It's funny because despite everyone on Sup Forums hating blizzard.

This game would print so much money blizzard blizzard could literally and I mean literally do

Do you seriously think neo blizzard's playerbase actually wants and could handle an RTS?

>i vee
>not i i i i

is this real ? i'm shaking.

>people think this is real


This. Blizzard and blizzard's community has changed since wc3: tft

a wc4 might be able to top diablo 3 in collective disappointment

even if it were real
>made by modern blizzard

arthas mtf ha ha wew

How would they even conceivably work with the clusterfuck that is WoW lore

its real tho

Who said it would qualify for wc3 standards of rts.

It would be a 2018 RTS complete with lootbox, skins and microtransactions.

>Japanese style woman

lolokay what is this? Lineage 3?

Pretend it never happened.

everything was a dream

That's a Skyrim modded waifu and the exact deathwing model from WoW in the background. Very lazy.

Looks like it was art from some shitty korean mobage, at least that's what reverse GIS is telling me

It's not real.

>500 years later

no it isnt, look at the fucking promo art retard, its a generic oretty fantasy girl wearing the most iconic armor in the series, looks like one of those CUM PLAY WITH ME M'LORD clickbait ads, get real

How will Blizzard kill all of the player characters in WoW so this can happen?

I kind of want WCIIII just to see how much of a shitshow can ActiBlizzard fart out these days.

The fuck are you trying to say mate?

It would take Blizzard 11 years to make, and by then they would've come up with some new innovative way to milk their dipshit playerbase's wallets

Can't be. The sword is Frostmourne. I bet it's a Skyrim mod.

Probably jump ahead in the timeline by about ten or twenty years.

>your brain overdosing on internet
jesus christ

this is fake the pic was taken off a snapshot of a posted youtube video talking about if there could possibly be warcraft 4

We're talking about Blizzard, not Valve.

>continues wow story
>2 factions
>main baddy is void lords

>This game would print so much money blizzard blizzard could literally and I mean literally do

You just blew your own mind bro


is blizzard better or worse?

>modern blizzard
Into the trash

its khaleesi lol

That shit looks like a Skyrim mod.

Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2's clusterfucks trump anything retarded valve has done honestly.

RMAH > Paid Mods

Not after StarCraft 2

How would they even monetize RTS in this day and age? 60$ sales are not enough anymore and the game would need microtransactions. Nothing good would come from a WC4.

literally all activision-blizzard games are fucking bad and I'm 0% interested in which franchise they will ruin next

>100 years in the future
>All player characters were gay single children so their bloodlines died with them

>tfw its another MOBA

undead plague wiped out all the faggots

>Elves live almost forever
>goats lifespans are unknown
>dwarfs are 200+
>lightsworn are ageless

Why is some random whore holding Frostmourne?

>that render
>anywhere near Blizzard quality
>fucking Deathwing in the background
Someone actually spent time making this embarrassingly bad fake.

It would bring back people who left for other games, not necessarily get the Nu-WoW playerbase.

There is zero chance of it happening, no clue how they could even structure the story with WoW still existing

Even if this happened it wouldn't be an RTS.

Fake news. Sad!

Yea, because Diablo 3 was amazing right?

Imagine how much of monkey paw this will be if they couldn't handle dungeon crawling? RTS is hard, direct; I see people complain Overwatch is difficult... I'm terrified of how RTS will be " 'modernized for a greater audience' ". Even Starcraft 2 is a shadow of the original.

anything blizzard releases, even if it's a sequel to a fan favorite game, it'll be casual, no thought or time played required gameplay.

I just realized that's a female Arthas. How does this have anybody convinced?