Nu-battlefront 2

Who do you side with?

Fuck off

cant win against a mary sue

>Doesn't know what Mary Sue means but uses it as a buzzword to bait retards
Back to you go!

I'd say go back to Neofag but...

Vader wins. Anyone that disagrees is a falseflagger that doesn't keep up with Star Wars canon and is a pedestrian secondary that only sees the movies and has nostalgia for decades old Star Wars games yet still calls themselves a fan. If any part of this statement triggers you it's because I'm talking about you, pleb.

depends which movie youre watching at the time

continuity in sw is a joke

> a perfect character
>or a guy who can choke people through monitors

I hate pallet swaps

I'm really hoping Rey get's her shit kicked into the dirt in the next movie. It'll be pretty fucking boring of a trilogy if she literally never loses


people who could destroy galaxies lose to people who swing swords really gud in old sw

anything can happen

>everything I disagree with is Sup Forums

Neofag spotted

>be courageous
Whose the fucking severely burned, amputee'd Clone Wars Veteran in that pic? Is Rey Courageous because she's really fucking ugly?

Neofag nigger detected. I really am sorry about the destruction of your hugbox btw - mostly because it was a containment zone for hypersensitive trash like you and you are not welcome here.

The Force Awakens is a good movie and approximately 75% of its most vocal critics are alt-right pussy racists in denial who are angry about the inevitable pairing of a black man and a white woman, and denounce the film as part of a massive Jewish conspiracy because they feel their autistic, isolated way of life is being threatened because they buy into the lies and propaganda created by far-right nutters who want to exploit socially retarded NEETs for votes

I'm not sure if this false flag or actual autistic Neofag rapefugee but regardless I'll leave this here.

you cant prove that the jewish megacoprs dont invest trillions of dollars into the complete and utter destruction of american society for the sole purpose of ushering in the 4th apocalypse and the arrival of their dark god

i know you think you fags are being funny by falseflagging or baiting but just remember that you're actually encouraging people with those opinions to come here.

Can you actually explain why that post is related to Sup Forums in any way, neofaggot?

>white, pink, black, green, black, white, green, brown/green, red/white/blue, white, black, white/black
>white, white, white, white, white, black, hispanic, white, asian, asian

Nice misleading quote.

You can't say bad things to women or else you're sexist.

at least one was mongolian asian. that was neat

The empire can afford to pay to win.

>all these Sup Forums fags triggered
you are all pathetic as fuck and just as bad as those nutjobs at neofag


In the top I see a bunch of aliens and white dudes
In the bottom I see a bunch of white dudes and 1 nigger.

Actually in the bottom there is a huge lack of diersity. We need more aliens

If you want a reaction goto Sup Forums. Was recently ousted as a safehouse for these faggots.

But it's not a Sup Forums opinion. Even sjw agree that she is badly written.

The one thing that really establishes Luke as a relatable human and Rey has a cringy wonder woman; when Luke first sees a lightsaber his first instinct is to look down the dangerous part the beam of death comes out of.

Well It's been 30 years since the last known Jedi were all killed and the two only Sith with Lightsabers are boogeymen in the Empire not eager to give lessons on how Lightsabers work.

Fuck off JJ.

whoever has the rarest star cards.

You're not allowed to have likable female characters anymore, just characters that bitches can self insert as.
Leia and Padme were both pretty neat, I liked them. Rey is somebodies waifu, just like every other pair of tits that has been added since EU was removed.

Fuck Rey. She's the Jar Jar Binks of the nu-Star Wars. She's honestly worse then Jar Jar though, because at least Jar Jar wasn't the fucking protagonist, and didn't even matter after the episode 2.

>Mace Windu
>an alien
So blacks are aliens, good thing you've got that straight you fucking xenophobic racist bigot

Oh shit I didn't saw mace kek


Go back to CENSORED.

I think the message here is that good women are not likable?... I don't know. can't watch these films and enjoy them, whatever the current cultural trend is (not judging) it is way too ambiguous in far too many negative ways. I hope kids aren't idolizing that chick. For a human she's pretty awful.