Friend comes over

>friend comes over
>browse library for local co-op
>"hey, you have resident evil 6"
>realize i forgot to uninstall giraffe blowjob after dropping it halfway through
>whatever, could be fun with a friend
>start sherry's campaign
>pick sherry because she's a main character but most of all because she's a qt
>friend who gives zero shits about re is fine with the random asshole

>story has sexual tension out the ass
>some awkward moments
>friend starts bullying me over the fact i picked the girl
>pretty sure he's just flirting with me
>let it slide because both of us are aware that neither of us is gay
>and it's actually very funny
>n-no homo tho
>laugh our asses off at all the gay shit and cheesy action scenes
>actually feel immersed in the story
>campaign nearing its end
>romance ending confirmed
>getting pumped for more gay romcom shit since the characters were surprisingly likeable
>hol up, there's no kiss
>it isn't a romance ending
>blue balled hard
>feel like screaming, friend expresses disappointment as well
>friend leaves

>get bored and fap
>out of all things, cum while thinking about re6
>go to bed
>have a wet dream about jake and sherry
>where i'm fucking sherry
>not as in having sex with sherry but BEING sherry
>weirded out in the morning but forget about it soon
>the next night it happens again
Am I gay? I'm not gay, am I? Please send help, I don't know where else I could possibly seek it.

>dreaming about being a woman

Nah you're fine user. Dreams are just your brains way of dealing with the information you picked up during the day. They mean nothing about your sexuality. I once had a dream where I was walking about a giant futuristic building (I think it was a space elevator?) And fucked a morbidly obese black woman

>And fucked a morbidly obese black woman
That's strangely specific. There may be a meaning to that.

Dreams are actually the brain forming ideas, so of course they make no sense, yet.

Yeah, the way I lost my (half) virginity was playing NES games with a friend when I was 15, and like you said, there was tons of sexual tension in the air, it was like electricity. During one specific game we had found some ridiculous excuse that gave us a bit of deniability to first feel each other up, But y'know how it goess....when you're holding somebody else's dick for the first time, and lust clouds your mind there is no going back. So then we took it to the next level and I blew him in the bathroom.

Since you did none of those things, I'm pretty sure you're straight.

t. somebody who lost his half-virginity thanks to Sup Forumsideogames. Also unfortunately kept the other half because of them too.

>ywn dream

Anybody born after 1984 is gay so don't sweat it

Sorry, can't relate to this. Must be some faggot thing. You're on your own here, freak.

Oh so that's when they released the gay agent into the atmosphere.

Well technically it was October of 83 but yes


Being over 30 and posting on 4 Chan man just end it all life will not get better for you

>just the default female character chooser.

>both of us are aware that neither of us is gay

>friend comes over to just play video games
>makes jokes about you being a girl character
>you actually think it's funny
>confused if you're gay or not
are you 12?

>both of us are aware that neither of us is gay

This homo is 34 and he still wonders if he is gay

the gayest thread

but I doubt he plays RE6 with his friends and laughs at the one who plays as a female, then dreams about getting fucked by his besty.

I don't know about that

But it definitely is the most Residentest Evilest of threads

>not playing as Jake
Yeah, you're gay.

I actually figured this out for real reading psychology books.
This is basic psychology and the new theory of constructed emotion(neuroscience) here. Stories, narratives, especially visual media is made to get emotions(reactions from your body), and your subconscious remembers this. You're continually learning what reality is just by being conscious, and your subconscious mind can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality because the mind creates reality in the first place.
So you have all these nice reactions, pleasant reactions going on in your body and you see these characters doing all these pleasant things and it becomes the very foundation of happiness itself. When you see someone you identify as human, no matter the sex, succeeding in life, they become your role model. This happens no matter how old you are.