Star Citizen

What is Star Citizen, Sup Forums?


Vaporware scam

Surely a game that has raised 169 million dollars so far must be something good, right?

*161 million

I really want star citizen to be successful. Its such a shame that they are taking forever on it and is acting as a giantass money sink for retards.

Why do these virtual space ships cost so much money?

A cult revolving around vaporware

Why is the lowest price range available "Less than 100$"?

Why does the less than 100$ price range contain a ship that costs 108.90$?

they share their progress with their community multiple times every single week.

>dude scam citizen lol

How does the game compare to this one?



How much do you think that big ship costs?





$999.99 + tip

are you butt hurt about something? pls kys


Even when released, it's gonna be some pay to win garbage.

>you drop 45 on the basic ship
>some manchild drops 500 and gets a ship that can shit all over yours

>Pay money
>Get big ship
>Kill ten people that paid less money and got smaller ships
>Save m'lady female grrl gamr who has the smallest ship available
>She says "thank you"

You would think somebody with this kind of money would spend it on real, tangible space sims instead of a pipe dream like Star Citizen.

I mean, even ignoring the delays, lies, vague promises and so on, there are SO many other better games that do what Star Citizen is seeking to accomplish on a smaller scale. If you want good FPS gameplay, look at COD. If you enjoy space sims, look at the X or Elite Dangerous serious. Why the fuck would anybody back a game that promises to include AAA gameplay from several genres in a single title? It sounds disastrous.

This is a very dumb post.

Don't forget the webcam-driven facial animation which SURELY will run smoothly both server-side and client-side with hundreds of people in the same place at once.