You bought it, right?

You bought it, right?

on ps3 only

>30 fucking fps on PS4

I was going to buy it a 3rd time but nope. Not playing it ever again in 30 fps after playing the PC versio

>5000 ports
>still no sequel

It's Skyrim all over again.


At least it's stable and no dips.

seriously this. i dont care if they just wanna rip content right outta DDO. i just want a sequel.

>wanting to kill franchise with bad sequel

new game+ is already the sequel

you know that to be false

first game is so barebones that they could make a worthwhile sequel with just extra content and leave the systems relatively the same

Of course I bought it. Its 30 bucks to show capcom I want more and say so with my wallet. It's not like that's a large amount of money by any litmus.

what monster is that? i dont think i've ever seen it

Yeah I did. I'm still not used to the Berserk armor being removed, the pants from one of those outfits was what I used for all my outfits on PS3 and now there's nothing left but tights and shitty looking boots.

>You will never fight dragons on the moon.

No because I heard enough bad things about DDO to want to avoid it and it got pretty apparent where the game was headed when every bit of "new content" is a reskin

Man my pawn would get SO many hires back on PS3 even years after release, if I hooked my PS3 on right now and went to the inn I bet there's RC waiting for me. I can't even get one hire when the game is relatively new on PS4.

>Dragon's Dogma
>Standing in water
>Fighting a monster I've never seen before
Just how much false advertising can one game have?

Dragon's Dogma was always intended to be a Monster Hunter test. All those copies you bought only guaranteed you World, and that's it.

Must be pre-cut Brime before they ran out of time and settled for red water instakill nanomachines.

It's from DDON


this is bullshit when Itsuno ain't even involved remotely with MH. A good portion of the internal dev team was experienced with MonHun and even have a few nods like Crimson Fatalis is in the concept art for Grigori's arena but DD was Itsuno's dream game

>Itsuno gets a shot at his dream game
>it gets rushed out the door and never fully realized, sequel never ever

>Kamiya gets a shot at his dream game

Moral of the story is don't have dreams or it'll be a problem at work.