So what's the Sup Forumserdict? Better or worse than SoT?
So what's the Sup Forumserdict? Better or worse than SoT?
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Definately worse, but still good.
It's just the difference between a 9.5 and an 8
It was never going to be better than Sands of Time. What a ludicrous expectation.
The first game was nowhere near a 9.5
Much worse, but not a bad game.
It's a little worse I would say, not by much though.
I like the ability to position yourself but feel like removing both dodging and blocking is lame. The only stats that matter are artifacts instead of gear which also seems like a side step.
At least the hardest difficulty isn't as brainless as the first game.
yaoifag's Live-A-Live
It seems half assed across the board.
I'm only a few hours in but i'd say worse so far. I don't like capeshit so I never expected it to be better though.
>The only stats that matter are artifacts instead of gear which also seems like a side step.
Isn't gear purely cosmetic this time? Just dress how you like.
Humour is just as good as SoT, story/exploration as well.
Gameplay is decidedly worse.
plays better than SOT but worse in Everything else.
still a good game if your into South park.
>cartmans mom calls you daddy
no boner...
Maybe I was being too generous, I'll admit.
But I think the difference between both games is abour 1.5/10
Maybe FBH is a 7 and SOT an 8.5?
As far as I know, that is correct.
Definitely worse.
How can you make an RPG without weapons? Not this WoW item level shit.
you dope, he meant Shadow of Tchernobyl obviously.
its Shadow of Thecolossus faggot
Best JRPG to be released this year
Not enough fart jokes xD
Lazy sequel.
I beat FBW and went straight into playing SOT remasted.
SOT is much better. Even the combat for me is better. The whole grid thing never added an extra challenge for me.
Really hope it they make a third game they go the route of SOT more. Just let us equip armor with stats but give us a transmog system or something. The whole ilvl thing needs to go.
The grid thing is there because you can easily see they didn't want to make the same game again, which was pretty hard, to begin with.
Worse, but largely because South Park has gotten worse over the last few seasons, and the game is basically nothing but callbacks to the show.
>Decide to play an in-your-face thick of the action type character
>Pugalist/Cyborg/Assassin/Martial Artist
>Incredibly underwhelmed
What's a fun mix of classes Sup Forums
worse on both gameplay and jokes
but still better than any other SP game besides SOT
sageru posting because there's a general thread which you should have posted
What is that short for? Succ off Trey?
overpriced, less content, slightly better combat, story was weak.
I guess I'm in the minority of people who found SoT's gameplay to be so dull as to almost stop me finishing it.
Status effects were so OP in that game that you could just add burning and bleeding power ups to your weapons and kill anyone EZ mode. You could equip power ups to your clothes that made you gain enough PP and HP every move that they would constantly be full.
Halfway through the game literally every combat encounter became a slog because you just had to wait a few turns for your insta win.
Take assassin ultimate, assassin cross blades, brutalist fart, and elementalist heal and dmg buff.
SoT's combat is definitely worse than FBW, the only pro is the fights are faster so you get to the cutscenes faster. Its a poor Paper Mario clone, entirely on the fault that enemies are too similar and poorly designed.
My final set up was elementalist or plantmancer ultimate, psychic confuse, elementalist freeze, plant knockback/bleed.
That cyborg move with the magnets where you damage the whole row and column around you is good though
The next game will be the kids playing ninjas again, too many hints, city wok ninjas, butters ultimate, and craig and tweak ultimate song was from that episode
I dunno if ninjas is a big enough theme for a whole game
Mongolians, chimpokomon anime version of new kid
same. i chose thief and it was op.
then when you unlock kyle his arrow barrage the most op move ever.
I doubt anyone over 20 enjoys this game, I dropped it after 30 minutes. Gameplay is terribly simple and boring, fart and poop jokes were fun when I was 12
nu-southpark is terrible
what would they be parodying?
lord of the things and capeshit were/are huge franchises. anime doesnt hold a candle to that especially since normal people dont watch anime
Stick was better and can't say the day 1 dlc, pricetag and full jewbsoft helped the game reputation either.
What else could they do, not fantast again
Was there a budget issue? Game feels so unfinished even after all the delays. Maybe they shouldn't have hired a studio in San Francisco.
I chuckled maybe 2 times the entire game. Stick of Truth was the better game in every regard.
>Alternative Universe Human Kite
fucking kek every time
I don't get why they did the whole fart thing again. It was not funny in the first game and even less funny this time
Thats pretty gay
I disliked the lack of a strong cohesive main story. They could have focused more on the new kid's fart powers instead of just being a thing.
dose that little faggot do anything when he comes into battle?
Worse but I still enjoyed it mostly. SoT was a love letter to South Park's history but FBH is mostly embracing it's future. It had some good moments which funny enough were all using older episodes to draw from. I perfered the super hero dynamic compared to the fantasy one but pretty much everything was done better in the first game.
I would honestly reccomend waiting for a GOTY edition, it's nowhere near a must own.
Haven't finished the game yet but from what I've seen he always just bundles in and falls down then leaves.
Also shoutout to PC Principal, the best character South Park has introduced in ages
Little bit worse
The combat works really well in story related missions since it allows more interactions, but random encounters are boring as fuck.
Exploration felt better in the first game and I do not like collecting shit in the town like a faggot.
Also I dislike that there are no weapons and gear that effect your stats, I guess it makes sense for the superhero settings, but there is little insentive to explore unless you like playing dress up.
>stripper airhorn intensifies
Started yesterday. FUCKING YES.
Too bad you have no companion who runs around with you anymore.
I've had him:
-Trip, fall and fuck off
-Shield himself and fuck off (Blue Jew Magic)
-Heal himself and fuck off (Yellow Jew Magic)
-Do 1 damage to a random enemy and fuck off (Red Jew Magic)
>Also I dislike that there are no weapons and gear that effect your stats, I guess it makes sense for the superhero settings, but there is little insentive to explore unless you like playing dress up
But that's a straight improvement. Now you can look exactly how you want to instead of a stats whore.
>quicktime shitting events
So everyone agrees the strip club was the best boss fight right?
its ok
yep, I picked thief and just rolled through the game so easily that I never changed gear after a couple hours. didnt realize until I got the achievement for finishing the game in the makeover gear
yeah it seems weird considering the real show doesnt have much fart based humor (in the past 5ish seasons at least)
Better, but I still don't see why they needed an entire new engine that runs like shit. I mean, it has to look like south park. What the fuck is going on under the hood that makes it need 6GB of RAM?
While this is definitely true, they still went about the wrong way trying to fix this. Not too mention that status effects are still incredibly strong in FBW. Grossed Out especially so. The GO my Mosqito dished out only dealt like 60 initial damage, but the DOT was in the 350-400 HP range, which is absolutely massive. And I wasn't even purposelly going for DOT damage, I stacked as much crtit+ as possible.
Also, I very much missed the pure appearance gear upgrades. Starting as some low as shit mage with bad looking gear, but as you get promoted you become badass looking. This was completely absent in FBW, unfortunately.
And I find it funny that people say this has harder combat than SoT. Having 4 party members makes this game so incredibly easy it's not even funny. As long as you have some competent tank (like Diabetes) you literally can't lose, because even when 3 of your team members die (and at that point the enemies should be almost finished as well) you still win like normal as long as one of your pals is the last man standing. Combined with the fact that you get healed completely after every fight makes you simply not give much a shit whether people die in combat or not.
But the biggest flaw, imho, is the fact, that there aren't any environment kills anymore. What I would have liked is battles become actually hard as balls, so you have to care about your enviroment and take notice whether you could kill enemies without even fighting them. But in the whole of FBW I found about 2 such environment kills.
Who /wurld of STR/ and classed as brutalist and martial artist here?
>fart humor is the running gag
it's literally shit
dead wrong. you can tell when someone that doesn't watch tries to sound smart
story-wise, it is easily 10 times worse
gameplay-wise, it is a tiny tiny better
the big issue: it is as badly padded as Arkham City
South Park: The Filler but Whole
Ive been watching it for ages, theres a good amount of grossout humor but farts in particular are nowhere near the focus of the show. but when they do do fart jokes its just not funny (like the old lady in the hummels episode)
Worse, the humor was much better in SoT. This game really shows how shitty South Park writing has become.
If fart humor is shit, can we say it went too far ?
you have to go back
So, originally the game was delayed because of the "unpredicted" winner of the presidental election.
Is this shown somewhere in the game or did they just talk bullshit to get more time?
Damn you Carlos for failing at quints.
>I doubt anyone over 20 enjoys this game
>I dropped it after 30 minutes
I could understand if there was non-stop puzzles and no entertainment value, but this game is practically a movie.
>nu-southpark is terrible
The game plays like a classic Southpark episode that uses newer themes.
Way too many fart jokes
It was funny in the first one, but they really overdid it this time
Garrison isn't in the game, im guessing he originally was
Absolutely this. I tried status effect stacking, but when you combine the two turn ability of speedster with the main Brutalist attack and the two turn cooldown ability of a martial artist, raw attacks become desirable.
I think a lot of people overlook physical attacks because the ability numbers shown are half of what a Brutalist actually does with crit and physical raised high. Unless it's just bugged.
Its fine if you just treat it as a long southpark episode with filler. I wouldnt pay £50 for it but I always pirate the series so I dont mind
Haven't watched the show since 2012, why is Tweek and Craig a couple?
Show did an episode making fun of japanese yaoi and used them for the plot.
Watch S19E06, and you will find out.
Yah I liked the DJ announcing the girls when it was their turn to attack.
>the same game again, which was pretty hard
Surely you don't mean that Stick of Truth was a difficult game to complete
Best girl wasn't even mentioned in the game
I wish more games had something like that. Fun narration of a fight really got me more into the fight.
Quite a bit worse. Feels like they weren't as focused as they were with SoT. Liked the combat better, and liked the expansion of the New kid role. It felt a bit rushed though, but I guess the "Season Ass" will fill in the blanks.
It's a better game then Stick of Truth. It's basically Super Stick of Truth but superhero themed.
>best girl
That's not Kennys sister. Besides they're trying to bury the last season so everyone will forget it so of course she wasn't even mentioned.
I couldn't make it very far without getting bored.
I mean the comedy inside is great, but every gameplay mechanic is just stupid.
Collecting yaoi, taking selfies, crafting. All ultimately useless just to get some gaming elements into this movie.
Running around and battling also isn't fun.
Because season 20 was shit, the only thing from season 20 in the game is the annoying memberberries shit
To be honest I have to agree with you on the filler, it was kinda decent in the beginning but I feel like the whole Mitch Connor thing dragged on way too fucking long. I expected it to be a red herring considering how out of the way they went with making it retarded and annoying but guess what, it was just meant to be retarded and annoying.
I know that twinge.
It's not as good as Stick of Truth.
There's more bugs, the story isn't as coherent, the world isn't as fleshed out and the combat (in my opinion) isn't as good. It's entertaining, but it feels like a whole bunch of ideas just thrown together. Like left overs from Stick of Truth - a B reel of shit they couldn't find a way of putting into the first game, then just cobbled a sequel out of it.
There's some coherent plot-line, but it's held together with odd parts where you can sort of see there was a joke there once, but it wasn't fully thought through and it was just slapped in because they were reaching the deadline. The ending feels especially abrupt. How the fuck do we wrap this up, guys? I don't know. Have a fucking sockpuppet be the mastermind behind it all, even though that doesn't make any sense. Roll credits.
I think they were struggling to finish it, even though it was delayed several times. Entertaining I guess, but not worth full price.
>the combat (in my opinion) isn't as good
I chose brutalist first, then when I got allies I noticed I can only attack left or right and on many occasions all I could do was end my turn without attacking anyone.
Switched to blaster class and it was just too OP.
Then I quit the game. Don't feel like sitting through all that filler just to hear a couple of jokes.
Most of the skills just being vertical was truly annoying as shit, made a lot of boss fights a chore.
I like TFBW's writing and story more, but SoT has much better gameplay.