>playing online game
>teammate has male voice
>asks us to call him “her”
Playing online game
Tell him to suck his own dick
Give me one valid reason why that's an issue.
Because nobody likes faggots
>call everyone dude or man
>someone corrects me as if I care
Why the fuck do people care about gender so fucking much, just play the game.
Try that in real life
>female trans
>clearly female, dates boys
>asks to be called he
>throws a hissy fit and becomes impossible to work with if you let a she slip out
It was infuriating.
Trannies are always annoying attention whores.
give me one valid reason to respect a stranger's pronouns from miles away instead of quietly referring to whoever i hear as whatever i hear
>people use make believe bullshit in order to give reasons not to work or be efficient
I hate it so goddamn much. I had this female coworker for about a year who would ALWAYS claim she wasn't feeling well or had a headache or was too offended at some imaginary slight. She was essentially paid to exist and gossip while the rest of us did everything.
nobody likes faggots
Because why should I care some mentally ill faggot's feelings from miles away? Society doesn't work on hyper individualism. If that faggot was a wolf or a lion they'd be bullied out of the pack and killed. I'm not going an extra mile for some snowflake millennial.
Degenerates must all die.
I did that once. Got invited into a Skype call and when everyone was arguing I said "He's right" or something. I went afk cause the only person I knew left. Came back to them moaning about me misgendering them.
Because it would be incorrect to call a man a woman. I don’t call a chair an airplane.
Normalfags laugh at trannies and faggots behind their backs. I know this because I am one. Just know everyone is secretly laughing at you, also with a mix of pity and disgust.
Amen to that.
They asked you to? I mean no one can stop you but seems a bit petty if you keep doing it outta spite. If they're being dicks fine but it costs you nothing
Relative of mine has the same problem.
>Is in the medical field.
>Has to deal with all the reports, restocking, epidurals, diabetes patients, walk-ins, etc.
>Another person who is supposed to be helping sits in her room saying she's doing work and games the system by piggybacking off of my relative to make it look like she's working when she's not doing anything.
>Relative reports to HR and they don't do anything and can't do anything in the building itself because the chick is best friends with the boss.
It's pretty terrible, especially because if there is anything backed up it's on my relative to do stuff or risk getting fired.
That's what I always do nowadays too
I can't really complain, i had the late shift at that job and all i did was shitpost on Sup Forums all night every night, got paid to meme. It was pretty nice.
mental issues should not be promoted but cured
>join game
>everyone is from europe and speaking in different languages is
>one guy raging in broken english who leaves after a few rounds when we're not even losing
disgusting kill them all
Don't know your situation, but yeah it changes from job to job. In that particular case I hated her because we were always busy and always needed to be doing shit. Had the job been more lax like the one I'm currently doing then I wouldn't have been so upset. Honestly slackers only piss me off when their slacking affects me.
give me one reason it isnt.
Nobody wants a mentally retarded / insane person on their team. They should have their own lobby in games so normal people did not have to deal with their shit.
Thank you. This whole, I'm a mentally ill retard and I'm proud of it culture is one of the most baffling trends I've ever seen.
Why are there so many trannies in america?
>Dude, what are you doing
>Uhm, I'm not a dude
>Yeah okay great, but dude, what are you doing
same applies to if they're doing something well, I really don't care, everyone gets called "dude" and everyone gets treated like a mongoloid or a competent person, it's a fucking game
I never really thought about how blase I was compared to most people when I said "Dude" in a Mann vs Machine game and this other person went on this whole rant about being a shemale and condescending super hard and all I kept telling them was shit like "Yeah that's fucking great but can you please just get into position the robots are coming" and they just kept rambling and it really pissed me off
most people until when I said*
Just a normal match then?
It was at a chain gas station, my job was to essential be a janitor and clean up the customers literal shit. I decided after a month or two to not do that, nobody else wanted to work nights so my boss refused to fire me even though cameras were set up everywhere.
>Tfw smoking DUDE on the job with my pretty girl(female) coworker on the job
>Tfw smoking dude with the customers and talking about life when i should've been making life easier for the day shift
It was pretty great
It's cool and hip right now
Posting in banned thread
Simple. I get to say what I believe and other people shouldn't force me to use words I know to be wrong.
good thing i dont give a shit what you think petty is lil man
>you can make threads about online gaming community interactions ONLY if they’re politically correct
pfft, what is this, canada?
>play online game
>first thing I always do is go to the options
>turn off VoIP/ingame chat
I don't play multiplayer games to interact with people, I'm here to kill shit.
Then you're all good senpai. Keep fighting the good fight
just dont criticize left wing safe spaces like neogaf :) we have very butt-sensitive moderators since their little hovel got blown the fuck up and now they're not paid to ignore pedophilia
>Because why should I care some mentally ill faggot's feelings from miles away?
Same could be said about you.
>Society doesn't work on hyper individualism
Sane applys to you
>If that faggot was a wolf or a lion they'd be bullied out of the pack and killed. I'm not going an extra mile for some snowflake millennial.
See now this is the genuinely faggy and stupid part of all that you just said.
Since first of all humans aint like lions or wolfs. And cause of it we have heavily prospered cause of it.
You may wonder what i mean by that. Well you are being a totally hypersensitive chode by being so hyper sensitive about someones feelings as if feelings and caring about them are bad or some shit.
You know ironically enough humanity as a hole has prospered above all else because of peoples feelings and actually caring and catering to them.
In a wolf or lion pack a sick or disabled individual would be left to die away from the pack as to not be a nuisance. But humans have empathy and cause of that feeling we take care of the sick and disabled so they can either get better or prosper in some way. In that same vein we also have wisdom that we have only acquired as a species simply because we cared about peoples feelings. They old and decrepit people are not left to die alone once they cant contribute to the pack. We take care of them because we connect to our elderly emotionally cause of our feelings. those feelings that make us take care of our old sick and made it so that their wisdom as people was not lost with age but kept in some way or form. From generation to generation this cycle has gone and slowly but sure humanity has expanded and grown.
You can be a lil faggot about peoples feelings. But just know that people careing about others feelings is what let humans do most if not all of what they have done. It is an evolutionary trait that leads to the top of the food chain even though we or comparatively weak to many a animal.
ya faggot
no, it's Sup Forums and this is a Sup Forums thread
>typing out all this autistic kike shit
This is fine unless you do it in competitive modes.
purge soon
Same, it puts me on tilt anyway.
>playing overwatch on console
>90% of the time it's pure rage and memes
>turn it off
>raise 2 tiers
>turn it back on
>drop 2 tiers
It's not like your missing anything either in other shooters, nobody wants to hear
>Kid yelling
>obligatory dude with baby screaming in backround
>teen yelling at his mom
>>DuDE taking bong rips
>this whole post
goddamn i hate trannies
Because life is a Christian server user.
Men can’t turn into women and women can’t turn into men. No self respecting person would call someone by their wrong pronouns unless they’re in a fucking shakespeare play.
what makes this a Sup Forums thread more than the threads about "Battlestation thread", Why do all gamergrills like D.Va so much?" and other shit like that?
Fuck off faggot
Stop wasting your time on video games
You should be fucking killed.
thats right goyim, everything you dont like is a faggot and an sjw, also they are tumblr/reddit/neogaf
Why are you here?
>ooo I put on a dress now you call me "she"
>ooo I strapped a carrot to my head now you call me "it"
fucking ridiculous
Stay triggered, /utg/ kike.
Give me one reason i should deign to indulge their delusion.
You literally can't
this literally never happens
the best solution is to leave the group since playing with mentally ill people lowers your chance of success.
Spreading wisdom
it's literally impossible to not play with mentally ill people because all gamers are autistic incels c:
>t. JIDF kike