Best battlefield game?
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Battlefield 4 is better.
Battlefield 1 is pretty funt too
God I hate myself
First bad company or 2142.
BC2 and everything after it were trash.
2142 a best
this is unironically the reason I built a pc.
I was playing on 360 before and kept seeing videos of 60fps ultra and decided I really wanted it, and years down the line when I finally was able to put it together, it made me really happy. Nowadays, I can run it at like 144+ ultra, and it still blows me away when I just had a 560 se and had to lower the resolution just to play at the right framerate. I loved this game in the prime.
BF4 was better in terms of modern battlefields. BF2 and 2142 are still top tier.
BF 1942 or 2.
Literal kiddies Battlefield
Please be a joke.
Literally name a single good BF4 map, you can't.
There was umm....huh.
Silk Road
Literally any map that wasn't a clusterfuck like Operation Locker or small scale maps that only had like 1 or 2 vehicles which BF3 was also guilty of.
I played this game yesterday. There's Shanghai I guess.
Operation Locker could have been a lot better.
The design team completely dropped the ball on almost every map.
They're so empty and full of sightlines everywhere, terrible pathing, way too much verticality and rooftop camping, too much nothingness and lack of detail.
Levelcap did a good video on why the maps suck so much.
Whatever you played first
>not posting the GOAT
You damn Sup Forums plebs
Hardline, BC2, BF1942
Are you gonna post the best battlefield?
Yes. Only people who don’t like BF 3 are just some ass mad faggots I killed across the map with my slug round shotgun.
battlefield 2
Tbh I actually like hardline. The maps were more vertical, a bit smaller and there were no tanks of littlebirds in sight
think you got that mixed up with bc2 friendo
Shanghai is the worst possible example you could name.
Way too many rooftops to camp on
Streets are barren and empty with little cover.
Only 1 lane since half the map is fucking water.
Attack helicopter is virtually invincible due to the amount of cover available
the reason bf4 is good because it's literally bf3 but with more content
I kinda liked Zavod 311 and Paracel Storm
I sure miss the endless jet rape and grenade spam of BF2.
Lazily developed CoD knock off. Started the decline of the series.
Are you exited for the new DLC ?
pic related is british royal marines and they're all white
isn't it nice?
It's the stupid supression effects that ruin the game. And the dumbed down vehicle combat.
I don't remember the name of the other map I played.
BF2 is the best one. 1942 gets an honorable mention though.
www.battlelog.co - BF2 is back and free, play it faggots.
Project Reality and Squad
def 1942
>tfw im a poorfag and still playing bf3 on 360
Zavod 311 was decent due to it being smaller and more focused, giving infantry plenty of cover and flanking routes, Paracel on the other hand is terrible due to it being ridiculously open and large
Nope. 870MCS was my baby. I think I only played the campaign for that.
I'm still playing 3 & 4 on ps3 because im poor as shit and cant afford live
hardline is not a bf game
I never really fucked around with the vehicles besides tanks when I played with friends and suppression effects? Explain plox
same engine, same mechanics, same gameplay. its a battlefield game.
if you are american you should sign up for the microsoft rewards program where they give you points if you use bing. cant remember the last time i paid for live. only downside is you have to use bing
my boy trench raider . Why can't dice add him to the regular maps ?
weak b8
>no one ever remembers BC2 Vietnam being the greatest
sad really
Hardline felt more like Bad Company 2 and games were much more focused on infantry combat. Jets were a fuckin mistake.
And yet they made maps way to fucking big like in bf4
I miss when Sup Forums wasn't filled with phone posting 14 year olds that think nu-bf is good. Protip: it's fucking garbage
really? I feel they were a fair bit smaller than BF4 maps.
The best.
Tell me why
>all he complains about is too much verticality and open areas
>using TDM and otherwise smaller variants of the maps
I'd be inclined to agree if we were talking about a strictly infantry game here. At least BF4 felt closer to an actual battlefield game if you were playing it coming straight from older ones like 2, not that any of the newer ones hold a candle to BF2 or 1942.
>It’s fucking garbage
>Literally nothing to back up this statement
Let people enjoy shit you fucking crabby faggot.
why dont you tell us whats the best game then? or are you just going to shitpost and provide nothing of value
I've played all Battlefield games, and i would agree that most of them are pretty shit but IMO BF3 was great.
The maps were more detailed and well designed with plenty of flanking routes and cover
Vehicles felt balanced and required skilled operators to use effectively.
Gunplay felt smooth and rewarding, the weapons and classes were pretty balanced (except for AEK maybe).
Netcode and hitreg was more reliable, less kill-trades and dying behind cover.
Still too big for the infantry only combat since there is no tanks or any other combat viechles
back to r*ddit with you faggot
Why shouldn't TDM maps be balanced?
BF3's maps were designed for all game-modes, but BF4's was focused on conquest and gimmicks.
Designing a map solely around vehicle combat is stupid since 80% of the players will be infantry.
Take any BF3 map and it will still be better than the any BF4 map.
Jesus you are fucking stupid
Are you a cod player by any chance ?
Nice ad-hominem
100% agree with Zavod 311. It feels like a BF3 map
I feel like BC 2 was amazing too.
Almost everything you said is true. Kill-trades were almost non-existent in BF3. However, I felt as though the person cornering always had an advantage: you can see people a split second ahead of everyone when you come around a corner. It's great for offense but a bitch for defense of any kind. I found that the only way to play BF3 was to constantly keep cornering. This gives you a ~quarter second advantage over everyone.
This is an issue for all fps games, its called "peekers advantage".
BF Hardline
Never played BFV ;_;
I guess I felt "peeker's advantage" most in BF3 because it was the only FPS I became semi-pro at.
I used to dream playing that game. My mind could generate enemy movement, where they can see, what weapons/loadout they're using, count how many shots they fired at me, know almost every way they will run...
BF3 was not normal or casual for me. It's the only FPS I felt truly in control.
The battlefield 3 legacy maps
Bad Company 2, where all the maps were designed around a single game mode, and they all played nearly flawlessly on that game mode. Nothing will top it, unless they return to that approach on map design. You need to hard commit when it comes to map design, you can't just try and make the map work on every mode because then it doesn't excel at any.
Battlefield has always been about large scale maps and conquest first and foremost foremost. Take 90% of the maps from 1942 to 2142 and this stands fucking true. I respect their attempts to balance things out in BF3 and I liked some of its aspects but BF4 was closer to an actual battlefield game, especially post release of all its DLC and DICE getting off their asses to fix the damn game.
Battlefield 2 is the GOAT