Have you ever hurt yourself (intentionally or on accident) playing a video game?
Have you ever hurt yourself (intentionally or on accident) playing a video game?
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I will if I see this fucking post again
must be one of these gamer girls who plays only support, im telling them regulary to kys and seems like its working
I dropped my Switch on my face while in bed.
I hope she bleeds out.
>mfw theres actually people out there like this
i've done this once and I felt the pain as soon as I saw this pic.
Did her cat scratch her?
My wrists and my back hurt when I play a lot
were you kill?
>blaming other things for your mental health issues
What the fuck? I've been fucking pissed over shit-heads in Rocket League, but not enough to cut myself.
I did the same with my Vita
I've once broke my chair over League of Legends :-(
>making this thread repeatedly
Are you autistic or something?
>I need attention because I have no emotional stability
Take some SSRIs or an anti-psychotic, and take a break from games that upset you jesus christ.
>Be bad at vidya
>Punish yourself for it
Pretty hardcore tbqhwyfamalamdingdong
When I was a dumb kid in high school I got so mad playing some or other game that I smashed the glass cup i was drinking from and got shards of glass all over my hand
Immediately realized what I did was fucking retarded and since then any time I start getting upset at a game I just stop playing for a while
Not happening with these pussy cuts
How does it feel to be legitimately retarded?
Yeah but not for the same reasons as that dumb bitch
I also broke my sister's jaw because I thought she' making my ping higher by browsing videos :-(
I was playing Super Castlevania IV today and I slammed my desk out of frustration
kind of hurt
Attention whore
would occasionally slap myself in a forehead for fucking up something for a millionth time in a game i thought i was good at (i used to break my cheap keyboards, but i got sick and tired of cleaning up the mess)
Why is it always women who go this far into the lunacy? It's just a fucking multiplayer game, holy shit
>rocket league is bad for me!
>better keep playing it
Whenever I get hit by something like a critical hit or a headshot I punch myself in the balls as hard as I can to simulate large aumonts of damage to my body, am I the only one?
broke a pinky because i punched my table. boy do i regret that.
She can save a goal 10 percent of the time, but she can't save herself from mean internet words. RIP.
ive hurt my social life friendships and overall well being playing video games tfw no gf
Hot, did she orgasm afterwards?
>it's real
>this logic
women are terminally ill
stop spoiling doki doki literature club you worhtless sack of fuck
I once got my feet tangled on N64 cords and to avoid dropping it i made a faggy leap but i fell and smacked myself against the floor and dropped to the floor, i cried.
Rocket league pisses me the fuck beyond belief sometimes. Worse things I have done to myself is punch my desk or slam my head down on it. I stopped after I got a noticeable bump on my forehead.
Fuck off attention seekers. Sideways for attention, longways for results
someone should tweet her to slit her wrist vertically next time
>making the pain worse
>cutting yourself in the first place
she should see a doctor and a therepist, holy shit
I'm pretty sure doing this fucks up the stick after a while, I used to do it all the time for Mario Party 1, now my primary controller gets caught in a couple spaces and I gotta twirl the stick a couple times to fix it.
she won't do it anyway - just leave poor attention whore victim to rest
That wasn't lol's fault. It's your fault you are so fat
gee i wonder who could be behind this post
i-it just a phase, honest!
What a save!
What a save!
I am... free.
Yeah because men never cut themselves over something as stupid as their teenage girlfriend leaving them.
>I hurt myself over video games lol u mad?
>newfags don't know how to use sage
maybe if you weren't a fucking retard at handling controllers, dumb fuck. god you're so fucking stupid
Can we just have a Rocket League thread? I'll start with something that happened earlier?
>Playing 1v1
>Opponent is a real fucking asshole. Constantly spamming "What a save!" and "Nice shot!" if I miss
>Losing 0-4 with a minute to go
>Make a comeback and beat his ass 7-4.
>He's now messaging me on PSN that I need to forgive him for him acting like a shit-head
>Simply reply with "Nah, fuck you."
>He claims I'm being edgy by not forgiving him
What a fucking faggot.
it's a big cat
you're so bad at video games you should have hit yourself in the face
super cv is baby mode, fucking worthless shitter
only real friends watch me suffer so fuck off haters if you cant handle see me cut myself
It's the only way to beat the tug of war and paddling mini games.
I punched the ground when I was really drunk one night playing smash bros and broke my hand. I had to get surgery on it the next week.
Just make a new thread instead of using a baiting thread that will probably end up getting deleted
should've just raped her
>based bootsy just laughs
>james would instantly flinch
I was edging to a bad hentai game once for more than 24 hours straight
Felt like I was dying after I came
fuck that, just pop opiates. couple roxies a day will cure you of anything.
>Guy apologizes for being slightly, vaguely, sort of rude because you won
>you sperg out and fling insults
>come to Sup Forums
>keep sperging
* My dick was also pretty swollen for a few days
fur you
My original Xbox fell off it's shelf and broke every bone in my left foot when I was 12
If it hit my head I would have been a brainlet today
you're a stupid fucking nigger you fucking bitch, stop playing vidya
>Edging for 24 hours straight
Longest time for me was like 8? hours.
that avatar top kek
If you cut yourself over someone being mean to you in a fucking video game you might actually be a weak enough of a person that you should kill yourself.
Also cant forget the female special of
In 2008 I was playing Call of Duty 4 and I got pissed and smacked my controller on my phone screen. Cracked it. instant regret. Then I made up a story that I dropped it.
You don't bleed out with cuts made across the arm, they just clot. When people talk about "slitting their wrist" it's referring to cutting the vein open along the length of the arm, that'll bleed you dry in a jiffy.
Sounds like you're mad you get beaten at the game because you refuse to use the optimal strategy.
>losing 0-4 with a minute to go
>make a comeback and beat his ass 7-4
No one believes that at all whatsoever. I hope you know that.
Daily reminder that "toxic" is a buzzword created by riot games and only refers to team-mates griefing / throwing games.
Talking shit in games isn't "toxic" and if you can't handle shit talking you should mute people.
Videogames? No.
I've taken to just sort of taking chunks out of my legs when dealing with customers or the manager, though. Good way to avoid getting mad, hard to be mad when shit is stinging.
>you actually made people injure themselves because of a game
If it had hit your head, you wouldn't be here making a post
>people actually respond to some mentally ill tranny making a thread on Sup Forums after she photshopped an image
Fucking outstanding my dude, the most i've been able to is 5 hours, been thinking to try a long run for a while but i'm raelly scared of hurting my dingus.
>dont play game
>dont have to cut yourself
This just motivates me further to grief.
I have cut myself while masturbating and my girlfriend sucking my dick.
I don't know why tho
I have a large cut across my left forearm from my cat. It looked pretty much exactly like the big cut near the bottom of the picture when it was fresh. Cats are assholes when they're scared.
>another weak bitch that cuts herself
She should be going with vertical cuts against her veins for some actual results. No one would miss someone who cuts themselves.
>when people try to explain the gravity of an injustice done unto them by describing their reaction to it
You don't have to believe me, but the guy choked hard. He kept missing saves, missing shots, and only demolished me once. Technically the final score was 6-4 with 1 second left, but, I was about to score, and he forfeited, so I count it as 7-4.
How is "Nah, fuck you" an insult?
>playing no more room in hell with a couple buddies
>was wearing a $50 headset because I didn't have any speakers
>was leaning really far back in my chair without realizing it
>fall backwards
>sprain my wrist
>cord for my headset snaps in half
>have to play without sound for a month
Loving these people proving that toxic has lost all meaning from overuse.
The people who do this lack the wherewithal to know why it's irrational.
Oh don't worry. No one believes you.