't feel the same.
I've never played a single Nintendo product and yet shitpost aggressively against them at every possible opportunity, especially when the thread has nothing to do with the company or their products.
Thanks, Father. I feel better now.
Shitty content recycling notwishstanding, I thought the core combat mechanics of DA2 weren't too bad (on PC at least where I didn't have to mash for basic attacks)
I have restarted GTA IV about 100 times because I want to play a perfectly realistic game without any hiccups. I have restarted over minor car accidents or accidentally driving on the sidewalk or missing a portion of dialogue during a mission. I have a job now so my mental health has improved, and I don't do this anymore, but still. Really rough times.
I bought a second PS3 in order to play against myself in multiplayer games with dead online so I can finally get all the trophies.
I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.
When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.
I also refuse to play notoriously difficult games like Cuphead or Dark Souls for the above reasons.
I also think Danny Sexbang is funnier than Jon.
I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day.
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account because it boosted my ego in TF2
I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour.
The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3.
I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction
I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it. I also absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex.
I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.
I find a lot of retro games unplayable as they lack the polish and streamlining of more modern games.
The only turn based RPGs I've ever played are the South Park ones because I used to watch the show.
I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage.
The only Zelda games I like are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess.
In every Zelda game I play, I use a guide to make sure I get all the items and see all the content
I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play.
I pirate almost everything
i NEVER experinced PC gaming. and i dont mean console ports but PC exclusives like fallout 1 and 2.
I bought Fallout 4 for full price on release day
You are a monster
I've always held an n64 controller like the girl in this picture
I play souls games on kb/M
Me neither really.
Back in the day all I played were flight combat sims like the Janes games.
>I’ve built 3 gaming PCs but never played any of them, I’m looking at currently selling my rig.
>I actually get giddy looking at the abysmal Xbox sales in Japan
>the happiest moment in my entire life was my first time at a Anime convention (colossalcon)
>I love Zelda and pretend to know a lot about it but I’ve never gotten farther then half way through any of them
>I buy games and then rarely play them, I spend all my time watching twitch and reading Sup Forums endlessly
>I’ve tried to kill mySelf in the past year
>I’m in love with my lesbian best friend
>I tear up in almost any sad movie or game if it’s Japanese
>anything Samurai, or dying for the emperor makes me cry
>my favorite game is Persona 4 golden and I play it every year just so that I can feel empty once I’ve finished it.
m/kb is just way too fucking easy and honestly makes fps games less fun.
Only absolute scrubs need a mouse to win I swear.
>I also think Danny Sexbang is funnier than Jon.
How does it feel being wrong?
Buy the vr edition or I sell your family on the CreationClub™
I play games with GameFAQs up on the other screen
I tried playing Half Life 2 and I was disgusted. I couldn't stand the whole cinematic approach to the game with the whole shtick of the player being interactive during cutscenes.
Also why the fuck doesn't the game load the upcoming areas instead of halting your process with a big LOADING sign in the screen. I mean God of War hid it's loading screens with long pathways. Why can't Half Life 2 try to load the new areas during it's """"cutscenes""""?
You did everything wrong and then some.
OCD? And restarting checkpoints don't do it for you?
You do realize that video games don't matter at all, right?
I handle the controller with the claw grip.
The average existence of the piratecuck
is this new pasta?
Y'all niggas got problems
I spent over $3,000 on a Steam account, only to then abandon the account so I could make and use a new one instead.
I then proceeded to spend $1,000 on the new account only to abandon that one too and make a new one instead.
Depression makes you do silly things.
>I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account because it boosted my ego in TF2
Man, that's like having your dad do your science fair project and then winning in the process.
I beat that punk ass kid with his stupid ass color project he ripped out of a college text book. Though, the premise was my idea,
daddio executed it for me, because I didn't have the know-how in constructing it.
I bought every campaign in TF2 and maxed out each one to the highest level a campaign coin could be.
I donate to Twitch streamers.
no thats just called being an ironic weeb who dosent know how to spend money.
This is why the vidya industry is the way it is, and will keep slippin' and slidin' down that logical """""""""""fallacy""""""""""" of a slippery slope.
They better only be girls with big tiddies who pretend to like you
How can you not? Every bethesda game still breathes due to the modding communities
I only donate to boxbox
And I also sometimes masturbate when he cosplays.
>ironic weeb
I mean okay, my dude.
What is your rank?
I have 1600 hours combined in both games and I'm only an S. Fucking love me some splatoon.
If a game has a story that i actually give a shit about i will always play it on the easiest difficulty because getting stuck on a gameplay element when i want to continue progressing in the story makes me lose interest.
maybe stop watching anime and jerking off to figurines and maybe, just maybe, you will be a little happier?
actually dont, please continue down your path.
I prefer playing first person shooters with a controller
I enjoy playing Team Fortress 2 in third party competitive leagues
One time I replayed Mario and Luigi Bowsers inside story 6 times in a row. God I love that game.
>stop doing the things that make you happy and you'll be happier
what did user mean by this
whats that mean user-chan?
>watching anime makes me so happy gril is mai waifu XD i wanna fug ahaha
>why am i depressed :(
I have sexual feelings Big Boss.
Not going to even spoil it. You won't even know who to ridicule since we're all Anonymous here.
do you seriously think that anime just makes people depressed? i've watched a couple hundred and own several figures and i'm not depressed at all
for morrowwind yes, I just fee like they are a gimmick whos fun does not last for long, this is especially true of bethesda, who have also committed the worse sin. Paid mods, and no one seems to care lol
Hey you, that 4th thing isnt a sin, its a genuine defense tactic you should use unless you really know those people well enough and they have good taste.
He's obviously a 15 year old pseud that posts on Sup Forums and doesn't know anything. AKA 90% of Sup Forums's userbase.
I have depression and I don't waste thousands, you're just a fucking idiot.
How do you press the Z button?
> Spent roughly $500 so far on gatcha games
> I haven't finished bloodborne despite telling all my friend I did
> I played dota2 and spent about $200 in total on compendiums and voice packs
> I have not paid for a single original game but spend 20 dollars on skins of champions in LoL and im stuck in Silver II
Full retard
>Buying cosmetics
You're going to vidya hell