Played/Expected/Got thread, remember to keep it vidya

Played/Expected/Got thread, remember to keep it vidya

Is that...good? Or is X6 a stinker?

The final dungeon of Pirate's Curse is a spike filled shitshow. Much like the X6.

I took wanted Shantae to hug Risky and make her all flustered and cute like that, so we could get more cute art of Risky.

You really put X6 because of that one dungeon? Really?

It was the most memorable level. For me anyway.


You played Akiba's Trip?






go back now
it is exactly like that pyro-dominated hellscape after the latest rebalances



fucking hate the control in this game

holding 3ds with one hand is not fun

Lol, I haven't played this game but I have seen exactly what you're describing.



>Inspired by ICO
>Nintenbro think it's like Windwaker because they think Windwaker invent cel shading

One the reasons why I stopped playing it. Fuck those controls



What kind of stupid comparation is this?

Do you niggers even know how to do this shit?

A shitty one, I just wanted to make a thread, I don't give a fuck about Shantae that much to try to revise the image.


What a nice nickname you queer

I still don't understand why it it got so popular since playing it is just boring even with a squad Seriously though




because most people experience it as this