It's time to fucking settle this

Why do people think these games aren't JRPG's?

Just because of no animu cutscenes?

I always thought JRPGs were turn based RPGs developed by the japanese, involving dungeon crawling, random encounters, and a party of usually 4 members

Souls are Action RPGs the term refers to the style of gameplay not country of origin.

because normies and ironic weebs


Really one of the stupidest and most pointless arguments of all time

I wish they would change the name to avoid confusion.

You can't just "change the name", it's what people start calling things as a point of reference to understand what they mean

Like the goddamn MOBA word that triggers me to this day

>Why do people think these games aren't JRPG's
Because the settings are inspired by Fighting Fantasy and they use western rpg design. You are left to your own devices and many of the NPCs have their own agency. JRPGs are a dumbed down mash up of the Wizardry and Ultima games before they got good + waifus.
I wish people would actually play DeS and stop shitposting about it.

Tales isn't turnbased

Ys didn't have party system till 7th game

>I wish people would actually play DeS and stop shitposting about it.

Go fuck yourself, the only good thing about des is tower of latria, nothing else is worth discussing, highly overrated game.

because they're actually good

>good game

pick one

I know it's stupid but JRPG doesn't always mean Japanese role playing game. It implies a certain kind of game that's generally turn-based, dungeon crawling and, yes, animu cutscenes.

>Why do people think these games aren't JRPG's?
They don't?

So Crisis Core wouldn't be a JRPG?

Anons have played the shit out of Demon's Souls since before the cancerous Dark Souls PCfags even had a souls game.

Most JRPGs have a strong focus on story while Souls games generally focus on "lore"

Play a real JRPG for once in your life and you'll know.

BB is nowhere near the top. It took the changes DaS made for the better and threw them away to create the most casual unchallenging experience for those adept at the game and the most boring farmfest for those that weren't which also stifled their learning of the game.

Everyone not blinded by muh lovecraft knows DeS and DaS are both better.

>the only good thing about des is tower of latria
>t. faggot who watched a lets play
The swamp and storms have better level design. Latria just has good atmosphere. Wouldn't expect a DaSfag to be able to appreciate level design, though.

Action RPG ≠ JRPG

Because they're western games.
It's just that they were made by japanese developers, but that doesn't change the fact the games themselves aren't japanese in the slightest.
