Chill out till Japan Time

It's a new Xenoblade Thread everyone!

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can you fug the sword

>Japan time

Does this mean more BTFOd K.roolfags? I'm in

You have Titan Grandpa's express permission to fuck the sword.

Who is your Bladefu?

Villet-I mean Tokiha.


Don't get too used to it. They'll probably change it in the dub.

Isn't there a longer version of that

>thought i loved poppi most of all
>then fifa flower
>then they show this immaculately perfect being

Is this what T-ELOS wanted?

There is but I don't think anybody has made a webm of it.

That one is directly taken from the Twitter video, it should be the longer available version of this moment. I think the intros they have posted are not the complete sequence.

Follow you elder's advice, fuckboy.

>all rare blades are just going to be a generic anime girl + a element
Hiring a hentai artist to do the designs was a mistake.

Here's some 2deep4me Xenoblade lore analysis for your consideration.

1.The rare Blades are all designed by different guest artists.

>>all rare blades are just going to be a generic anime girl + a element
What an age to be alive.

Does someone have the webm of the weird samurai looking dude that was recently revealed?

There's plenty of rare Blades that aren't elemental anime girls and all rare Blades are designed by different guess artists.

This nigga better be voiced by berkut in the englush version.

The longer version has more at the beginning of the video.
Blades can equip different weapons.

I hope that dude gets more good roles, hell I wish all of the VAs from FE Echoes get good future roles, the voice acting in that game is great. The VA strike has only helped voice acting in games.

Yeah, that's definitely longer, but what's the source of that Youtube video?
I thought Monolith Soft only posted the Twitter video:

The Blades might change forms as you increase affinity with them. It wouldn't make much sense for them to just be able to swap out the physical manifestation of their power like that.

Nigga that's Ian "Space Dandy" Sinclair.

Looks like it was posted on the jp site news.

Thanks. Here's the longer webm if someone wants it.

Are there any other JRPG dubs that can match this one? Any other game dubs at all?

any other dubs in general?

soul sacrifice


Kid Icarus: Uprising. It isn't a JRPG though.

Am I the only one who really doesn't like Fiora's voice? I thought she dragged down the otherwise excellent dub and wasn't good in XCX either whereas Adam Howden was great in both.

>The VA strike has only helped voice acting in games.
I whole heatedly agree my man.

Question for people still playing X. What monsters drop treasure sensor gear?

KI:U is almost cheating because the dub rewrites so much. It kinda dodges the Western actors in Japanese melodrama problem by going for a more cartoonish feel.

She has a similar deal to Rex's VA where she doesn't shout very well but sounds pretty alright in natural dialogue, though I'd say she's a bit better at the shouting.

>The VA strike has only helped voice acting in games
Seriously. I'm glad some of these guys are getting a chance to get a voice acting portfolio going (even if most of them are game devs or whatever) instead of Matt Mercer getting 14,000 new roles
She's kind of squeaky but I thought her delivery was good.

I keep hearing this alot, but I've never seen any concrete proof of new VA's getting a shot specifically because of the old ones stepping out. By which I mean, give me some proof because I'd totally like to see it.

If memory serves me right treasure sensor can only be found on helmets from enemy drops, but they can be found from most enemies. if you want more then make augments or buy treasure sensor gear from candid and credible at the shop



I rather the cat.

Who /benchingRex/ here?

>the wind blows hard in december
>xenoblade 2 comes out december 1st


well damn

Baten Kaitos Origins

Only because I want to try mixing and matching my party instead of getting comfy with one character and only playing them forever. I don't hate the guy.

How far did you get in 1 before you lost your save?

When your climbing to the top of the mechonis head right before you fight the Gadolt Face

That's so unlucky, I think I have a backup that is a couple of hours after that, I did it when I moved my save data to my Wii U. It's just before fighting Egil.

Yeah it's okay though my only critisism is that the padding near the ending is atrocious
Go find this key to fight a sponge enemy and fight 6 minibosses who can't even hit me at this point and the maze that is prison island I said fuck it and moonjumped to the objectives

Xenoblade remake when? 8k pls

Ugh I had the settings so low near the start
looked a lot better near the end

the .jpg doesn't help fuck. I swear it looks alot better I just cant upload .pngs cause gook moot

It needs a full reimagining. More interactive, bigger, even more creativity to the environments.

>even more creativity to the environments.
user I dont that is possible

Both have the same problem, why were you playing with a low internal resolution?

Wait lemme boot up dolphin

mind sharing your graphics options?

Sounds to me like Xenoblade Chronicles X is the game for you.

I love this series so much, I really like how it's rooted in gnosticism.

The only setting that really matters is internal resolution. Scaled EFB Copy needs to be checked though, default should be on or it will look low res like those other screenshots.

take off Forced Texture Filtering and per pixel lighting, check scaled EFB copy.

LOOKS GREAT WOW Ima replay the game now

X had worse environments with no interactivity. It’s still a great game though.

It has to be dammit, they just need to play into their own environment concepts more.

I still havent beat the end boss cause my build was centered around skells
and got my dick kicked in when drain my fuel. might just hack the console and use cheats cause its bullshit when they give you a neww thing to fuck around with then BOOM its useless fucking devs
What do you mean?

Just finished the game for the first time. Hold me lads.

Me also fren! sorry it look like shit all muh xeno screenshots be better from now on
Have you played X?
also wii U support for online what has that done to X?

Also when egil says The world needs no god can somebody shop a fedora onto him?

More like Baten Kaitos then?

>all rare blades are just going to be a generic anime girl + a element
Selective vision huh.

I cant wait. I miss Shulk still desu im really hoping for a Monado easter egg where you can get it or atleast a replica

Now that's just silly looking.

Fuck I hit post while typing. anyway how many have we seen?

Yeah I played X when it came out. there were some co op missions you could do with other players on the wii u

Yea i bought it day one but my wifi is so slow I just have it turned off unless updates or DLC come out

We've seen 7 rare blades on Twitter. 5 out of 7 of them are female.

Completely eyeballing the steelbook cover-art, there are 7 story relevant blades, again 5 out of 7 being female.

Wait I missed Finch/Ibuki, who I want to say is female but could be up for debate.

Im hoping for a Shulk one then.
also look I made the game look like Oblivion!

Are you ready for Poppi's full capabilities?

Well the game did have a good amount of variety to its locations, and its a Monolith Soft game too.

Some of those look like rejected Chrono Cross locales.

Okay then, here's another question.

Are there any other game dubs as international as this one? So far we have 3/4 of the countries in the UK (and we'll probably get the fourth), plus Australia and the USA (or is it Canada, or both?), all being used to give the residents of the different Titans their own unique sound.

Xenoblade 2's world setting seems pretty similar to Baiten Kaitos so far, what with the game's locations taking place on floating titans/islands in the sky. The ocean was important in BK, I wonder what the deal with the cloud sea is in XC2.

The game director of Baiten Kaitos (Yasuyuki Honne) worked on art design for Chrono Cross, Xenogears, and Xenoblade too.

>TFW the only other good third party ARPG wii game doesnt run on your pc but it ALMOST does
Fucking Last Story y do this?

Maybe? I just want them to play more into the designs from Xenoblade.

It’s the same guy you dimwit.
It looks great.

Fair enough I love the Valak mountains one of my favourite areas in gaming in general to bad there is nothing to do besdies that janky ass slide that iv lost more lives to then all the enemies in the game combined

Yea exactly.

woops qouted ya twice

I think it was the tech at the time there was no reason that game should have been on the wii hell look at stairs STAIRS ARE A FUCKING TEXTURE lets hope we get a remaster one day

any dual audio news?

I'm playing XC for the first time on 3ds, and I'm surprised at how much fun I'm having. My only question is, why are there so many high level monsters in early game areas? Am I supposed to go back and beat them later? Some of these fuckers are lv 90. What level should I be at when I beat the game?

Most people beat the game around level ~400

loving the music so far. action battle is fantastic, and the battle themes we can hear in the direct feed gameplay vids sound awesome

can't fucking wait for this game