what does Sup Forums see in this image?
What does Sup Forums see in this image?
*image searches it*
Pshhh nothing personnel, OP.
a baby
It's a dog you dumbasses
Its ma dug :DDD
was the funyarinpa behind it all?
a little man about to suck someone's peepee
Your mom
A little girl with a sailor fuku and a weird hairstyle.
nice pic, was going through my Sup Forums folder and decided to sort my 999/vlr images
hit me up with some good Zero Escape art if you have some my man
not a whole lot but here are some phi boobies.
two bears high fiving
I love her.
I thought cat but it was a dog. Close enough
A dag.
A crow standing on top of a sword stuck on the ground.
Some kind of spider walker droid raising an armored foreleg up, getting ready to crush something underfoot.
I see a horse with those red plumes from roman helmets.
A Mummy
Mr. Game and Watch autofellatio in a steamy room.
A dog scratching his right paw with his mouth
Kinda like when dogs have some fleas and just stop for second to bit them off or something
Napstablook holding a rabbit
I saw some aztec looking shit
An anime girl
me fucking your mom LOL
A sad man sitting in the fog.
An anteater.
A girl with pig-tails and a tail on her hands getting railed off screen.
A Funyarinpa
Two bears high fiving.
I do call bullshit on not expounding on Kyle and ??? and the shitty animations in the Vita version.
Maybe it's just me playing tricks on myself, but some of the portraits in this art really do remind me of (legit ZTD spoiler) Sigma/spoiler]
>tfw you're the son of a bitch
A spartan helmet floating in wavy water
he does some pretty bullshit stuff so who knows
About tree fiddy.
Thanks doc
>expecting a game to be good is expecting too much
kys yourself
This is a pretty weird dose Doc. What the fuck did you give me?
a fucking dog. I can't stop seeing that dog. SEND HELP.
it's actually not very good at all really.
What's it say if you can't see anything? Just looks like a mess.
I'd say "cheap" is the best word to describe it.
A dog with a real fucked up face
scared cat
I see a creature kneeling over in depression. Fuck.
Luna is best robutt. I want to hug and marry her.