*Ruins Halo 2 multiplayer*
*Ruins Halo 2 multiplayer*
You mean improves?
*plays shitty dudebro games*
>acts like a contrarian on Sup Forums
>is completely worthless in every game its appeared in
By making every other weapon useless?
Not my fault Bungie is shit at balance. The BR made Halo 2 & 3 playable.
>The BR made Halo 2 & 3 playable.
The fuck does this even mean? You take the BR out of 2 and it would be more fun
Not really. Then you'd just have a bunch of piss-weak automatics to spray at each other, and a magnum that took more shots to kill than a magazine held.
It would be a tickle fest with every other shit weapon. The game was balanced around the br.
>The game was balanced around the br.
But 2's multiplayer isn't balanced, because the BR blows every other weapon out of the water in every circumstance
Then it would be everyone using the Caribine, aka Alien BR But Shittier
Use it with a Plasma Rifle, your world changes
>Not really. Then you'd just have a bunch of piss-weak automatics to spray at each other, and a magnum that took more shots to kill than a magazine held
But that would be better and more in line with how 3's multiplayer ended up being, more close engagements with greater use of skillful grenade angling.
>spraying bullet hoses at each other
>more fun
The Battle Rifle is objectively the worst thing that happened to the Halo Series
Halo drew heavily from Arena gameplay in terms of design, obviously it slowed it down to accommodate consoles but the core gameplay mimicked it.
At the heart of Arena gameplay is Map/Weapon control - controlling these weapons, knowing their spawn times and securing them to take victory
The battle rifle just takes a shit on this - it's a starting weapon in most playlists or very common in others, and is incredibly strong. It has range, a scope, can one shot when combined with a grenade, has a large clip and can contend with most power weapons at a variety of ranges
So map control becomes less important, and the maps become more and more open, more ranged, and suddenly the entire basis of the game is just shooting midrange with BRs for headshots and close range combat becomes grenade headshot melee combos
The BR is a power weapon and should have been treated as such
*BxRs in front of you"
heh, nothing personnel, kid
Yes, having more weapon variety is more fun, using one weapon for 95% of engagements is not fun
No, not at all.
Consider the following: Halo 2's power weapons never respawned until the old was was dropped or despawned. So if you didn't get the sniper right off the bat, you were fucked because you wouldn't be able to challenge him nor would you be able to get another one to try and make it a fair fight. At least a BR would be able to challenge and kill within a reasonable amount of time.
>decide to install El Dewrito
>have fun replaying something similar to 3
>feels like it takes forever to kill everyone else
>feel like I die more
>having more weapon variety is more fun
Maybe for you. I don't see the variety in having 6 "different" bullet hoses that all act more or less the same with maybe some slight difference between health and shield damage.
Halo has spawned you with the good guns ever since day 1.
Woah...it's almost like...power weapons...are intended to be game winning mechanics...woah
The BR is no better than the CE pistol
Sounds like pretty shit design if power weapons are literally unstoppable and 8-12 guaranteed kills for each spawn. The best part of Halo is that when you use the right spawning weapon you aren't ever 100% helpless to other players.
git gud
>Sounds like pretty shit design if power weapons are literally unstoppable and 8-12 guaranteed kills for each spawn. The best part of Halo is that when you use the right spawning weapon you aren't ever 100% helpless to other players.
So it's better to spawn with a weapon BETTER than all the power weapons right off the bat? Is that right?
>better than all of the power weapons
Except it's really not.
tfw I used to kill people within a second or two because of the glitch. BXR was also a great glitch.
Pistol had a smaller mag size for one
>12 bullets
>12 3 rd bursts
OK brainlet
No it didn't. The pistol had 12 shots, and the BR had 36 shots but fired 3 bullets at a time. The pistol also killed in 3 trigger pulls while the BR killed in 4.
I think it had a lot of worth in halo 5. Nice little gun to spray people with.
halo3's MP was better
We know, but try telling that to 2 babies
I'd like to hear your reasoning why a slower, more random version of Halo 2 with worse maps is better than Halo 2.
Except due to the three round burst they have the same effective magazine size. In typical gameplay the three round burst is pretty much treated as a single shot, I'm not aware of any viable strategies that lets you use the three shots as independent entities.
You can sweep in SWAT for multikills, but that's about it.
We know, just don't let the Halo 2 fags know that. Campaign is also better.
Campaign yes, story fuck no. Halo 2 was kino and 3 was full of sloppy writing.
*blocks your path*
DMR is waifu for laifu
>this is what 2 babies actually believe
if anything, 2 had the worst story and 1 had the best
Yeah I remember Halo 2's campaign being the worst, it introduced so little new to the game in terms of weapons and had a real sloppy end boss fight that was just a cutscene.
Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, because its been over a decade since I played it, but man, I was burnt on that one.
I'm a 3baby and 2 has the best story of any Halo. CE is also good, they go for different things. CE is completely self contained while 2 expands on just about every facet of the universe.
If you think it's shit then that's just a pretty garbage opinion.
Is that a FAMAS?
Why did they make this thing a 3 shot burst instead of semi auto like at E3? I hate burst weapons, makes it feel like you're wasting ammo.
>make it the main weapon in ODST
>can't dual wield and they didn't balance it's damage around that and there's absolutely no reason to use it over the AutoMag
What was even the point.
Because outside of concept and atmosphere, ODST was trash
>and had a real sloppy end boss fight that was just a cutscene
As bad as the battle with Tartarus was (and poorly balanced as Halo 2's campaign is), it wasn't a scripted cutscene.
that music tho
t. Bad kid who needs to git gud
Sorry you suck mang
Why is it designed so that the grip can't fold back like you would think its supposed to? Am i supposed to believe that you fold it forward?
>2 expands on just about every facet of the universe
Not him but that's Halo 2's problem. I'm glad they made the Phoenix Logs (Halo's codex) to handle this shit in future games.
Does anyone actually use the burst-fire mode in ANY shooting video game?
pic related does.
Played ODST on legendary not long ago.
What are you on about?
This weapon easily kills just about anything and anyone. It chugs ammo like a bitch though.
I remember it doing fuck all to brute shields on Legendary, on that difficulty you're better off ditching it for a plasma pistol or just about anything else
What does it have to do with skill?
I always found it to be almost completely useless against brutes and it takes like half a mag to take down grunts. There's no reason why you shouldn't use the pistol and just headshot everyone and just ditch the SMG for a shotgun or some other weapon to take out brute's shields.
As if projectile weapons being bad against shields is something new.
One thing I didn't like ab out ODST was that even on legendary it was piss easy.
CE? 2? Even 3? Please god have mercy!
ODST? Finished in one afternoon.
The thing I did like is how good the otherwise shit weapons felt, like plasma rifle and the SMG.
It doesn't fold, it slides.
I don't recall Halo 3 on Legendary being any harder than Heroic.
So what you're saying is the BR forced people to actually have skill?
All power weapons still beat it if you don't play like a fucking retard. Shotguns, swords, rockets all win at close range.
>being this bad at halo
There's a difference between it being bad and being unusable. The CE AR vs Elite shields could still work, same with the 2 and 3 BR against Elites and Brutes. The Reach AR and DMR were actually pretty strong.
But I recall the ODST SMG being so pitiful that you'd always get killed trying to use it only. Take like 2 or more clips to drop a Brute shield, and at that point why bother.
Then maybe I'm just bad; shows you how easy ODST was.
only difference was you're guarenteed to get random sniped at least 2 more times per level
The AR in ODST was actually pretty good too, so really the SMG was kinda pointless. The only thing it had going for it was how plentiful ammo for it was in comparison to everything else.
The bugs with the BR objectively made the MP experience 10 times better.
Everyone knows that true Halo is based around vehicle combat. There is no better Halo experience than big team battle on Sandtrap Heavies.
yeah that's fine until you fight the guy that got just as gud as you
vehicle based combat is cancer and honestly the least interesting part about every game. Games always suffer from being heavily vehicle based.
It ruined every multiplayer it touched aside from maybe 5s.
5s SMG is top notch, shit shreds in its range.
vehicle based combat is fun and honestly the most interesting part about every game. Games always gain from being heavily vehicle based.
i did back when I played CoD
Depending on your aim, burst was enough to kill someone, so I'd always use either burst weapons, or set my fire rate to burst. It was more accurate than spraying and did sufficient damage.
Some of you are alright, don't play on Legendary tomorrow.
I rekt shit dual-wielding those, fight me pussy
Ivan thanks you for the bitcoins
Halo has always had a fucked up sandbox, the closest thing to a balanced sandbox is either 3 or 5. Regular matchmaking has always had worst settings than what you can do in custom games, which is why I hate that "customs" means minigames instead of people having normal matches under their own curated rulesets.
One hit to the upper chest and recoil brought it up for a headshot. Combine with stopping power for 1 shot kills to center-mass.
>Used to rape BR fags anytime they came into it's optimal range.
Did exactly what it was supposed to.
Are you kidding me? Automatics were damn near completely banned in H5, this thing kicks ass
>hating Halo's vehicle gameplay
Get the fuck out of here.
I do on Jagged Alliance if I can get away with it.
BF3's An-94 has a godlike 2 round burst. It's like single shot but double the damage because it's accurate with a super high rate of fire. Plus with a quick trigger finger it's most efficient than the full auto function.
It's almost power weapon tier in 5, actually.
5 in general really excels at having all the guns be actually useful, though BRfags are obviously mad as fuck by this and constantly demand they be nerfed (the AR was even better in the beta and got nerfed in the final game but is still good, and then their bitching may have made it even worse again in the tuning update, we'll have to see)
343i needs to just redesign how autos work in general so they don't have spread out the ass so skilled usage with them can be rewarded. They said they wanted to do that with the AR in the tuning update but then in the actual update it didn't do that and after the testing period was over they backpedaled and said they'd be balancing it around full auto fire.
CE, Reach, and even 4 had more balanced sandboxes then 3.
All these bks saying the BR ruined Halo.
You know what ruined Halo? Bungie stopped making it .
The BR helped put Halo on the competitive map. If you don't like BR you obviously don't understand how to play Halo and you opinion is less than shit.
Fuck off faggot, the BR is easy as shit to use and always has been.
It's possible for Halo to be competitive without having a single gun other then power weapons be the only one worth using.
BR fucking sucked you ass, I love Halo 3 but that piece of shit gun ruined multiplayer. BR starts are a sin to Halo.
CE had the pistol
2 and 3 had the BR
Reach had the DMR
Halo 4 and 5 had better balance than Bungie's Halo games and I hope that we don't get BR starts in Halo 6 because they suck in Halo 5 as well.
It seems like we are getting BR starts in 5 after the tuning update is finalized based on the livestream they did after the testing period was over
Oh shit, I hope it's at least balanced out, it makes playing BTB a chore when you can get snipe across the map.
You could melt through anyone with SMG + PR in 2, the edge BR had over them was being able to use grenades, though
Listen worm. The BR "is easy as shit to use" and difficult to master which makes the skill gap near perfect. Let's casuals feel powerful until they run into someone who knows how to properly use it.
Sure, they could have made banshee vs worthogs competitive if they tried hard enough. Just saying anyone who thinks BRs runied halo needs education.
I don't know user.
I was optimistic when the tuning update was announced since it seemed like they were nerfing most guns to be less all around good, such as making the BR more exclusively mid range and the DMR more exlcusively long ranged, and since they said they were going to make the AR more skill based, but the actual update left a lot to be desired, and then the stream after the test update went out implied they were giving up on trying to make the AR reward burst fire.
I really wish 343i for Halo 6 wuld just completely change how autos work and have them be low spread, guns that reward accurate fire like every other shooter does.
Except it's TOO good for how low it's skill floor is. Even a bad player can do better with a BR then a really good player using the SMG or Needler or plasma rifle in 2 or 3 at all but absurdly close ranges, and even at close ranges the BR can still win half the time.
>tfw just played through all of ODST today
Would have been 100% perfect with the BR instead of the scope magnum, otherwise 9.5/10 single player
>Bungie stops making Halo
>Halo becomes immediately irrelevant in any serious competitive circles