Rainy 80s tokyo level

>rainy 80s tokyo level
>youtube.com/watch?v=DNMWdRQr0Oo plays

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what fucking game has this?

Mafia 0

what do you call this type of music?

Future funk. It's a type of vaporwave.

Future funk.

thanks anons


why are underages so obsessed with tacky dated 80's garbage. the 80's sucked kids. also tokyo is a crowded air polluted dump.

they just want to post shitty vaporwave

>AESTHETIC drifting


I wish that when technology and game engines became sophisticated enough to render such oppressively atmospheric urban environments, we weren't in the throes of Ubisoft-em-ups where the game just vomits minimap icons at you, giga-GPS where the route down to the dotted line is mapped out for you in the world, and there's HUD alerts at you all day.

It becomes less like a world to get immersed in and barely distinguishable from a half-assed textureless orange map made for TF2 or Counter-Strike.

One time I was driving back from flyover country back to the major US city I call home. Constructions and interstates being what they are I ended up on a road overlooking the major body of water. And there were all these lights hung up over the road, for one of the numerous summer festivals or something happening around that time.

It's such a mundane event. Driving along the lake while cornfields and industrial zones give way for the bright lights of civilization. But it really stuck with me.

The only time I ever felt something like that in a video game was Breath of the Wild this year. There was something beautiful about the melancholy loneliness of the world. It's not the same as a city, but I felt like I was seeing something really special.

>rainy 80s tokyo level

what game even has this?

Timesplitters 2 Neotokyo chapter

This is trash familam. You need better City Pop in your life.

Nice story, it paints a pretty picture in my head, I love those moments in life.

I use to love going downtown late at night to the pier and watching the distant city lights twinkle as I listen to youtu.be/hgXxDFvfdhM

At the time I wasn't at a happy place in my life, but doing this would help me escape a bit without the need for alcohol.

Thank you for reminding me of those happy times I had.

Only game that I can think of that has this is Yakuza 0. And it does it very well.

>you will never have a 1989 Toronado with it's a e s t h e t i c 1980s touchscreen console


Fucking love Toshiki Kadomatsu

>overcast 90s 水嶋 level


>You were born to late to enjoy 80's Tokyo
feels bad man

Make way for an OG



i'm getting into game design for this exact reason. apparently i'm just going to have to spend a couple decades making the god damn game i want to play. hopefully the tech keeps improving and it won't be an impossible task.

>tfw no realistic rpg based on 80's Japan

Tatsuro Yamashita and Toshiki Kadomatsu have to be my two favorite city pop artists. Kadomatsu even released an album recently.

My man.




His english sounds so natural.

Why do I always like this type of music?

The sort of ambient, beat based, background noise. It's great.

>rainy neon tokyo night
>future funk

nigger what? future funk is for cruising down a bridge in a red ford evolution

try this on for a neon rainy tokyo night time city


You just know that someone out there has used this as a base for a vaporwave song.

tatsuro yamashita is literally the reason MACROSS 82-99 exists lel

>Rainy 40's Los Angeles level
(Make sure you cut the volume on the right down to 40%)

I got ya m8



So like how is vaporwave considered a genre? It literally just sounds like early 90's-2000's dance/house music.

It made it's splash in early 2011 or so with that Floral Shop album. It's literally just chopped, screwed and slowed down 80s and 90s pop/muzak but people like it because it brings forth melancholic nostalgic feelings.

I was born in the 83 and 80s nostalgia reminds me of when I was a little kid so I really like it. I don't know if I would actually want to live back then because most of all I remember how dirty and run down pretty much everything was and everywhere smelled heavily of cigarettes. Things are generally a lot nicer and cleaner nowadays.

I mean the music is fantastic. I have no gripe against it. It's just hard for me to be like "oh yeah that's a new genre of music" when it's almost borderline dance. I dunno maybe it's just the way I'm looking at it it. I will say Melancholic feels are always good.

postan in based thread

Yakuza Zero

Well a lot of the music sampled to make the "Future Funk" genre of vaporwave is basically all japanese funk/dance tracks from the 80s.

>a crowded air polluted dump.
Why go on the internet just to lie?

I think of it like how a lot of music seems to be taking cues from older stuff. Look at the current pop hits with all the old bass rifts and shit (uptown funk, get lucky etc) except its the autists on the internet version

As the ex-owner of a Troféo with that Visual Information Center, I can rest easy knowing that piece of shit is probably burned down to the ground at this point.

Nah, it's not always almost borderline dance. Just futurefunk and vaportrap.

Yeah I can definitely hear those influences. Like I listened to a Macross 82-99 album someone posted here one night and it was like funk driving music or something. Was pretty nuts.

Mmhm. Haha that's a funny ass way of explaining this.

Not really suited for a rainy level but at least you can dance or bob your it.

that was beautiful user
thank you


>why are underages so obsessed with tacky dated 80's garbage.
because it was a period of optimism toward electronic technology, unlike the garbage social media, personal data selling, smartphone addiction, internet-of-shit, dystopia we live in now

the only thing that was predicted correctly was wealth inequality and corporate rule


It isn't city pop, it isn't made to stand on it's own, but fuck you.

It's a new genre because it takes 80s-90s songs and transforms them into pieces of digital archeological artifacts. It emphasizes the particularities of that genre - the tape noise, the synths, the mellow, but funky beats, new wave influences. All these elements are taken, chopped up and regurgitated in a post-consumerist product of capitalist nostalgia.

It's beautiful.

Tokyo is an amazing city, and you haven't been there.

One bump for all the sweet tunes


Its alright. Smells heavily of cabbage 2 mornings a week, nobody ever talks about that.


