Where will the series go after this? Back to modern day? The Korean War? The Civil War? The Crusades? What other settings are left?
There were rumors about BO4
It's the beginning of a cycle.
It'll go back to modern warfare after WW2
Wasn't BO3 completely detached from BO2? Why not just make a new title if you're gonna ignore the previous entries?
The more important question is, where will battlefield go next?
Supposedly the only real relationship BO3 had to the previous 2 was just having a big tweest
>not playing Red Orchestra instead
It was, I have no idea what they gonna create but codboys will buy it anyway, ign and other game "journalists" will call it masterpiece and GOTY.
I would really love to see new title, based in USA that is on the brink of the second civil war and have multiple endings like it was made in BO2
who plays cod anymore
More like nigger of duty amirite
Gotta admit though, motherfucker has style.
I wanna get blacked by him
Cod: Danger Deep. Underwater based shooter complete with submarine warfare, scuba gear, air domes and creatures of the deep.
>the crusades
I'd buy that just to support the publisher with such massive balls to do such a drastic genre change
It's all fun and games until blacks start doing dumb nigga shit like OP's pic related. baka senpai.
>It was, I have no idea what they gonna create but codboys will buy it anyway, ign and other game "journalists" will call it masterpiece and GOTY.
>being stuck in the 2009 mindset
non normalfags, unironically
>dumb animeposters are the same faggots that fetishize niggers
RO2 is dying, Rising Storm is dead, and Rising Storm 2 is shit.
I just want Red Orchestra 3 with Africa, the western and eastern fronts, the pacific, and larger player counts with more vehicles.
It's not fault I'm a sissy white boy that wants to get blacked by a Waffen SS looking nigga
You very clearly didn't make this thread to talk about cod
as he would give your weeboo ass his supirior gens.
me first
Jesus christ, I wish I could physically grab you through my screen and beat the shit out of you. Faggots make me want to puke
That's my second fetish, getting beat up.
Don't forget to spit on my face and kick me in the stomach!
What the fuck is wrong with you. I am sick of you faggots where did you fucking come from, there was not nearly as many of you until moot added that sellout board. I literally want to kill you right now, you're a godless abomination that doesn't deserve free oxygen
Looool he thinks 4chinz is some pure board of non degeneracy, do you know where you are newfag?
>What other settings are left?
Setting some Waffen ss soldiers as strong independent black women that don't need no men.
You are the newfag here, tumblr friend. This shit was not close to near as common until that shitty faggot board was added.
You are creepy.
>getting this mad over shitposting
I've been here since 2009, sweetie.
Creepy and gross, yes. Please beat me up.
Are you for real, now? Regardless, here are your (You)s, faggot.
Yeah you are definitely new. This isn't some church, larping retard. Fuck off.
Sup Forums has gone full circle, so has the culture in the west in general, it's literally more contrarian to be a church goer now. It's normalfag to be a nihilistic edgelord in 2017.
>muh epic b edginess
came from r/Sup Forums, didnt you?
those boys are grown ups now and running this industry. stay mad gramps lmao
Haha so based fellow pede :^)
ur shit and so are your opinions you fucking nigger
>being this assblasted about the gays
50/50 you're a god awful looking tranny who gets anally devastated whenever they find someone who is gay.
>yes, yes, conservatism is the new punk.
What does this have to do with biddeo gaymes :D
rainbow six patriots was gonna be kinda like that. But then captain snowflake alex jones and his army of thin skinned "manly men" got triggered and started a big stink over t being the feds vs a militarized occupy
I didn't say conservatism, I mean religion. religious aesthetics. being a moralfag is counter cultural in 2017.
a trendy normalfag wouldn't understand.
Literally this lmao.
Why is it always an assblasted tranny that gets mad at gay boys?
>Rising Storm 2 is shit.
The fuck? GI YOU DIE!
Where did you get the idea I'm a tranny from?
The fact you in return got butthurt after I called out that toxic fag board ruining Sup Forums means I was right though.
Projecting much?
That's actually pretty hot.
No homo
You're the one sperging over a faggot on a an anime website. Go back.
Perhaps both companies will dabble with old medieval/ancient warfare. Or, come up with a new title and stray away from warfare.
COD: Temporal Warfare with multiple timelines fighting one another
BF: Cowboys & Indians
Nuh uh, I'm not a tranny!
dumb demon loli poster
call of duty: WeWuzII
I guess americans will just shoot each other IRL using their COD-acquired skills