What are some video game mechanics, tropes, and cliches that make you hit the desk in frustration?

What are some video game mechanics, tropes, and cliches that make you hit the desk in frustration?

mascot characters that the-talk like retards

Haha, look at that angry little anime. Very cute, do you have any more?

it sounds like you're describing yourself

I just recently started noticing a strong hatred for sudden difficulty spikes specifically designed in the game to tell the player, "hey, you should progress in one very VERY specific manner or this will be a huge pain in the ass for you".

Shit like "gear checks" and "level checks".

Where a boss or some scenario is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY difficult compared to whatever else led up to that point all of the sudden, and the game gives you no warning whatsoever beforehand.

One game is Secret of Evermore. If you get to the snake boss in the swamp without a level 2 weapon, the fight will take 30 minutes. And by that point, there is no way any alchemy spell is going to speed that process up AT all. There are only two ways to kill that boss normally. You either level up the starting Bone weapon up until that point, or you level up the Axe weapon up until that point, but along the way you get the Horn Spear weapon. As the game leads up to that fight, you are given 3 weapons to choose from, and if you don't know you NEED to level up at least one of them beforehand, you may end up not having either of them leveled.

That boss is a gear check, completely. You do maybe 20 to 40 damage TOPS on a very good hit, and the boss is difficult to hit, but if you level up any of the three weapons, you will do close to 100 to 140 damage instead. The game gives no indication he is coming up either.

And the boss has 2000 hp. So you either level a weapon and know you need to do so, or you show up with underleveled weapons that will make the fight take way WAY too long.

Shit like that is garbage.


>We defeated the enemy by the power of our FRIENDSHIP

That's awfully gay and not cute at all.

look at this fag, lmao


>status effects are worthless

This always bothers me.

>Antagonist is Eastern European
>heh, nukes bomb kill people am I bad man
>heh americans will die today heh hehe im bad man
>heh heh heh "badass" russian man who drinks gasoline and eats tank rounds

Pretty much everything Final Fantasy games do. My most hated is:

-Your best friend betrays you because the world is so horrible. But you have to forgive him later in the game because the story says so.
-The protagonist the story has been focusing on for 3/4 the game isn't really important at the end of the game.
-Characters die just for shock value and not for any meaningful reason in character development or story (Game of Thrones syndrome).
-The main antagonist was just being used this whole time so you should feel empathy for them.
-You miss an item, skill or can't enter an area because of a story event.

>game is more than 60 hours long
Who has time for this


Pointless novelty choices in rpgs. For example Paladin in lore is mostly defender but there are mentions of epic figures of more offensive traditions. In reality the offensive options are worse versions of Fighter skill and the hyped master technique is something like "Holy Purge: Daily action, 10% of your magic resistance done as holy damage, double damage against undead".

Careful. WRPGs have been based on those pointless novelty choices since Bioware came along.

That is why PoE and Divinity felt so good. They realised if you add a button in game it should do something. Of course some skills are still better but isn't as bad.

Well, there's also the fact that PoE was a Diablo clone. And as a result, it focuses on gameplay by default. Instead of QTE combat and dialogue choices, which is what people think of as WRPG these days.

I was talking about Pillars of Eternity not Path of Exile.

>b-but I can only play games 1 hour a week
If the game is good you won't mind spending 60 weeks playing it.
You should be complaining about games padding themselves with worthless bullshit, a game just being long is a good thing.