Spend whole game collecting companions to keep antagonist from becoming god

>Spend whole game collecting companions to keep antagonist from becoming god.
>defeat antagonist
>Have a chance to seize the power and become god yourself.
>Entire party of companions turns of you. The final boss battle was you all along

Is there an end scenario more comfy than this?

Actually the last good Bioware game, HD version never.

i know that feel. i put them all down


This was Bioware's best game

i remember reading about a guy that made his companions into slaves when he went full dark side and put magic slave collar on them, then raped his romance option.

sounds hot

>not having a three-way with qt childhood best friend and bitch princess

Jade really is underrated. I'd really love to play a sequel where I pay for DLC martial art styles and get lootboxes.



I loved Jade Empire.

Its a shame we will never get a worthy sequel to it.

I miss when I could be full blown evil in Bioware games

Comfy has lost all meaning.

the berst ending is the good ending + threesome

The gameplay was trash. Multiple fighting styles and you only get 1 combo of 3 lights and a hard attack. That's it.

It was the early 2000s. The public wasn't ready for combos.

Jade Empire already had an exclusive character and an exclusive fighting style/technique if you preordered it.

To be honest, it's the last good Bioweare game and the only one I could really get into (since I never cared too much about Star Wars as a franchise). Bioware really went to shit afterward.


What the fuck is comfy about any of that

>Not using your friends to help you seize power then put them down to tie up loose ends

It's like you dont even bond villain bro

But what the fuck is comfy about it

is there anyway to make this playable on the PC version? i remember playing it on the old xbox and having a good time but the pc version runs like shit.

That can happen in Breath of Fire IV and what's even more fucked up is because you're literally God, you can't lose. The game will not let you lose, and the battle even has you position on the enemy side of the field instead of the party but you're still giving the commands.

The party will try to fight you and you have to kill them. Then you destroy the entire planet.

Because you're fighting your bros that you are familiar with, you know the ins and outs of how to beat them, and ultimately the final battle is the total expression of your friendship.

That's clearly not correct as it's a Bad End where they all hate you, and even if it were true there still isn't anything comforting involved

what are you some kind of fucking pussy

What's rough-and-tumble manly about comfort?
Shouldn't a Man thrive in adversity instead?


There is a literal PC version of this game.

What's wrong with getting hated on? Everybody's gotta be somebody's Mr. Bad Guy you know?

This is the culmination of your journey. You had good times and bad together but it's time to put an end to it all. You can be grateful to each of them for the part they played as you put them down.

It's not about being a Man, it's about being a Mind. A Mind with a master plan, finally executed, now all that's left is to cut the strings of some puppets who outlived their usefulness.

Do you even villain?

>he still doesn't see the adversity in beating up all your bros

only thing manlier is fucking them

>What's wrong with getting hated on?

What's comfy about it?

the pc version is awful you stupid nigger

There's no adversity, it was all part of the plan.

It's comfy if you thrive on hate. Some people seek positive attention, some seek negative attention.

What's comfy about thriving?

Is the PC version on GOG good enough and run well on Windows 10?

>Closed Fist
Did you even play the game?


What isn't comfy about thriving? The whole reason the end fight is comfy is you can settle into a nice proper end to things and enjoy it. If you can't understand why that's comfy then it's not the ending for you.

Finally, a thread where I don't have to post >Post-Jade Empire Bioware.

"settling" is not "thriving"

What's comfy about thriving?

True. Like lots of bioware games it featured a rushed development cycle. I'm pretty sure this was the game where they went for a completely different combat system, it didn't work so they redid very late on.

Sad desu. The setting/story are very good. A properly developed game in the universe could be amazing. Of course now it would just be a shitty open world fantasy China with loot boxes.

If settling is not thriving then how can you have a thriving settlement? And are not thriving settlements the embodiment of comfy? Re-evaluate yourself.

Thriving is comfy because it means your needs are being met, and potentially your wants as well. This is the essence of comfy.

>It's comfy if you thrive on hate.
Alright edgemaster 5000

What other games allow you to become a god at the end?
Bonus points if you get to kill your friends

To thrive is to be active, to be in the process meeting needs.
To be comfortable is to be sedate, to relax.

The act of thriving is not itself comfortable.

You're already picking the edgy end in this scenario.

Oh really? You've never gotten a sense of peace out of doing productive work you enjoy? How sad.

Work is not comfortable, no matter how enjoyable.
Work is tiring. Work is active.
Comfort is refreshing. Comfort is passive.

>bethesda and bioware are miles of baseline



No, that was Mass Effect (1).

>Work is not comfortable, no matter how enjoyable.
I pity you and your life of drudgery. Have you never heard of a cushy job?

That is my entire point of the ending where you take out your party- it's a cushy job. You know just what to expect. It's not intense like fighting some unknown boss.

You have too narrow an idea of what "comfortable" means. If you are not comfortable in your line of work you may have the wrong line of work.

Say you are a farmer. You are quite comfortable in your natural environment, digging up soil, planting seeds, spreading fertilizer. It is all second nature to you. Put this same farmer in the position of a Fortune 500 CEO and he will be very uncomfortable. Hence why his job is "comfy" for him even if it may be physically strenuous.

A sequel would fit pretty well with that bamham/AC style of combat which is all the rage.

What a shame there will never be a good sequel.

>See an actual Jade Empire thread for the first time in my life
>It's completely off topic

Who was your favorite playable character?
Fighting Style?
Weapon of choice?
Favorite companion?
Party lineup?
Romantic interest?
Favorite Area?
Favorite Enemy/Boss?
Open or Closed Fist?

>Have you never heard of a cushy job?
Cushy implies the worker performing it is himself "soft", having wriggled his way out of performing "hard" work, not that the work itself provides any comfort

Plus it was completely broken.

Just storm dragon harmonic combos and sit in focus for the entire fight. Against most bosses just use Paralyzing Palm.

The Light and Dark routes were so Amazing in this one.
I remember replaying this thing every weekend for a month. Too bad you could cheese the entire game with stun.
Also that mage archetype with the boobwindow was hot

Monk Zeng
The one that's just roundhouse kicks
Sagacious Zu
Zu, Black Whirlwind, Henpecked Hou
Dawn Star
The Forest outside the second town
The elephant demon
Closed Fist

>Who was your favorite playable character?
Radiant Jen Zi
>Fighting Style?
Thousand Cuts
>Weapon of choice?
Weapons are for fags.
>Favorite companion?
Silk Fox.
>Party lineup?
Silk Fox, Sagacious Zu
>Romantic interest?
Dawn Star
>Favorite Area?
Tien's Landing.
>Favorite Enemy/Boss?
>Open or Closed Fist?
Open Palm.

hes not gonna admit that he just uses meme words like comfy because he doesn't have anything more intelligent to say, might as well give up dude

>Caesar names you a total bro.
>Lanius and Vulpes generally follow their orders and fuck off.
>Caesar marches in and brings order to the wasteland-showing nothing but bro-tier honor to the Boomers and Enclave... Who weren't fags unlike the BOS and Khans.
>Courier gets dank coin minted in his honor.
Comfy indeed.

No, that's not true at all. A cushy job is cushy by it's very nature. The "hard" part isn't in the job description. The person you are describing doesn't have a cushy job but seeks his own comfort by passing on his actual duties to others and finding excuses to do as little work as possible. We call that kind of person a "lazy sack of shit".

Someone with a cushy job may be lazy but they're just doing what they're paid to do. They're not worming out of tough work because no one expects them to do tough work. As an example, your description is that of a janitor who feigns illness and hides in maintenance closets to avoid work. An actual cushy job is a public servant who has to do little actual work and has assistants to help him do the work he has- and this is exactly what is expected of him for his salary based upon his knowledge and expertise or his social connections. In either sense the work provides comfort because it is either easy enough by design to allow a sense of comfort or the worker's ability makes a normally difficult role "easy work" for that individual, thus a sense of comfort. Third parties may perceive that he is paid more than he deserves, but it is different from "Wriggling his way out of performing "hard" work".

You don't even understand what a cushy job is and you're lecturing me on the definition of comfy?

>The Light and Dark routes were so Amazing

Ehh, nah.

The Dark route was presented as "harden yourself against life's hardships" but all it amounted to ingame was "construct new and exciting ways to be a complete asshole to everyone for no gain to anyone, yourself least of all"

That moment when you enslave him.

I never finished this game. From what I vaguely remember I got up to confronting someone at the top of a flight of stairs in some sort of evil academy thing.

How far away from the end was I?

lol nigga that was like the 4th quest.

I fucking loved this game. Comes from a time that embraced evil playthroughs. You could bind one of the main antagonist's souls to you and then soulbind all your buddies that don't agree.

When they eventually break free you fucking kill them with your evil companions. One of which is a little girl who's body you could give to a giant evil toad demon.

I hate all this "gray area" shit modern RPGs have become. It's just another way of saying you can only be good, but you can be a sarcastic dick while being good if you want. I blame the first Witcher. It was so good at telling its story that everyone wanted to copy what it did.

Not him, but while true, it does breed a sense of resentment. I'm a little pissed I'm crunching codes while that pointy-nosed fuck Weinstein just casting couched 90% of the time.

So you admit that comfort is a lazy, sedate state.

Which brings us back to the original question: what's comfy about thriving?
What's comfy about murdering all your friends?

The Closesd Fist routes in this game were awesome for a second playthrough. Was mad triggered that you don't get everyone in your roster as a good guy.

The amount of polished content in this game staggers me in this day and age. How they keep handing out martial art styles towards the end of the game?

It's like, jeez ok I'll take it but I've already blew all my points in Thousand Cuts focus spam. Wait you are giving me a gun now? Dual hatchets? Magic frog shit? Fuck off game.

Just because they put a philosophical twist on good and evil, doesn't mean it wasn't evil.

Like in theory the closed fist wasn't evil, but in practice closed fist actions were basically "I gave you a drug that made you think you were healed, but now you're permanently injured. Why? Because I don't like you ah ah ah".

>favorite playable character
Either tattoo man or vest man
>favorite fighting style
Mirabelle because it's literally a fucking gun
>favorite companion
I like Wild Flower/guardian, Black Whirlwind, and Henpecked Hou.
>party lineup
>romantic interest
Silk Fox and Dawn Star if you can do it but Silk Fox was superior.
>favorite area
The city, Tiens Landing was based as fuck, and the arena.
>favorite enemy/boss
Cannibals and mother cannibal
>open or closed
Open usually because sometimes closed is good but it has the worst outcomes.

Best quests are Bei the Baker's childhood waifu coming back to bite him in the ass and that ogre in the teahouse regretting killing his ox friend.

It's supposed to just be pro order ya, but it ends up being comically evil

How far away was I though?

Only a Burger would play a wuxia game and pick the gun.

>Romance options are important. Cells

>Games must be diverse. Cells

>Combat doesn't matter. Interlinked


>Cells interlinked

>If you hate our game you're a fascist. Why don't you say that three times

>only Black Whirlwind and Henpecked Hou don't give a shit

I'm pretty sure evil toad inside of Wild Flower doesn't care but I never liked him I'm not sure if the guardian gives a shit long as Wild Flower stays alive he's just along for the ride.

>So you admit that comfort is a lazy, sedate state.
Nope. Comfort is simply being agreeable with your current situation.

>physical ease, freedom from pain or restraint
That is comfy. Not necessarily being snuggled up in a warm blanket. Being lazy, sedated, etc is comfy- but it's comfy because it puts you at ease. There are other ways to be at ease. You can be comfy on a fucking rollercoaster. Comfy is a state of mind, not a performed behavior.

>What's comfy about murdering all your friends?
Once again, you can be at ease because you know what to expect to them.

You are free of restraint as you no longer have to hide your evil desires.

You are free of pain because you're fucking evil and don't give a shit about killing your friends.


And? It's fun blowing chinks away with a fucking blunderbuss my dude.

What was Hou's actual reasoning behind him being ok with it? I have a feeling it's literally just so he doesn't have to go back to his wife.

why is the control scheme so fucked on x360 controller?

>You can be comfy on a fucking rollercoaster
No you can't.
A rollercoaster's job is to be thrilling, exciting.
If you are comfortable then it's not a rollercoaster, it's a miniature train ride.

There's only five instances of stairs being a backdrop through the main story and it's the beginning, when you're towards the end of Lotus Assassin temple, dirge, and the two trips through emperor's palace.

Anyone know where the pastebin is on how to get the game running properly on PC? I remember there was a huge unofficial patch similar to DSfix that fixed a lot of issues but i haven't played in years.

Yep that's probably it, damn shame he and Kang The Mad don't actually fight because it would be pretty funny. Did anyone actually like Zin Bu or buy any of his shit? I thought he was a dick and I think some characters did suffer in development department like Kang did after getting him.

The game was pretty rushed if I remember correctly because they revamped the combat system very late in developement.

>how to get the game running properly on PC?
Use XP. The game fucking hates anything newer than that.

>Jade Empire thread
>it's total shit
>just like the game

Not all of them turn on you. IIRC this guy remains loyal no matter what path you choose.

One thing that usually bugs me about these kinds of games is how even though you can be an evil dick, you are strongly encouraged to be good. Typically you get a bunch of more good-aligned allies and then one or two token evil allies. At least JE lets you influence your love interest enough to get them to join you in the closed fist ending, if I recall.

Geez, in my memories the game was a lot nicer looking than that.

Congrats, you just realized that old games were almost universally trash looking and nostalgia is the enemy.

I know Dawn Star grows more edgy as the game goes on so she'll agree but I'm not sure with Silk Fox since she joined later and that is her uncle.

Oh you lovable scamp!

>mess around with your romantic partner
>make your comrades do things against their will
>kill Sir vomgioaisoaiasios Magnificient Bastard and take his gun with you
>kill all the furries and animals place
>kill your comrades in the end

Options are fun.
Being chinese monk style was the best

Any of the romance interests can be 'hardened' through dialogue options like that. What I'm not sure about is if you can get both Dawn Star and Silk Fox to agree with you in the end.

Can't you get the gun without killing him?

I wasn't aware you could kill him.
Doesn't he just give up and go home?

I didn't hate DA:O

God damn Dragon Age was good and shit at the same time unnnf.

>mfw I actually have the strategy guide for Jade Empire but never used it

It's not like it has any hidden quests or anything except the hidden prisoner ghosts that drowned and the silk thread quest exclusive to closed palm in Tien's Landing.

>tfw you played this on steam and installed the mod that restores the hidden/deleted fighting styles.

Re-installing now

Dragon Age was Bioware's last real hurrah. While it did have social justice shite (the very first game to really have it), the thing felt like extremely retro fantasy. Animals weren't very fantastical, the writers were blatantly ripping shit off left and right, the Dwarves and Elves were really generic (also clearly ripped off both Warhammer and Witcher), the Qunari were just blonde Jamaican dudes straight from 70s comic books, and the characters were like a walking talking roster of fantasy archetypes. That's what made DAO a blast. Just a very generic Tolkenesque RPG that somehow worked.

But then the later installments went the FF route, with Inquisition being a literal tumblr blog.