How do dexfags live with themselves?

How do dexfags live with themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:

>two sticks
Sensible man can easily take on any challenge
>one stick
A mystery in of itself useful in some situations
>no sticks
literally retarded but some DEXfag shitter will come back it up for retarded reason

>not pic related

im unsure what this thread is trying to say but i do agree that blacks should jewish niggers

I'm more of a CHA guy myself

being dex is fucking shit. girls have bigger arms than me. Im starting the switch to str tomorrow.

I think you should just get the BING out of here already you WAHOO YIPPEE 1-UP

>spec STR
>instantly lose my virginity 15 times

>mfw I prefer gamecube controller

>he really believes gc controller is good


I bet dorf is a Duke user


which anime?

g gundam

Thank you kind user

>str v dex
>no feats of strength are displayed
That guy is a CON build.

>not playing WIS

what would the dreamcast controller be?



CHA. But not a very high CHA