It's happening
WoW: Tides of Vengeance
nobody cares about this dead game
>odd angle photograph of a dim screen
Yeah we certainly didn't see that before the last expansion, or the one before that or the one before that
What was the fake one for legion called again? Council of Glades or something TIrisfal?
>wow now free to play
>garrison focus
>garrison missions and champions are purchased with Booty which is analogous to order resources or garrison resources
>Booty can only be acquired through micro transactions through their updated phone app
>raid tokens now turned in for loot boxes instead of buying tier gear
>loot boxes have a chance to give you legendaries
>loot box items can titanforge, including legendaries
>artifact weapons removed but artifact path and artifact power tied to legendary items
>individual rank of artifact points can "titanforge", adding a rank to particular skill
>reforging is back
>reforging had a chance to increase the chosen stats
>5 man dungeons can now be ran with NPC followers that are hired on the blizzard store individually
>hirelings last 20 days
>new FFA last man standing BG
>all raid and dungeon bosses have had their loot tables updated to give key fragments unique to their respective zones
>collect enough keys to open a loot box from that raid
>keys for loot boxes can be purchased on their store
>legacy server confirmed to be in the works but won't be open until late quarter of 2019
>legacy server confirmed to be in the works but won't be open until late quarter of 2019
Keep dreaming, faggot
Hell no dude I only played WoW when it was at its best, ie Wrath and Legion.
just give us the legacy servers ffs. its all i want in life at this point.
>legacyshitters strawmanning this hard
Laughing at your life
wow who gives a flying fuck
call me when it's either f2p or they do legacy servers
>legacy servers finally up
>spend 2 years going through the content
>2 years is over
>forum posts screeching to reset the server content
>blizzard never does
>everyone hates legacy servers now
Good job
You don't think that you want it, but you actually do.
retail wow is shit
give me vanilla progression servers and we're talking
Lol, nice try
everything is subjective, but imo BC was the absolute finest of WoWs state
WotLK wasn't bad, I just didn't like it as much as BC and it didnt have a broken ass hemo mace build (as far as i remember) for rogues kek
but wotlk did add a lot of magic to the game even though LFR quite killed the socialism
dalaran, cooking/fishing quests, northrend - these were super cool and i dont regret one bit spending thousands of hours on this game honestly
wow was a really good game once.
>3rd gender option
>all white male options have their graphics reduced, animations are dumbed down
>all faction leaders are now womyn/trans
>there is a pride parade event every week in orgymar/stormwind
>condom dispensers in goldshire inn
>saying that you are a straight white male in guildchat or any public chat can get you banned
>actions reduced to three buttons: attack, heal, defend
Is this going to be the best expansion of all time?
I'm fucking hyped for Naval ship garrison, sub races, Nazjatar underwater city suramar style in a giant bubble, Kul Tiras, Undermine neutral capital.
Comfy pirate island adventures ahoy! So sick of fucking green rocks, fel shit and demons.
Reminder that the thread on plebbit apparently got shoah'd so we know blizzard wants this shit taken down.
it's legit.
>post yfw you're not a private server cuck
It was funny seeing nostcucks denying goldselling/duping/bots to inflate player count. Only for them to admit it.
WoW still going strong! How long until FFXIV goes f2p?
I honestly don't even care anymore. I don't hate WoW. I was subbed off and on for about three months of Legion total. I just don't like raiding and I utterly despise speedruns (so fuck mythics), so basically there's nothing remotely challenging around that I enjoy doing in modern WoW other than the mage tower stuff, which is a one-time thing that was neat.
They're right though.
Can we finally scrap arenas and focus on world pvp and battlegrounds?
Having 75% chance of winning / losing just because of comps of both teams is retarded.
Feels good, man.
Typical women
Look what Sup Forums has done to you
Now you're nothing but a meme machine only capable of vomitting meanlingless buzzwords
If you had taken the time to think about what you're talking about, you'd realize Blizzard never had any problems with white males or anything, see all the Varianwank, see how Anduin and Turalyon are likely to be the new heroes, see Jim Raynor, see Soldier 76, etc.
Oh yeah man. Anyone who's had to come to terms with the only way you can play legacy WoW is by admitting how shady the way the servers are financed. It's at the stage where overtly selling gold in order to regulate it is more benevolent than "nope nothing bad going on here lol". Who are they trying to fool? Shady shit occurs on retail, too.
Not blurry enough desu fake
That's why it was shut down and the yet another "this time for real guys" replacement is again saying they're not using bots or selling gold.....kek
I always wonder what's the mindset behind people who shill up-and-coming private servers on a wink and a promise. They always get hostile when you ask them why their golden goose is going to be any different to it's predecessors..
i swear to god if they remake garrisons again im going to shit in the blizzard hq lobby
are shills already getting ready?
Can confirm that the next WoW expansion will have no white males. It's being referred to as revolutionary in diversity in games.
"Hush, Tyrande" is now empowering and feminist?
should they finally add playable I'll come back, even though I have zero time for WoW anymore, but you gotta do what you gotta do
*playable Naga
they have these hoaxes every year, this one is no different.
And among all the hoaxes, there is always the correct one
You remedy this by having seasonal legacy servers, similar to PoE. At the end of the season, you can transfer your character to a permanent legacy server.
Let's be real, the only reason why people like private servers is because the magic happens when the server just launches and it's still fresh. The first few months, up to a year, of a private server are the best. It's why people keep coming back despite getting fucked over time and time again by shitty jews ALWAYS running them into the ground.
I don't know about you but i'm only interested in servers that have been around long enough to mature, meaning they'll both have the progression content fleshed out and has subsisted long enough on it's own without dying out. That way I can get the full xpac experience without needlessly waiting for the nonexistent dev team to finish fundamental content, so I can clear it and move on with my life. PvE only
here's hopping for better future armous in the future!
holy shit, didn't we just get an expansion though like a year ago? We doing one new expansion a year now? That seems a bit Jewey even by Blizz standards,
They've been wanting one a year for a while now.
Legion came out in August. By the time this comes out it'll more WAY more than a year, kid.
theyre gonna announce it but the last patch of legion will probably last close to a year anyway
What would you do if blizzard announced that wow will go F2P with the new expansion?
I'd probably laugh. A lot. And then be free after all this time, because the game would be finally and absolutely dead. I'd only log in for one more time and shitpost in trade chat and make fun of everyone seriously still playing
>reforging is back
Fucking reforging every bit of new gear every single time was getting tedious
WoW is pretty much F2P at this point if you actually still play the game and enjoy it. By simply playing the game you can earn enough gold and then some to buy WoW tokens for either subscription or balance to buy shit that costs $$ on Blizzard's store (like an expansion). You can make enough gold through class halls (garrisons) if you keep up with your shit on your phone via the legion app.
Impossible to buy a token in the EU while playing casually, last time I checked one token was like 220k gold.
I have no idea why we have to share a market with fucking Russians.
>a lot of gold
Are you shittin me
Did you READ you autistic moron
CASUAL PLAYING will NEVER give you enough gold to pay for a gametoken at the end of the month, unless your lucky with drops.
>another water filled shit
no thank you.
>unless your lucky with drops
And even then you'd have to log in almost every day to sell shit on AH or whatever, most casual players DO NOT log in every day though, because that kind of beats the purpose of playing casually.
Playing on American servers this is totally possible since their token price is like 50-60k iirc
What does casual playing mean to you? Because to me it always meant the amount of time you spent on the game. And let me tell you, good players aren't spending 8+ hours a day in game like a mouth breather. I used to be that mouth breather. Despite spending 40+ hours a week as a NEET playing the game, I was never considered "good" nor was in a high end raiding guild. Basically good players are more efficient with their time, doesn't mean they treat the game like a 2nd job. And no, don't even bring up the 1% of raiders who's jobs are to race for world firsts.
because they either actually believe themselves when they say they won't do shady shit (and will have reality slap them in the face down the road) or don't want you to deflate the hype for their server that they plan to do shady shit on.
id start playing if it go f2p
My dude 220k is weekend income for someone who spends a few months building a presence on the auction house. It takes a few minutes a day to scan and sell, decide what to buy out and resell.
Most of the people I know who have a job and a normal social life barely log in, just log in a couple times a week to do the usual stuff and log out again. There is no way for them to earn 220k gold each month consequently because they simply do not have the time to commit.
It's 180k now, thank blizzard for putting destiny 2 on the bnet launcher
220k isn't really much though, per month it's nothing
Like with casual play you can easily get enough, you can easily just take disenchanting while doing world quests with any gathering profession, disenchant your hundred trash epics for extra money you get from every single fucking quest you do which also give gold, then sell the mats you get, trade in blood of sarg for whatever's the best rate and then do LFR and whatever the fuck, if you're not a DPS you'll get instant queues and get shit over with right away while getting bonus gold from the caches
Not even mentioning all the automated bullshit at the class hall to give you thousands of gold every day too
There's a reason why the sub count is maintaining even though the game is pretty dead, because it's fucking free for everyone who simply does basic maintenance by logging on and doing their daily heroic and whatever else
>implying a BC Legacy server wouldnt last several decades because the game was actually fun to play then
You guys all project yourselves into this shit
>But I sit hours on AH making gold! It's not impossible!!
Yeah sure sounds fun. Who the hell does all that just to buy a month of gametime? All the time spend in that, might as well just dish out 10 dollars to buy a sub. Seriously..
If they don't have the time then why would they even want to keep a sub going? If you're just playing to make enough gold to buy a token every month then you should quit already and find another game. If you're one of those guys with multiple alts, you can make that gold by using their shitty legion facebook tier app and doing missions every 6 or so hours. Don't even have to login.
I log in, I scan, I spend a few minutes buying out a few choice mats. I bump the price. I go about my quests. I return and pick up my gold later on in the day/the next morning. It's not hard, and it definitely doesn't take the time you're saying it does.
>Implying it isn't just nostalgia and the game was pretty much the same as it is now
Admit it, the game loop is still the same, the only thing that really changed over the time is us as players.
They should just let WoW die naturally (no more xpacs) and use the spare manpower to create a new IP or to revitalize an old one.
>If they don't have the time then why would they even want to keep a sub going?
Maybe because they like the game?
>If you're one of those guys with multiple alts, you can make that gold by using their shitty legion facebook tier app and doing missions every 6 or so hours. Don't even have to login.
yeah, so, non casual players.
>finally get the time to play
>am supposed to spend it doing daylies and farming mats
nah man
>If you're just playing to make enough gold to buy a token every month then you should quit already and find another game.
Exactly my point lmao
some people here think it´s more than normal to play casually, YET, still do all the horribly boring things just to be able to afford a token. They do not have the time.
>inb4 but me
The only people that depend on wow tokens are literal children, neets and poorfags. Who do you think is buying those tokens for cash in the first place? The person who has an actual job / social life and would rather spend $20 for gold than mindlessly grind hours for it because their time is more valuable. The casual that doesn't have that much time to play isn't buying WoW tokens for gold. If anything, they're most likely buying gold to get carried or buy stupid cosmetic shit like mounts/titles.
FFXIV will continue to milk consolebabs for as long as they can.
FFXI still has a sub fee.
>Milking consolebabs.
You know PC version of FFXI is the only one still up, right? They axed the PS2 servers, they axed the PS3 servers, they axed the X360 servers, but they kept the PC servers alive since day one.
So, when's the leveling with super XP?
Getting whales excited for playing the game is good, as actually experiencing the game while being interested in max level, where the competitive (and deepest / most varied) gameplay is, and finding fun groups of faction members defeating ~ invasions is helpful, as they're investing their time as well.
Why are people faking expansion screenshots this early?
You guys haven't even had your mandatory 21 months of NO CONTENT yet.
Not even once.
Did you guys finally kill that whore Azshara? Or Jaina / Sylvanas?
At this point I don't even care anymore: just give me sub-races or ogres and I'll come back.
Like, ACTUAL, fucking sub-races: Blackrock/chaos/brown orcs, Dark Iron & Wildhammer dwarves, taunka tauren, forest trolls, BROKEN. GIMMIE BROKEN, I'LL SIGN UP FOR THE DAY ONE PATCH OF BROKEN.... Maybe high elves? Who else really is there for sub-races?
If they make their "deviant art" super-special, nightborne elves and lightborne draenei sub-races before they put in actual sub-races I'll shit everwhere. That'd be so fucking offensive, it'd be like the absolute no-self-awareness cherry ontop of what has been an otherwise big ol' fuck off finger of a franchise so far.
Man I just want ogres and broken, jesus.
.. especially if marketed and developed properly -- super challenging gameplay.. the DaS of fantasy MMOs.
What the fuck are you trying to say m8
>This weekend there has been lots of excitement in the Expansion Hype Thread about the addition of entries to the ChrRaces database file.
>Patch 7.3 added entries to the file for the Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Void Elves, and Lightforged Draenei.
>Many of the races in this file are playable character races, but some are just NPCs, such as the Naga, Vrykul, Tuskarr, and others.
>The last NPC race was added to this database during Wrath of the Lich King.
>All four entries have a character select screen background set.
She is mai waifu you fucking mongoloid.
Do you have any idea how fucking MAD, mad with a capital M so many many fucking people would be if the first sub-races they released were their literally who's from the legion expansion and not the already pre-existing sub-races they've had in the game for almost a decade?
That people have been asking about for years?
Void Elves are Alliance and use the Blood Elf model currently, aka it's just a file name and they're actually High elves. Nightborne are for Horde and using the Night Elf model.
Mag'har, Dark Iron etc don't need sub races at all since they're just different colours of the same skins. They can easily be added as customization options without requiring a dedicated sub race.
Broken and Ogres would require all-new character models and so they'd have to be ACTUAL races rather than sub-races.
Except for the record number of people playing it at the moment
I find the expac I have the most fun in are the ones I don't follow exclusively before/ play before launch. Staying unsubbed until next expac
You mean the record low number of "people".
The dopamine boost you get in your brain after you complete a task and get rewarded is greater if the task was challenging.
>Broken and Ogres would require all-new character models and so they'd have to be ACTUAL races rather than sub-races.
Not that I think it really counters your argument or anything, but Legion did in fact update the broken models.
>In a world, of Warcraft..
>the essence of aptitude..
>is attitude.
According to who
>updated models
the main problem is NO FEMALES
and ogres are canon for not having females at all
When a new Xpac hits there's a sudden spike in population, that's the way it was going for the last few years, you can't deny that the overall population has been going down over the years and that WoW will never be back to the WotLK era.
Where are the hot draenei pics?
She has a dick you sure you want it?