>stopped playing games two weeks ago
>social life already improved
>asked a girl out
>no longer feel like a beta bitch
>no longer feel tired all the time
Man it feels so good that I grew up
>stopped playing games two weeks ago
>social life already improved
>asked a girl out
>no longer feel like a beta bitch
>no longer feel tired all the time
Man it feels so good that I grew up
glad to hear it now fuck off
okay now get off Sup Forums
Enjoy chad's sloppy seconds until she breaks up with you for the next betafaggot who wastes money on her
>stopped playing games
>still on Sup Forums late at night
what did he mean by this?
You'll grow up one day too, kiddos.
once she leaves you, you'll come crawling back
It wont last if you keep posting here.
In case you've forgotten you're still on Sup Forums
For the past two weeks I've been doing something radical: reduced my time browsing Sup Forums, playing videogames instead.
Feels good.
>late at night
I'm literally drinking a coffee on my way to work.
You can browse Sup Forums on a phone too.
>asked a girl out
>not giving her reply
Pack it up boys. OP got rejected and is still in fact a faggot
Not op but what's gay about asking a woman out?
OP is a faggot.
It sounds like the problem wasn't games themselves but your compulsion to play them and bad priorities if 2 weeks feels like a big deal.
I'll go a month at a time without touching a videogame because I'm already otherwise busy with life.
You don't have to stop playing videogames to be a healthy social person, just stop staying up until the early hours of the morning playing them and stop ignoring your friends because your busy on a game.
Play them when you have some free time because friends are busy and your home is already tidy. Make sure you sensibly set yourself a time to stop playing and settle down to sleep.
OP is always a faggot user it is known
Good for you OP. Sup Forums is just a wasteful time sink with no benefit at all. I'm just here to shitpost to let my frustration out of the system then I'm good to go to being back as a "normie".
>he thinks he has to stop playing vidya before dating girls
good thing you've "grown" up. w/e that means to you
should have made an actual adult decision and sleep at normal Times, drink water, eat balanced and healthy breaks on gaming sessions
The fuck are you still doing on Sup Forums then? You're supposed to practice kissing with your pillow.
Is there a story behind this guy? I know he's American but I don't get why he's always posted with Love Lives or other animu girls.
>ask a girl out
the pussy jew will destroy your life and you will wish you could be one of us again. Now leave and never come back, normie.
>posts it on Sup Forums
yeah you're still a childish beta bitch
>being this underage and caring about a social life
you'll finally grow up one day, m'boy.
>that I grew up
Except you didn't. You still come here to shitpost.
You're as much of a manchild as when you started, because this is the real problem, not vidgames, yet you deluded yourself into quitting them because it's easier than quiting your real addiction. You lie to yourself do you don't have to, but surely you know deep inside what the problem is.
And you also prove that Sup Forums is used by people that don't actually play games.
I play vidya, fap to sfm and have a gf who I fuck at least 3-4 times a week. Have fun fagot
>literally get my dick sucked while playing RPGs
It's not a zero sum game, user.
>what is middle ground