ITT: real life boss battles
ITT: real life boss battles
LOL what the fuck is that ?
What would be the BGM of that final boss?
The sound of bones rattling.
Not shooped
>you will now always look immediately at his tiny pinkies
my penis
Nigga, that's just plain noise.
>That must be the feller who masturbates all day!
>the globe of power has been split in three and these absolute madmen have each taken a piece
>you must defeat them and recover the three parts of the globe of power in order to defeat the true enemy manipulating everything.
I beg to differ.
40 man raid
I lol'd.
But in all honesty, we can't let this guy get the keys to the Whitehouse.
Globalists are businessmen corrupted by neo marxists
deal with it neofag
ant raid boss
>an ancient evil awakens.
Meh, I'll do it, but only because the globe of power is shiny.
How? They';re just capitalists with no national affiliation. They think they're above everyone, and that's why they can hop from country to country and move their money about as they please. They don't care about anyone other than themselves.
how would that arabian man get the keys to the white house?
Put this guy in a MGS or No More Heores game andno one would think anything of it.
>no national affiliation
Nor to a people or religion, the goal of the cultural marxist who blamed the failure of communism on western society and sought to destroy it.
What about that ISIS guy who carries around a .50 machine gun on his shoulder?
GB2 Cripplechan fucklord, Sup Forums is OURS now.
>One of the worst generals in Chinese history is also the most revered.
I'll never understand chinks.
George Soros
Shia Labeouf was a real life boss battle that was highly entertaining though.
Scrappy Doo is cuter in real life. Does it have some condition that makes its front legs stay bent like that?
>boss has a second form
could (you) win this one?
Shotgun Ocelot
When will they ever learn?
What? It's just shedding it's exoskeleton.
It's molting. Jesus christ read a book. you do the same shit every day.
>these fast as fuck spasms
Are they cumming?
molting, I'm guessing you never had a zooboks subscription as a child
Shedding its skin.
Her face picking him up is priceless
Tarantulas molt their old skin as they grow. Did you attend public schools in a poor neighborhood or something growing up?
I raised my legs off the floor after seeing this
Squirting acid, it does fuck all to humans, though.
nevermind, just noticed the video is on FF.
Took me a second.
Hahaha. Pretty sure I don't.
Is that what's going on? I didn't even know they could do that.
You're too old to be on this board.
So am I.
came here to post this
>Private schools go out of their way to teach pointless and irrelevant things like spider molting
Glad I saved my parents money when I was younger.
That looked like writing from the thumbnail.
>Did you attend public schools in a poor neighborhood or something growing up
Where I went to school and not knowing some token bit of knowledge about spiders are not mutually exclusive.
I would intentionally lose, and I don't even like black girls
>final boss is a random encounter
i aint looking for the gif
this belongs in warcraft, what a terrible fucking aesthetic for a colossal statue
I hope you're wearing a helmet because this tiddy will blow your fucking mind BIRDS ALSO MOLT
We shed our skin, however unlike other animals, we don't do it all in one go.
Can I get you an egg salad sandwich, user?
It can actually burn the skin to the bone