Complaining about empty space

>complaining about empty space

I'll complain about empty space. FFXV was shit.

BotW and some other games are good because it had actual content to find and explore. Just because a field is open doesn't mean it's empty.

I don't even mind game worlds being "empty" because size is what matters most and the larger the better no matter how "full" it is.

>because size is what matters most and the larger the better
You must love Star Wars Galaxies. Running for hours over hills and never encountering a thing.


Empty open worlds aren't a problem if its just fun to traverse.

Can't play as Linkle
It's shit

>quantity over quality

Nah, it's how and why you explore the open field that makes it fun, not stretching it out another few miles.

Oh boy, I LOVE finding Travelers swords!!

It's not fun

Normies love Zelda, youre all faggots

The landscape still needs to be interesting to traverse like BOTW's is.

I agree with that. BOTW's rewards for exploring could've been better, but I for me they were still fun to find. That's separate from having a huge world though. It's bad it's its a small world even if there's quality content in it. It destroys the immersion for a world to be small and so full of things it's not exciting to find them.

Oh boy, I LOVE it when people water down an entire game to one mechanic. Hey, here's a good one. Red Dead Redemption has nothing in it because you ride a horse!

>FFXV was shit.

As was Tales of Zestiria in that department. Problem with JRPGs doing open world is they seemingly learned nothing from western games doing it for the longest time prior.

Red Dead was trash. Its Skyrim levels of overrated by 9gag normal fag reddit faggots

Ey ey ey, let's not bring MMORPGs into this discussion. Especially sandbox ones where real estate mattered.

I miss SWG.

Are you the /utg/ dude

Dragon Quest established JRPGs and was doing open worlds from the very first game. They nailed it. Then they improved open worlds again with their first 3D game.

It's just that most other JRPGs try so hard to be the anti Dragon Quest. And that sadly includes any tangible reason to explore the world, outside of set zones.

>RDR is Skyrim

Let's be honest. MMOs more than any genre should be about open world exploration and player interaction. Yet have become the most single player, story focused genre out there.

SWG kind of gets a pass because it came out at a time when games could barely handle open world. And did a lot more player interaction than current day MMOs do. But most of it was still just running for 20,000km to kill three enemies, then running back to the city...

I don't think many JRPG devs look at DQ anymore. Which is kinda sad because you forget your roots. Kinda the opposite problem with western RPGs and D&D, to be honest.

I prefer inch wide, mile deep hub worlds like Soul Reaver or Majora's Mask. Where the main region displays, via exposition or visually, points of interest and goals for the player. And to go there and accomplish tasks in those areas is the meat of the game.

I don't mind the mile wide, inch deep open world game every now and then. They can be fun little sand boxes to faff about in. GTA is fun for goofing around. But BotW is the opposite of what I want in an adventure game in terms of structure. I love the ideas for physics based systems over rigid lock and key item procession (get the bow to kill the enemy weak to the bow to go to new area). The closer Zelda could get to simulation design ethos the better. Emergent gameplay compliments the adventure puzzle genre very well. What I dislike is that the shrines are the epitome of inch deep content and the world is a mile wide with shitty collectathon and disposable weapon economy systems to "fill" it out. It's a disposable experience in the end and it's a shame.

>complaining about people complaining about empty space on Sup Forums

I get where you're coming from and BotW weakest part is the lack of real dungeons/temples. But when it comes to an overworld, its the closest to what I want from a Zelda. I want Zelda to be more like Zelda 1 than any of the 3D games.

Dude you're like, so super cool and badass with your obvious, superior taste to everyone else. How can I be more like you?


>Dragon Quest established JRPGs and was doing open worlds from the very first game. They nailed it. Then they improved open worlds again with their first 3D game.

I think that's true, but it's not the idea of what OPEN WORLD of today means.

Hyrule field and the eastern regions were the best areas of the game for me since I really enjoyed horse riding/combat. The worst were the outskirts of tabantha/eldin/gerudo highlands. Just a bunch of ugly rocks without much going on. "Empty" fields are way more preferable than spaces that look like they should be dense but aren't at all.

Which is why I bring it up any time people try to use open world as some hate meme. What they think of as open world either isn't open world at all (Assassins Creed) or is a shitty linear game pretending to be open world (Final Fantasy).

i rather have an open space like BoTW than a minimap filled with shit like AC.

As is true in most JRPG games, the games world is not part of the gameplay, just a thing to get you from A to B.

I really wonder if we'll get English versions of DQ1-2-3 they're releasing for 3DS/PS4 in Japan. Probably not because localization effort, but one can hope.

Pic related is objectively the best open world created because it's big and yet the amount of content packes in it and things to discover is bigger than every linear RPG out there

Which do you prefer between Fuel and Daggerfall

This game is so fucking ugly

>mfw I realized there was more than one map in the game

too bad it has typical pyranha bytes shit gameplay

huge world. only 16 little monsters. at least they give you a horse and a "compass"

Those games are just the Super Famicom remakes ported to another console. You can emulate them any time. Or play the shitty western released smartphone ports which are the same thing.

Where the fuck are you all finding download links for BotW


Indeed, and SWG landscape was interesting to traverse. Running sideways to go up faster was a skill in itself.

SoC's location is meant to feel empty and lonely.
BotW's is meant to feel like a place where people live, which just makes all the empty shit feel jarring. Had Hyrule only been inhabited by monsters, and the spirits of the former inhabitants who died when Ganon went crazy, with maybe one village of actual living people, it wouldn't have felt so weird, and they could actually have done some neat shit if most of the inhabitants where spirits.

>BotW's is meant to feel like a place where people live
Are you genuinely fucking retarded? Its 100 years after the apocalypse, everyone is fucking dead.

>BotW's is meant to feel like a place where people live,
Are you an idiot? Its literally a game about a post apocalyptic world were people are clinging onto the few habitable places to live and avoiding all the enemies and Ganon controlled technology running amok.

>which just makes all the empty shit feel jarring.
But its not empty. You can't go 20 feet without running into wildlife, hidden Koris, enemies, something to climb, a shrine, a random NPC walking down a road, etc.

In before "I don't like those things so they don't count."

you shouldn't comment on games you haven't played

The problem with BotW isn't the empty space, it's the copy pasted objectives and lack of interesting treasure to find.

North America had an apocalypse and 100 years later it was on the verge of being one of the most powerful nations in the world.

Do you really not know what an apocalypse is? The US had a civil war, the women were pretty much safe so the population could bounce right back. Here everyone fucking died to killer robots.

i just like surfing around on the shields
75% of what I do is looking for new shields because mine keep breaking

300 years ago was the tail end of a massive decline in North American native tribal populations. It was a legit scourge. 100 years later the USA was founded. Nice eurocentrism though bro. It's only an apocalypse if the Brits or Spaniards chronicled it huh?

How does this run on the emulator now?

Could someone explain the "muh empty world" meme? Not every place has something to do in real life either

Dude, they became the USA because a bunch of yuros moved in. They had an active migration of peoples, which BOTW doesn't seem to have.

Even after their massive and rapid loss of population there were still tribes thick through the continent you fucking dunce. The US had to wage war off and on for 200 years to rout people post apocalypse.

No one complains about the space between your ears.

Still, without the yuros coming in they never would have become a country. They would have continued their cycles of hunting and gathering (and in the cases of some tribes, even farming). They would have recovered, but it was the introduction of others with new ideas that made it into a country.

>Dragon Quest established JRPGs

lmao weebcucks actually believe this

BotW's problem isn't simply a lack of content, it's that the content itself is incredibly repetitive and the novelty dries up rather quickly. If you actually unlocked new items over time that significantly increased your ability to interact with the world (like in previous Zelda games) it would be much better. The only thing you get post-Plateau that qualifies is the Zora Armor. If the entire game was full of items or abilities like that then there would be a much more satisfying sense of character progression. You don't even have to get too creative, there's plenty of items in previous Zeldas that they could draw from, and BotW's dynamic physics would be enough to make them fresh. But if we were to get creative, the rune system is the definition of wasted potential and could be massively expanded on.


Honestly why do people want something interesting to be present in every inch of the game world?
Games that do that seem tryharding and overwhelming to me.

I just want a lot of nice hills to slide down and an unbreakable shield

DQ 1 - 3 already have modern localizations, they can just copy the script from the android/ios ports and slap em on the ps4 versions.

I would like to play a game first and foremost. What in the hell's point is there to just move anywhere doing jack all productive. Here's a thought, WHY must a world be big? If you like that so much go outside. I've been actively hating every game that shits out "muh realism" to the point it's killing my interest in 3D games. There's a reason adventure games either A: keep it short but have lots of goals to complete or B: make it long but have a story to tied you over. It's a game. That's the point. Beating objectives, and many like to do things faster if they could, just like what you wish you could do in real life because it fucking sucks.

But this is why Hyrule Field in TP was so boring