We you talk about a game so much you meme it into real life

>we you talk about a game so much you meme it into real life

Other urls found in this thread:


We should try talking about a good game instead and see if we can meme it into happening

>Your beautiful mother takes you by the hand and leads you to her bed

>american level
>get shot

>Your sexy teenage sister loses the bet and begins sulkily unbuttoning her blouse

What's the europe level? Getting run over while you celebrate christmas?

ha ha your a faget new vegas is the best game ever

No, it's a feeling of anger and dissapointment when your see your police with painted finger nails and riding amusment park rides instead of doing anything.

Movie grade projecting right here

Fuck off, we don't celebrate christmas. It's haram.

The Europe level is on-rails.
You only have a knife. It's made of wood. It has ammo.

The middle east

Do you have a license for the knife or are you just an outlaw?

go on ...

shame paddock didn't get away, would be cool if he died by her hands

Oh, so being a stick in the mud because muh religion, gotcha.

>go on ...

I was making fun of OP's that begin with a line of greentext

Paddock did nothing wrong.

>shame Oswald didn't get away
You heard it here first, folks


>European level
>Get raped by muslims
>Get stabbed by muslims
>Get ran over by muslims
>Get shot by muslims
>Get bombed by mulisms

damn bro you showed him

>get arrested for racism because you died to Muslims.

Ah, the usual pattern of how murrican responding to banter.

But that's literally Kill Bill's plot

>H-hey guys, muslims are rapists lol
Jesus, why is Sup Forums-tier attempts at banter such complete utter dogshit?

she surfife...

>American level
>get shot by rednecks and niggers
>get robbed by jews
>get undermined by liberals
>get hit by a BOEING airliner
>get shot at airport for drinking water

>we you
>wii u
coincidence I think not

Blame the mods for LITERALLY advertising it on the front page.

I do, Sup Forums should have been deleted years ago. Most cancerous board on this site without a doubt.

agreed 2bh

They made that reputation themselves.

>1.6 billion people made a reputation from the actions of less than 1000 retards
Really made me think, upboated

Hey man, they come in, rise the sexual assault rate, and cause a concern. You want to deny it, go ahead, but denying the problem is just as inhumane as being Islamophobic.

>1000 retards.
Not even a good estimate.

I'm sensing a lot of anti-semitism in this thread. This won't do.

No, that'd make it worse. Just don't advertise it.

I agree, but it should'nt be deleted. You don't think they'll just leave Sup Forums if you delete Sup Forums, right?

Even if you did that, the_donald would still find a way to bring its userbase of fascist boomer soccer-moms there.

>It's a containment board they said
If the mods actually did there job and kept Sup Forums-shit off unrelated boards, they probably would leave. Sup Forums's actually not too bad at the moment, but Sup Forums has become an absolute shithole.

Please be fake.

>Sup Forums should have been deleted years ago

It was. /new/, the old Sup Forums was so bad moot killed it and they just went to other boards. It got so bad he made Sup Forums as a containment for it.

It's real.

Containment boards don't work, it just creates a staging/breeding ground. The only reason there's no ponyshit is because it's globally banned, and even then it still leaks out sometimes. Sup Forums is /mlp/ without the explicit global ban.