Day 3
Day 3
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is this some hair analysis thing?
day 10 he won't have a scalp
Where did the hair go?
>AVGN creepypasting for halloween
Best thing ever.
got spooked
Jesus, just take some spray paint and fill in the spots
do you see what i see
>3min video
he really wants to drag this out doesnt he
wow, they make Mike look normal
He's already sunk to stealing content
>mods delete your thread
>immediately make another one
How sad
Polybius is a video game, it should be allowed.
I didn't make the last one.
wrong, it was already up. check the post time
Haha Mike looks awkward af being around all those fat losers, the shit that Romanians do for money am I right?
>all those fat nerds in one place
imagine the smell
james isn't a good actor
His hair is the scariest part of the Halloween episodes so far. The videos have been lame and predictable. How many times is he gonna do psychological thriller bullshit? Come up with something new for fuck’s sake
James will be a hog in that hog pile soon
he should have saved that mockumetary he did on April fools for this
These videos aren't working for me. There needs to be some minor element of believability for this kind of story to work, and there's just none at all.
funniest part of AVGN now is watching James try to dramatically act. I used to laugh with him, now over the last couple of years, I’ve been laughing at him
I think james thinks he’s actually fooling everyone, and it’s really painful to watch. He’s so out of touch
>mike sitting there awkwardly
why is he so cute bros
What if this an elaborate way to kill of his character without his fanbase complaining?
Like, he goes missing at the end, and nobody can complain because MUH REALISM! JAMES IS A GENIUS!
Guys I've figured it out, his inability to act is a SIDE EFFECT OF POLYBIUS
>white """"""""""""""men"""""""""""""
Am I gay for noticing Mikes large dick hanging half way down his leg?
Hourly reminder.
>Chris-chan isn't Sup Forums related
Fucking neo-Sup Forums.
then stop watching
which one is mike?
>Chad Warren on the list
The one with the dangling cock.
You'll see it. He's notorious for having a giant penis.
He claims its 10inches
James needs to stop this AVGN shit and make that feature length horror movie already.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
There's probably over 3 tons worth of people in that room.
Of course he knows everyone knows it's fake. That's why he's dressed up as the Nerd and not himself.
but he cant act
I've played Polybius. It sucks.
ive watched every crotch in that shot, don't see any dangling cock
is it the skinny one?
>He doesn't like Chad Daddy
That ain't ballin
Go back where you came from newfag
He's doesn't have to star in it. He always wanted to be behind the camera anyway.
cant believe i took a screenshot of this
Nobody cares about your pointless friendly simulator.
>reddit frog
was the avgn movie good? I never actually watched it
Neither can we. Come join us over in Sup Forums
your anger runs deep
As a huge fan of AVGN and James in general, I can safely say it's fucking awful.
can't believe you think that's his cock
I don't like how fast this is moving. Day 2 should've just been him insisting on one more play and then the rest of the day 2 video being today.
>Thumbs down
Wow that's rude.
Why the fuck is Mike sitting with an infamous anti-semite and racist?
Holy shit.
What the fuck.
I'm unsubscribing from cinemassacre, there is no room for allies of the alt-right
>it's actually real
The problem is he's not subtle about it.
>derp the name translated to german means sensory loss
>while I continually stay oblivious to everything else and can't tear myself away from the game
It's like watching an anime.
you guys are literally faggots for talking about a guy's hair btw
Pepe is Sup Forums and always will be Sup Forums
Jon "Blacks be Gone" Tron redpilled James and Mike when he came to visit.
He should've listened to that email. He was warned. Now look what's happening.
BASED Jon tron got Bootsy kicked out for being a Hilllary supporter.
Comments like these hurt my head to read, and I don't know why I bother reading Youtube comments in the first place.
These videos are some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen
does he really make money doing this?
Probably not anymore because YouTube takes your ad revenue away if you swear.
add super best friends to that next time please.
Delete this fucking image and go back to Sup Forums where you fucking belong before I punch your stupid nazi ass right in the god damn face with my grass knuckles.
how can he be so bad at acting holy fuck
>you guys are literally faggots for talking about a guy's hair btw
receding hairline detected
he just has ill fitting pants you faggots. he has zero sense of style
mike and ryan are so thirsty for shekels.
they have a stupid sponsored new video where they shill for some shitty game service.
it's a fake, moran
Mike looks kinda pissed.
sure thing bud
>Why is he so cute bros
Motherfucker Mike is an annoying spas that attempts to speak far too much about things he has no information about. The opposite of cute, a simile would be irritating.
There are subreddits for pretty much everything, what's your point exactly?
why is it that the persian sandmonkeys like jon hate blacks the most?
my point is that its now a shitty reddit meme and you should move on and use something else
There's a Sup Forums subreddit too so I guess we're reddit too, by your logic.
No we just stop using smug pepe.
It's time for retard pepe to com eback
He's doing that thing like that mirror horror movie he reviewed.
Doing stuff you have no recollection of and caughting it on camera. Pretty fun horror trope.
Thanks for reminding me to watch this on notification squad!
Sup Forums has been reddit since 2011
Making fun of james hair isnt funny anymore
making fun of his acting like its bad isnt funny
claiming this is bad isnt funny
just stop your e-bullying and enjoy this shit you little fucks, who else iis giving you halloween vidya kino like this? literally nobody, everyone else is literally shit on the heel of james boots.
Speaking of boots, look at what bootsys been up to, tell me this garbage is better than james videos.
Because rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
>you should move on and use something else
so if we're reddit then why the fuck are you complaining that we're using reddit memes you retarded cunt
Does anyone have the cropped version just with Mike's face?
>TNT Amusements still around
What timeline is this?
I can see why they dropped this commie.
>caring about imaginary site wars
i browse both Sup Forums and reddit, try to stop me :^)