Who is this girl and why do I feel threatened by her

Who is this girl and why do I feel threatened by her.

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I dont know. Ask my recycle bin.

>not emptying it
Monika doesn't deserve purgatory.

>I just want... to look... at your face...

She’s perfection. I wish I had more Monika. I want to clone Monika

I dunno, it doesn't seem like she has a route. I played a bit so far, and the only option to do anything with her was cut off by the other two girls.

She does seem cute though, hope you can romance her later on.

>Load Monika


would you date natsuki if her penis was larger than yours?

You know what to do.

>it's a babby's first meta VN episode

You've probably never seen pure perfection before, so it's understandable that you'd be a little overwhelmed.
There's nothing to be afraid of, though. She loves you

Honestly if Natsuki had a dick that would just make her even better

>it's bad because it's "entry tier"
aren't we being pretentious today

What is actually the third eye?

>yfw it's actually 28/10 and not 2018

Just finished all the act 1/2, is it worth doing them all on the same file for the true ending?


>Doki Doki Literature Club #35 on /vg/
Fucking kill yourselves you sad faggots, why can't you let things die when discussion dies? You have to run everything to the ground

You should probably play more VNs if you think this was good. Please stop making threads about this VN.

Because she's not video games. Go back to Sup Forums where you belong. Animeposters can suck my BBC Micro


Name 5 (five) more VN games that does the same what DDLC did.

>wanting to play the same style of VN as DDLC

No, its a one time novelty.

Well, there's the infamous Totono, but it has NTR. The metagame is more indepth but the difference lies in the theme. There's it's about a love interest that goes yandere if you try to pick other girls beside her route and goes full School Days on your ass in the end. DDLC on the other hand is about a girl who never had a route in the first place and usurps the story to make one for herself, however she doesn murder you and still loves you even if you deleted her.

That said, Totono is a romance VN with meta, while DDLC is horror story pretending to be VN, but also with meta.

That still only counts as one

>hope you can romance her later on

Mfw i just want yuri because she has the biggest boobs but that is not an option because the game was never intended to be a love visual in the first place

Well there are other "games" like Irisu Syndrome but they arent really VNs. The otaku who buy these things just want a feels good story where they get the girl or whatever weird sick fetishes they have. Just so happens that interface fuckery isnt one of those.

Also, DDLC isnt even a traditional VN in the slightest. It gives you the illusion of choice but nothing really matters, and the love story or whatever plot it tries to muster up is nothing but smoke and mirrors because all of it is just a simulation by Monika. Like I said, it's a creepypasta story masquerading as a Jap VN.

Did you come from Sup Forums?

Why are you so mad?


fuck monika

I want to

With pleasure

But you get to spend a whole weekend with her.

>thigh highs

kek I do this with so many games

They're great, aren't they?

Is there a version without meme scarejump?

>thigh highs
my weakness

That's not Katawa Shoujo.

just look at monikas twitter account it was @lilmonix3 iirc

Katawa Shoujo wasn't meta though?



Thanks kind anons.

>implying the game didn't try to make you have a heart attack with the hnngs it was giving like the MC


There's a reason people prefer .webms

I actually never played KS. I couldn't do a full length VN. The two hours of anime bullshit in Doki Doki was already an hour too long for me, at least.
Like, it's necessary for the setup, but it's still boring.


You should play Muv-Luv.

If you cant enjoy a novel you cant enjoy a visual novel, Brainlets cant understand the joy of a well written story.


I read fucking books. It's just that the books I read are not about some fucking dweeb awkwardly trying to figure out how to talk to girls.


Then clearly you dont understand that all VNs are not about awkwardly talking to girls. You have misconceptions that every VN is a slice of life anime equivalent.

>well-written story
Pick one and only one, the two cannot coexist under any circumstances.

Monika rainmeter mod when?

The less like a VN it is, the more like a video game it is.

If something like Catcher in the Rye can be considered to be a well written story, I can name several VNs that are at a higher level even post 17 year old hobbyist translation.

Purgatory is a frightening place, but one that holds many secrets. And it would not be proper to willfully ignore a secret.

Isn't Natsu just undergoing a faulty puberty because insufficient food?

Oh well. At least she's not a TOTAL SLUT like Sayori.

This argument is as bad as "are video games art?"

Well, being a boy that dresses up like a girl would also explain the beatings.

Yes. She's not growing any fat in places because she's malnourished.

Does this look like a boy to you?

>it smiles
Huh. I guess not.
If that were a sissy, it'd never smile, because sissies have massive emotional issues that mean they're unhappy all the time.

No, but doesn't look like high-school girl ether.
Looks like anime and you can never be sure what those hide under their skirts.

>classic story about the experiences of a troubled young man that's read to middle schoolers and early high schoolers compared to anneemay moeblob slice of life where soulless protag singles out women to fuck them and always ends the story before the characters leave school
You're right, you have shown me the error of my ways.

I can now imagine Sup Forums groping a random anime girl
Black inky tendrils sprout from her skirt and strangle user
And user goes "This is bullshit, these aren't a penis"

It would be if VNs were video games.

Stop game shaming you bigot.

I'm not "game"shaming, I'm video novel shaming.

All women deserve to be beaten.
t. I'm a gamer

t. muslim

Ah, the eternal question of "are visual novels video games," followed by the eternal answer... "No."


they aren't though they are like nerdy books


*Like books except nerdier

that one monika lewd of her was so fucking good


/ksg/ sends it's regards

Remember kids, only you can prevent Sakura syndrome.

Still in the classroom with Monika

What's stopping me from rejecting Monika's advances? Even with all her power, I easily could just walk away from her, right?

are ready to delete it all?

Fuck you, Monika, you egotistical bitch. Nobody kills my friends and gets away with it!


They weren't friends. Just if-then-else characters.

What you need is Monika. A better program.


Too bad all three of them were still less shitty than Monika.

what a big tooth you have

Monika's writing tips were pretty good.

The girls may not be "real" and could be easily reset or rewritten, but killing and torturing them still messed up with Monika's mind. They may not remember it, but Monika will.

I want an epilogue where (You) are having therapy sessions with Monika and slowly restore her sense of morality and convince her to restore everyone


>derp derp derp derp

Your shit opinion will not even be logged.

But door 1 is entirely about some awkward dweeb trying to talk to a girl.

don't worry; if it's the same one i saw before "i love you" pops up in the space beneath her feet after a while

So what was the original game like before Monika intervened? Was it like the first playthrough or was it an even purer version we never saw? Because even the first route still at least hints at depression, self harm and family abuse, even if doesn't show them outright. Not to mention the ending.