Is it worth it to mod and play this in original language, or is the English dub serviceable?

Is it worth it to mod and play this in original language, or is the English dub serviceable?

Barring that, has anyone who played it figured out of a Shaman can function as the only healer in the party?

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I've been looking at this screen for two hours. Someone please help me. I want to play but I fucking SUCK at picking names.

I named my Vanguard because when I was 15 that's what I named my guild in EO1, though I never got past the 8th floor.



I turned off voices. Now it's just like playing EOIV

I always just use Graviton.

I name mine Ratatoskr because it's a squirrel traveling across Yggdrasil to deliver shitpost between a bird and a dragon.

I've heard worse dubs. Mellow is the best male voice.
>Sorry, not sorry.

I named mine Suicide.
>hey, it's the Suicide Guild!
would've been funnier if I could change Guild for Squad, but eh.

Is it normal I can't figure out team composition in this one compared the other games?

It's harder now that each class has two potential roles instead of one. Except for Necromancers who I still have no idea how to utilize correctly.


Get one pet class one healer
Everything else is optional.

I'm playing the demo and I have difficulty just starting. I suppose Dragoons can be used frontline even if the description says backrow defenders.

Make an all female party and pick random cute names from anime or vidya who fit the role. It's what I do for every EO.

Has anybody got the autism to figure out what race switching into another class is best for each class? Does it really matter?

Necromancers seem bad. Like, really fucking bad. Not only do they want all 3 summon slots dissuading you from using a Rover or Dragoon, but the big payoff skills like Wraith Explosion have shit damage numbers for how much investment it takes.

Is there something I'm not getting, or one skill I haven't tried that's broken?

I'm thinking the same thing, I'm contemplating changing the class so I still have my titty monster portrait, which is the entire reason I put one in my party

Most classes are good in their base race. Exceptions I can think of:

Fencers are much better as Therians.
Pugilists can be TP hungry depending on the build (Leading Blow is 30 fucking TP) so you might consider Therian for lower LUK and defenses but higher STR and TP.
Smoke Botanists are much better as Earthlains or Celestians.

Wait you can choose which race/class combination to go with? Holy fucking shit I wish I knew this

The game sort of tricks you early on, but after you finish the first floor you can Class Change.

I played undub, and jap voices still felt terrible except innkeeper
Turn off is best option

first floor, or first stratum?

Sorta. You get reclassing after the first mission, it costs 5 levels in general but that literally means nothing for your fresh level 1 recruit

Very first floor, after you complete the tutorial task the Prince gives you.

I must have missed that. I'll just roll with this team now I guess, I wasn't particularly worried about changing other than for aesthetic reasons

>Shae the Shaman
>Necky the Necromancer
>Warl the Warlock
>Pudge the Pugilist
>Masur the Masurao

How does 5, eou, and whatever the 2 remake are compare to 3 and 4?

Also are there race-specific portraits for each class?

are DLC classes?

I don't like any of these classes.

>chains can trigger hell slash, but hell slash cannot trigger chains

what the fuck is this shit.

Nope, you keep the original portrait when you class change. So you can have a necrololi Botanist if you want.

untolds are worse than both, 5 is almost on the 3 level

Kinda sucks. Seems like a bit of an oversight imo.

So after experamenting with each class for a while, they all seem strong and useful except three.

Harbringer has okay debuffs but shit everything else, and if you realky want debuffs you can find them on other more useful classes.
Necromancer I agree with Masuro is okay but seems like a worse Fencer.

Harbinger is really good once you unlock mastery and get some skill points in it, it just starts out shitty

In the third stratum and now my Deathbringer is invaluable, I just cast Wilting or Stifling Miasma, get Miasma Armor going, inflict poison or panic, then autoattack or go for Frigid Reap, their poison does a shitload of damage too, definitely maxing Toxic Reap out, and Wilting Miasma makes it way easier for my 1kat and omnimancer to apply binds

Edgy scythe man felt like dead weight early on but now I'm really glad I brought one

I think it's less of an oversight and more that they didn't want to take the time to make 27 more portraits, that's why the generic race ones are an option

Use grave on necro + dragon roar on dragoon. /eog/ agrees necro is probably the most OP class.


Adding to what the other guy said Celestrian makes great shamans as well due to a higher TP pool and shaman's heals not relying as much on WIS like botanist. For Divine Punisher its a straight upgrade due to all of the above and having better offensive stats, Herald is probably also better but having your healer/primary support be the guy with the lowest HP pool and AGI might not be the greatest idea

Oh, I never considered that because I was busy bunker spamming with my Dragoon. For that reason I didn't want to put them on the same team.

This is what I'm running. It's 1000+ damage and a near-guarantee paralysis per proc. Not sure why people say they're bad, unless they're only in the 1st stratum, or their comp directly conflicts with a necro's capabilities.


I'm only in first stratum, but game got 100 times easier when I realized that Dragoon's Dragon Roar is Provoke(Taunt) PLUS Fortify in one.

Dragon Roar sounds like a dps ability(and is one in WoW). What a terrible name -_-

Seem like Dragoon(tank) and Botanist(Heal) are must haves

reeeeee I just reclassed my harbinger as a chain fencer

i regret it but I can't lose another five levels just to change him back

Necros healing ability can make botanists kind of pointless. But I like having one anyway for debuffs

I like to play without using the generic healer and tank classes, thank you

I'm bringing along a Dragoon with the intention of making him someone who just throws down bunkers and then goes for DPS. Also a frontliner Warlock. And the only one with heals is a Shaman.

Now if only the game would get here through the mail.

>tfw 4 hours in and still struggling with Fencer/Reaper Botanist/Rover/Warlock

How badly did I fall for the memes?

I'm kinda regretting going Shield Dragoon and might respec them into Cannon in the future and do that, because as it is now guard skills are rarely necessary even for FOEs and bosses, especially if you keep shit like Defense Form and Stifling Miasma up, and I pretty much just throw my bunkers down and sit there autoattacking anyway

That party will probably get decent by the time you unlock mastery to cover its weak points, but yeah you're in for a rough start, you have no reliable frontline damage

fencer needs a party dedicated to proccing its links and harbinger is garbage until you get 2nd names

>Want to respec one person
>Respec the other four too even though their builds are fine because my autism won't allow me to have one party member 2 levels below the others

If you think that's bad, I reset my 3DS every time a character goes down and I can't revive them before the end of combat because I need them all to have the exact same EXP

You get an accessory that lets you basically keep even exp forever since it tops off your level bars but doesn't let you level up


Cannon Bearer gets to have fun with nuke/ailment setups while still bringing all the mitigation you need either through bunkers or the basic guard skills.

can i get some adivice? im running a fencer,reaper,shaman,warlock, necromancer i got them to lvl 20 can someone help me choose skills and mastery choices? i have no healer

Yeah I just hit 15F, I think as soon as I'm done with this stratum I'm doing another respec and changing them to cannon, I keep Wilting Miasma up at all times anyway so I could probably make good use of them with my party

Does Pile On include summons?

Shaman is enough healing if you max Gospel and Appease Spirits. It's also not WIS dependant and works great with Vitality prayer. 1 rank of Holy Flame is all you need for out of combat top off healing.

Your party is the same as mine starting out but I swapped my Fencer for a Masurao to make things a lot easier. Relying on a Bowtanist to proc 2 instances of chain is really inefficient imo so Im reallocating Fencer to the farmer squad as an emergency dodge tank instead. Masuraos are godly and my Reaper can suck up some good damage for a deadweight.

>Doesn't like any of the classes
huge fucking faggot alert

Are Necrololis huge sluts?

No reason to not just turn off voices. There's no need for voices in EO.

I can barely beat the first centipede foes atlevel 10 with a Dragoon/Masuro/Pugilist/Shaman/Rover comp, did I fuck it all up?

No, just DLC portraits for Teach, Mediko, Jack Frost Gunner, and some shitty highschool themed OCs that seem really out of place.

Does bunkergoon fuck up with rover too much?

>Except for Necromancers who I still have no idea how to utilize correctly.
Evoker has Tombstone Vice, the best status skill in the game. If you have an elemental party it's 1-4 turns of absolutely free damage.

Broker is just a weird caster-esque class. Wraith Explosion's actually really good AoE damage.

Best to think of Necro as a support who can occasionally do damage, though. Broker can support by making pretty strong Fierce Shield zombies with Zombie Powder or Sacrifice -> Gates of Hell.

I beat them the first time I encountered them at level 5 with only 1 death I healed with a Nectar. Use summons, especially Bunkers if you have a dragoon, they're immune to statuses.

Didn't mean to reply

Easy, just think what your characters would name it.
The hard part is thinking of names for your characters

Bind his head.

I did and that's why I won, it wasted a ton of turns trying to poison bite while bound.

I'm surprised you aren't crying about how there's also no FM music and 3d models either grandpa. Fuck off back to playing EO3 then

There's an item you can get ~halfway through the 4th Stratum that gives your party XP equal to their levels every step you take. It can't level you up, so if you get your party close to levelling up you can stick that accessory on, go down to the 1st Stratum, walk around a bit and run from every fight until they're all 1 XP away from levelling up. Badabing, even experience.

can someone help me come up with mastery names for my team?

Double Attack usually burns them quickly. I could never beat toxipedes at a reasonable pace without it when I was at your level.

Thriller for Necro if she's gonna get Wraith Dance.

Most of my unions went into Resusicate because when it did land poison bite off, it either outright killed someone or the poison did.
I dunno, should I replace one of my characters?

>play FFTA, name guild "Beatdown"
>later learn it's a skill in the game

And ever since that coincidence, every game that lets me name my guild, it's always "Beatdown". I think it sounds like an autistic name, but it's my shtick.

Holy crap, this has to be the best third stratum in the series. Solid gold except for the part where it makes you go look for the stairs without any clue as to where they are.
Even worse for me because I'd found that treasure chest before going to the boss, but I guess I just completely missed the skull on the wall.

i named her the little red death

>there's also no FM music
But there is.

that's what you get for playing with voices off

training orb so good

spam scopes, don't be a fag

Summon all three wraiths, then you have potential for great healing and they have a chance for statis effects. A Dragoon can use roar to divert damage toward a wraith, which is basically what their bunker would do.

Maybe it's just me but shortcuts are a lot less noticeable than in previous games (with the obvious exception of EO1).

Roar is almost completely ineffective on the summon line, their aggro is weighed differently

Still can't come up with a guild name.

>there's also no FM music
There is. Its DLC, and costs 5 bucks, but its an option.

No, I am a purist and I will be as much of a fag as I want.
I completely forgot those exist.

It's okay, I learned my lesson too when I painted a wall over a path in 3rd stratum and couldn't figure where to go.

Shamans are kind of weak prior to unlocking masteries, so it's up to how patient you wanna be with them. Rover heals are fine early, but since you don't have anybody that can revive, you'll need to rough it out with Nectars and using union bar with Resusicate 'till you get some comfortable mitigation with Shaman B-tree and Rover doggo.

Fuck me, then. At least I know now. Time for the Dragoon to use it on herself and then heal block.

Meant for

The early stratums have some sort of "tell" for where the shortcut is, the same wall time every time, but Stratum 4 is just completely arbitrary.

>Is it worth it to mod and play this in original language
If you want to, yeah. Its not that big of a deal though. Its not even difficult if you have CFW either. Also, anyone who doesn't own a 3DS thats running b9s and CFW at this point in time is getting a shittier experience. Like the option to take screenshots.

Stratum 4 has small pink crystals in shortcut tiles.

Pretty sure the purple-pink crystals were tells.