stop besmirching mr btongue
i was thinking about replaying this game any tips on making it fun and not disappointing?
yeah, uninstalling it
Install a bunch of mods and treat it like STALKER/Far Cry lite.
Though, that just begs the question of why play either of those two games.
Why not save some money and just get STALKER instead?
Or save more money and just pirate STALKER instead?
any way to get the proper aestetic for ps4?
I dunno. Try playing with the settings on the TV
Just ignore the story or try for the perfect ending.
Install a shit ton of mods
pick a shit weapon play the entire game using only that weapon (pipe revolver and its variants for example)
Frost mod
Frost mod no armor only melee (you gotta hate yourself though to try a run with that rule set)
All Drugs run (until you can get Chem resistant 2 addictol is your butt buddy)
I don't need to, he did that to himself and his credibility but unlike hbomberguy, his later videos didn't tank in quality
It lacks shandification because they live in shacks with massive holes in the walls and ceilings despite New England winters
Rightwing Sjew spotted
I'm not sure if these posts are anons false flagging as neogaffers, anons false flagging as redditors, or neogaffers/redditors false flagging as anons false flagging as redditors/neogaffers
Shut up, you crypto
Sup Forums is much more enjoyable when you assume every post is trying to be facetious
What I don’t get is that video only has 300k views yet everybody memes about what do they eat and throw that phrase around
Play brotherhood and choose which synths are allowed to live by your hand alone. Dont forget to get best girl as a companion and make sure the railroad gets an honorable death by your fists alone
Yeah Fallout 4 actually improved a lot in terms of world building and environmental design. It's a shame that for the steps Fallout 4 did take forwards (e.g. shooting, world design, power armour, modding weapons) they took a lot of step backwards (e.g. boring loot like not so much unique weapons like in New Vegas and generally being a dull RPG).
Because influential people watched it. Unlike the millions of worthless plebs who watch garbage like pewdiepie
Skip the main quest/Minutemen completely, level until you can access Nuka World and focus exclusvely on making the raiders rule the Commonwealth.
Have you played it on Survivor mode? Makes it way more fun in my opinion
Good taste in girls
Why didn't Goodsprings have a fence or guard posts?
The hostile wildlife could just walk in.
Is he comming back, bros?
>get cheat room mod, wacky workbench, free weapon modding
>get all materials and a wacky shotgun
>set projectile to railroad spike
>tommy gun body
>rapid/never-ending legendary mods
>everything else dampening as much recoil as possible
>become the OPM of guns
nothing is funner than sending 1000 spikes/sec. to a legendary deathclaw's center mass
>new vegas am gud gaem cuz this 10 square foot of farmland is realistic
>fallout 3 am no farmland is bad gaem
Love how much this board was sucking that guy's dick then the moment he DARE say something slightly negative about your precious GG movement you all turn on me. Fuck you faggots you're like a bunch of god damn high school girls.
That's right.