Dice's Battlefront 2

Looks fucking amazing. I just hope the campaign is over 8 hours

Confirm 5-7 hours

Background noise let's play game. I can accept that.

>make campaign about the empire
>you still have to be a goody two shoes anyway
whats the point

Anoter game where I just youtube "Game Full Movie" and watch until I get bored

>"badass" girl character breaks out of rebel prison by herself killing countless rebels in the first mission of the game

>sees death star blow up, white male "squad mates" are devastated, Badass girl says "suck it up, lets move"

Really makes you think

With 44 GBs maybe it'll be 7-10 hours long? To put it in perspective BF1 was only like 18 gbs

I like how you were careful not to say "EAs Battlefront 2". Solid shill tactic.

She looks more shocked than the two cis white male scum behind her and then she just instantly changes expression. I didn't really like that, that's either horrible writing or bad animations.

OG battlefront 2's stormtrooper campaign was kino

I'm not going to play through the potentially cringe campaign. Gonna have to skip on that.

star wars fag in me is curious on what the fuck is order inferno. But beyond that,i have no interest in playing this game thanks to the lootboxes

why does Sup Forums have to always bring up gender drama you fags are just as bad as sjw's

Looks worse than bf1 but muh star wars

It's in the games


ok but where is teh fuckin gameplay you tool

>retarded Nu-trilogy
Kmart sue wimminz in white supremacist (human) organization
Fuck off. This should have been mostly Clone Wars not watered down Original Trilogy to pander to nostalgia faggot second class """""fans"""'"" who only seen the movies. We could have had amazing battles on Geonosis, Mon Calamari, Coruscant, Mustafar and Felucia but we get fucking shit.

I think Sup Forumstards are just gamergoobers that never recovered from getting eternally rekt by the media so they aligned their political views with an orange misogynist oompaloompa who hates journalists and niggers - they've literally turned their backs on their hobby and replaced it with spending every waking moment getting back at SJWs or something.

or they just spend their time mocking you


Mandatory trash.

>this entire lack of argument

Thanks for proving me wrong, goober.

*blocks your path*

I stopped reading your autistic screeching at Sup Forumstard. Try Reddit, unless that's too alt-right for you retarded hugbox needing nigger.


>hugbox needing nigger
What is english? Are you a negro by any chance?

He called you a derogatory term. Everyone who reads the exchange between you two will understand that. What is your point?

Would you have cared as much if the main character was a Twi'lek, Rodian, or any other alien race?

I think people would have orgasms over that. That would be dope.

That wouldn't happen, because Dice is only interested in propaganda and alien races don't exist, only brown women.

Ah, black on black violence. Appreciate the confirmation.

>hologram of her with a bunch of Rebels
>part where she confronts Luke

That pretty much gives it away that she'll turn towards the rebels. I knew they wouldn't be able to make an actual Empire campaign.

>Sup Forums
>no moderation or censorship
I can tell this homo is either some newfag redditgee who think this place is the wild west or is just a plain newfag

For real, there's a fucking sticky imposing moderation right now.

Now you're writing as if you answered the previous question. Decidedly walking away from the first point you made yourself. Using an assumption without a subject is illogical.

If you expect anything more then the most generic story line and reused assets from the multiplayer game then im laughing at you.

Actually this is quite true. However, that's not some argument in favor of right-wing policy, unless you think society should have no laws whatsoever.

Not Battlefront


Nah, I got a warning earlier. They do things occasionally... sorta. Not sure I would call it moderation though.

Now you're writing as if you answered the previous question. Decidedly walking away from the first point you made yourself. Using an assumption without a subject is illogical.

>Want to play as a stormtrooper in a campaign?
>Here, you get to play as a brown mid 30s office lady
What a weird design choice

That aside I already got to play the beta and it fucking sucked. The only thing I liked was the visuals.

respect women

I might actually be interested in this story if she stayed fighting for the empire the whole way through, but there's a 100% chance she'll turn sides. It wasn't until the end of the trailer that I remembered they're supposed to be the bad guys.

How are there still sjws these days?

How come we can't talk about the neo neofaggots?

That explains the heavy moderation and censorship on right-wing forums.

By not answer to the accusations, you proved that user correct in his assertion. I know you're shitposting, I am as well. Exposing people, like yourself who don't put any effort into it. Quote chain never lies.

By not answer to the accusations, you proved that user correct in his assertion. I know you're shitposting, I am as well. Exposing people, like yourself who don't put any effort into it. Quote chain never lies.

Usually when you get cancer, it's hard to find a cure.

You are projecting. Only people who get upset are people like you when someone doesn't tow the partly line. You're like meltdown about President Trump proved this.

caught a SEXIST on twitter not respecting women

Are there still people mean if all people any try and suck sarkeesian pussy?

You're upset, so using your own logic, you're projecting.

It's not pol it's the majority of gamers.

>alt-right in charge of not projecting

I'm responding to you, I don't stress it like your do.

>a few alt-right virgins on Sup Forums are everyone who plays video games

top kek

>this kool-aid chugging freak is the writer of the campaign

It will be 2 hours like all modern FPS campaigns.

He's right tho, just look at neogaf vs. Sup Forums or LiveLeak vs. youtube.

Alt right is no longer alt, it's not mainstream majority.


You need another reason other than the lootboxes not to buy this turd?

retards called anyone alt-right, and that's proof enough that it wasn't even a real thing. It was just a scapegoat for the media to use, like the KKK.

You wouldn't have written anything otherwise. You're projecting.

List them user. I'm already no getting it because of the linear objective based matches.

How did this thread become yet another topic on politics and social justice jesus fucking christ you are all obsessed.

>feminist twitter crusader writes for an EA game's campaign in which the main character is a strong independent woman of color

I can always spot the neogaffers. Sup Forums is pol and vice versa.

>P2W lootbox system
>SJW writer
>Shit balance
The P2W lootbox system automatically makes this game trash tier like OW.

The new star wars films get this treatment, I wouldn't worry about it. Ride the wave of history dude.

mods bans and remove post all the time.More so if you're on less populated boards.
again, you're trying just present right wing politics as the ideology of the "free thinking man" and liberalism as the " authoritarian thought of the brainlets". It also doesn't help your case that reddits biggest hugboxs and censorship blocks are right leaning subs like r/the Donald r/conservative It's partisan hackery in its purest forms


But does the MC deflect to the rebels side at the end? I'm hoping for a bittersweet or better yet, bad end where the MC dies for what she believes in, the fucking Empire.

Hillary made it big when she gave speech about it Aug 2016. The liberal media almost immediately released a bunch of stories about it. The thing is it backfired and they basically created a new right wing political movement that has been growing ever since.

Nah, I'm just some dude commenting about mods, I don't care about your world view because you're trash just like every other person I meet regardless of ideology or fucking belief. Get fuck and then unwad your panties you slow ass piece of shit. Obviously my writing style and grammar were different then that other user. Fucking think before you post.

>No u

Great argument

>people buying a pay to win, lootbox full $60 game that time locks limits your single player progression.

You all should kill yourselves and make the world a better place but kill EA and Dice first.

So long as it was an actual fucking alien, not that droopy eyed lookalikes all with human flesh pallets from the abysmal Nu-trilogy. I'd fucking love it if an MC to Star Wars was a Garuda, Zabrak, Quarren, Twi-lek or Rodian. But it'll never happen because normalfag nu-male cucks cannot "relate" to the character if it's not human, whatever the fuck that means.

A couple of gaffugees got salty when someone made fun of a woman.

I didn't say no you though, I pointed out that a person who obviously sees the post as insignificant (as you pointed out) wouldn't have replied. I pointed that out. Far cry from a "no u".

Honestly would've been pretty sick

It has Yoda in it though

Yea, that's one theory. Another theory is that the media started using the term alt-right to describe twitter users with anime avatars. This was way before Hillary's speech.

One sub really triggers the left on Reddit. They literally have every major default sub where they bad and censor everything.

BF1 was like 60GB's though, and didn't have a campaign. How are you downloading it right now?

> I don't care about your world view because you're trash just like every other person
I don't care that you insulted me. but this is genuinely the realist thing I've heard on here today.
rock on user. rock on

A recent containment site just burned down and now we're currently dealing with the aftermath of hugbox faggots. Don't worry majority of them can't handle jokes, banter or namecalling and will leave in a week or so to Sup Forums or gamefaq. Not R*ddit though because its too "alt-right" for them.

Some pre load on Xbox apparently.

You spent a few minutes posting about a small fee m sentence someone posted and accused them off obsessing then managed to bring Trump into it.

I just call it like I see it. Try not being such a phoney.

BF1 has a campaign.

We don't want them on Sup Forums either.

Fuck i'm dumb. Thought you meant Battlefield 1 for some fucking reason.

Every board on Reddit is a shithole where they downvote everything to censor, left or right, it doesn't matter. The """uncensored""" board uses new sources less credible than my ass.
Don't go on the internet if you want politics, you can't tell if the person you're talking to is 15, or an insane 70 year old. The only thing these sites are good for are discussing entertainment, and Reddit for smaller boards to find information.

>there's no place that is free from sjw cancer
>but if you point that out, you get
damn goamergoators! damn pol! REEEE!

>playing DICE games

Well too bad faggot, Sup Forums was recently pusted as a safehaven for these leftist loony cucks. Would have made sense if it was Sup Forums but I guess Tumblr and Neofag Don't get along.

neogaf refugee eh?