Was this the only redeeming part of Fallout 4?

Was this the only redeeming part of Fallout 4?

Automatron was good though short. Building a robot that rapes everything was fun.

Survival mode was

The island was fun. Shame it was smeared with typical Bethesda storytelling. By the end I wiped out all groups because I couldn't bear any of them.

there is no excuse for the lever action rifle

havent played it but from what ive seen its just that dlc from 3 with the hillbillies over again

Everyone stopping talking about Fallout 4 was the only redeeming part of fallout 4.

The only redeeming part of Fallout 4, is the mods that will be available five years from now.

Does FO4 have better DLC than Skyrim? Dawnguard and Dragonborne fucking sucked.

Man, Nuka World could've been so much more

I liked both Automatron and FH, Nuka World is hit or miss although I love the aesthetic. The construction DLCs fucking suck besides the Vault one.

>played all their games
>the only Bethesda IP DLC i ever experienced fully is Shivering Isles
I install but can never play long enough to start or finish them.

I played Fallout 1 (not finished yet) Fallout 3 and New vegas (Both complete) And Fallout 4. And i have to say Fallout 4 is the worst fucking game i played from the series. Fuck that shitty as voiced protagonist and completely pre build storyline. Shitty weak repetetive quests and all the weak dlcs. I didnt even bother buying the DLC's justl ooking intot he gameplay and story of them already made me not buy them. I liked the village building (wich was often useless and broken anyway) And the customization and gunplay. But the game was such a big fucking let down that i dread Bethesdas next release.


but fallout 1 sucks. It's not terrible but its not even enjoyable. I can actually put some hours in fallout 4.

Its pretty good but found it difficult desu. Fallout 4 was just such a let down since i hyped so much for it prior to its release.

>Fuck that shitty as voiced protagonist and completely pre build storyline.
This so much. I recently tried to make a new char and play some since I only played somewhat around release, no patches, no mods, no DLC, but the start was so fucking atrocious that I just didn't feel like continuing, also performance was very bad for how shitty this game looks.


>implying people will be modding FO4 in 5 years
>implying mod focus won't still be on Skyrim

Even if it was, the base game was so insultingly bad that I've no interest to revisit the game for that.

looks like that on the surface but I enjoyed Far Harbor more than any other part of the game. Not sure why. Haven't analyzed it. Ending was satisfying for me.

Gives me hope that Elder Scrolls VI will be better than Skyrim in every way, which might not be much to a lot of loud folks on Sup Forums but it's still a good sign. Then we'll get kids who are now adults talking about how Skyrim was so good and TES6 ruined everything.

C'mon senpai don't be like that

felt you should know the abbreviation of “shaking my head” and "to be honest" plus the first 3 letters of family are filtered to baka desu senpai

Yeah user, whatever you say.
Jesus fuck you faggots talk way too much about this game pretending you hate it.

If Sup Forums hates Fallout 4 so much, why do we continue to talk about it here every single day? If something is truly worthless it lies in an obscure contempt.

I actually have a vested interest in Fallout 4 for being in my hometown. When I saw a burnt out house frame that looked almost like the one I grew up in...the one that burned down and forced me and my family to skip town, I knew I was going to make sure those Bahstan accented retards get the proper society they deserve.
Also, I like that one pack that added assembly lines. It conveys the notion that the Commonwealth is getting better, that proper industry is returning to Boston.

it's a love hate relationship. Like, have you ever known someone who just can't stop shit talking about their ex?

Speaking for myself, it's a kind of mental disease. I see so much wasted potential in it and I want so desperately to play another Fallout game again that when I insult it on here I almost want someone to prove me wrong.

No, because it was bad.

Makes me think that the Commonwealth will become a new major power, like the NCR, made of many communities unified under the minutemen or some such, which really holds up to the name "Commonwealth".

Which faction did you side with? Fifty hours in and i still don't know which faction i should back. All of the factions sans the minutemen are god awful.

>the start was so fucking atrocious that I just didn't feel like continuing, This i never even considered making a second character.

Lmao you must be new.

Havent seen a F4 thread in ages to be honest.
Only been active in New Vegas threads.

Railroad since they're the only group who doesn't want to fuck over the Minutemen in any way. Plus I don't want the other factions trying to take Curie away.

Or just choose the Minutemen, whatever.

Both New Vegas and Fallout 2 had a predetermined background for your char. Just was less obvious because not voiced, and more interesting.

You still have a lot of freedom in it. Its almost undefined since your character doesnt remember much.

Heres my opinion. You should care because I post cute girls.

>fallout 4 was objectively worse and a step back in many core game mechanics compared to previous iterations
>the story was very linear and there was almost no meaningful choices to be made
>the protag being voiced was obviously bad
>the main quest in itself was bad and had some plotholes
>the game was much more focused on FPS style of play
>it felt awkward to play at times because of the fucking console like coding or whatever you can call it, the menus sucked too

positive imo:
>the world building itself was pretty good. a lot of interesting areas to explore
>SOME of the sidequests were just as good as those in earlier fallouts
>personally loved the settlement building once you got a couple of mods to smooth things out, definitly had a lot of room for expansion though but it was a risky route to take and many people didnt like it at all (have to mention that half the settlements were just boring farms that were basically copy pasted)

I just hope that the next fallout is basically exactly like NV again in terms of perks, levelling, story/quests and everything else, but with a better world and some meaningful settlements

>Havent seen a F4 thread in ages to be honest.
They pop up often but haven't been particularly popular lately. Plus this isn't a troll thread (I think) and Sup Forums is fueled by anger so this thread probably won't be popular either.

Which basically means that if the Legion decides to go east, they could be in serious trouble, between a growing Commonwealth and a revitalized Brotherhood.

the Legion and NCR are soooo far away that they hardly matter. Sure, a person could walk from one coast to the other with only what supplies they can carry and what they can hunt but an army is a completely different story.

Plus I doubt Bethesda will use them aside from a few mentions and Obsidian probably won't work with them again after what happened last time.

Then I guess the closest thing to the next big conflict on the East Coast is when the bough of peace between the Commonwealth and Brotherhood breaks. I doubt that the tinnies would accept the Commonwealth as an independent state, especially if they start building factories, robots and robot factories.

I hate that we all sit here and talk all this lore and Fallout stuff to death, like a load of ravenous dogs picking a ragged bone clean. As if, first, Bethesda cares one tenth as much about the lore as we do, and secondly, as if the next Fallout game is even coming out before we're all old and grey.

That's exactly why I sided against the Brotherhood. They would flip a town upside down if they thought there was an advanced bunker beneath it. Sucks that I mainly sided with the Railroad just because they were the least troublesome option, Minutemen aside.

Far Harbor and Automatron are more enjoyable than the main-game. I'd rather play lego robots than babysit a bunch of muck-dwelling settlers.

The only problem I had with Automatron is you couldn't unleash untold hoards of robots on the Commonwealth. Sorta like a what-if scenario where Sole-Survivor became the evil Mechanist and wiped everyone else out. Replacing them with robots. I guess that's asking too much from a tiny DLC.

It is nice that you can build your own army of Securitrons (no, not those ones) to keep your settlements safe. A grid of gun turrets might be enough to keep most settlements safe, but the novelty of your own robot soldiers is enough to warrant a try.

I like using Sentry Bots for supply lines, sometime get the chance to see one of them cross paths with the hostiles and I join in on the fight or just watch. Not as often as I would like though.

>fallout 1 sucks
absolute heresy. the only better fallout game was 2. new vegas was cool but it's kind of pointless to make a game first person if you're going to give them vats anyway and there wasn't enough humor for me. 3 was a toothed blowjob and 4 was straight dick-chomping.

>The only way to play as the good guy in Nuka World is to skip the main story entirely.
This DLC pissed me off so much.

And then they released Nuka World and threw that hope down the gutter.

>I played Fallout 1
>not finished
>Fallout 3 and New vegas
>liked the village building

>Point lookout 2: electric boogaloo

No, it wasn't. Marine armor was cool looking though.

Fallout 4 is fun if you ignore the main quest. Going around exploring, looting shit, and turning those materials into a settlement is actually a really great gameplay loop. It's just a shame Bethesda can't write anything besides MUH FAMILY MEMBER.

The whole idea of the railroad is stupid. What's the point of rescuing the synths if you just wipe their memory? You're essentially killing the person you rescued in the first place. If their retarded enough to reveal themselves to someone then that's the synths problem.

Let's not forget that in comparison to the synths being produced by the Institute, people are dying in fucking droves to super mutants and raider attacks. They're wasting so much manpower rescuing a small minority of rogue synths when hundreds are dying every day to issues they could fix.

This map lacks confirmed cities like Ronto

>We're trying to save humanity
>Just ignore the fact we wasted time making synths when we have Mr handys and the fact we created super mutants and unleashed them on the commonwealth, plus all the people we kill/kidnap.

haven't done the dlcs, but i usually just like exploring.
fallout 4s exploration kinda sucked. boston was a neat idea but its littered with too many enemies. the comic book store was neat but i cannot anything else being memorable

>People fell for Shaun's double speak
>Picking any option always gives you a convenient "yeah but" answer that sometimes even directly contradicts what he would say if you picked another choice
Dude is just a fucking psycho.

I still dont understand what creating Synths is supposed to accomplish

>Spoils of war and Mass Fusion active
>No idea for who i will roll.
>Settlement get attacked by synths for the first time.
Shaun, mommy is not pleased. TIME TO NUKE YOUR ASS, CUNT.

Essentially they're just meant to be really smart robots that live forever and don't require any maintenance. That's complete nonsense though because even if they don't age the human body will still break down over time from repetitive strain. Joints will weaken, muscles will fatigue etc. Every single one of them will eventually need to be replaced.

Let's not even go into the fucking energy it must require to perfectly replicate a human being right down to the genetic level. Certainly, it must dwarf the energy needed to build even just regular Gen 2 Synth,

>250 years after the war
>They are in worse situation than any of the settlement in original Fallout 1, 80 years after the war
It's almost as if Bethesda can't into timeline.

Because seriously, one of the easiest ways of fixing all the bullshit in F4 is to set it 20-30 years after the bombs and you are fucking golden.

You fail to realize that the West Coast got it easy.

That's what really makes the institute irredeemable to me. Replacing some of my longest serving settlers that I dressed up, gave jobs and made homes for, with synths and attacking my settlements just cannot be forgotten.

How so?

The folks in NCR territory had the benefit of at least 2 G.E.C.Ks from Vault City and Shady Sands. The Commonwealth only has Vault 81 and the Institute, which are hardly helpful. Plus more Super Mutants, raider gangs and gunners than the West ever had to deal with.

I mean, just look at this map. The entire Boston area is puny compared to the map of classic Fallout but it's infested with more than 10 times as many raiders concentrated into such a small area.

They weren't touched by bad devs.


The only redeeming part of FO4 was the unninstall button.

Fallout 4 is about the size of a single tile in the classic games.

Makes sense now that you point it out.
Talking about GECKs, does every Vault get a GECK?

>people complain it's impossible to be evil in the base game
>Bethesda makes being evil the only option in the DLC

On the plus side, someone made a mod that allows you to do Nuka World that skips the "attack the Commonwealth" missions so you still get a good 90% of the content.

>need slave labor
>make slaves with emotions and thoughts

Why does the janitor and the cafeteria worker need to be super-advance human robots? Why not use emotionless robots to do the menial labor? Fucking Institute, man.

Why use an automobile when a horse works just as good?

But the automobile is a machine while the horse is a living, breathing creature. That's arguing in favour of a robot replacing a thinking being.

>does every Vault get a GECK?
conflicting information. Classic material says every vault got 2 GECKs unless specified otherwise but that hardly seems the case even within Obsidian/Black Isle/Interplay. I guess GECKs just get mentioned as they're needed for the plot.

The PA system was really nice and is definitely worth mentioning.

Agreed, although the fuel system is shit in its implementation. Not that it actually does its job in limiting the usage of PA, but because fusion cores are so abundant you're never going to run out ever. If memory serves me right, there are 8 guaranteed FCs within the top corner of the map alone. This isn't even counting the extra possible drops from Scrounger which often gives you x4 per crate.

Can't you just buy the land from settlers? I mean, the minutemen still get angry but the settlers just seem kinda surprised you'd pay a thousand caps (which would probably take them a year to earn with farming) for the dump. Considering Home Plate is one of the larger, if not largest, houses and it costs 2000 caps, they could do well enough in Diamond City.

So it's the classic case of a McGuffin.

Where the fuck are the good mods for this game?

Nowhere because it's a bad game, you can polish a turd how much you want, but it will still be a turd. besides Fallout always had less modders than Elder Scrolls

Not really much else it can be. It's either a plot device or provides a bonus to food production and citizen health.

Configurable Power Armor Cores
Powerful Power Armor
Start Me Up
Minutemen Overhaul 2.0
America Rising or whatever, an Enclave faction mod.
Service Rifle/Assault Carbine
R91 Assault Rifle
Faction Settlements or something like that



This, although they should remove fusion cores. Just make them much harder to find in general so people don't have a werehouse stuffed with every type of power armor in the game.

I just give my spare power Armor to Settlers. Except 4 frames of the 4 different armors for display for Display.

>he doesn't know

Obsidian wants to work with bethesda, they've gone on record that they actively contact bethesda to get a contract.

If anything it's bethesda that won't work with them because they know Obsidian will make a better game than 4 (though that's not hard, as there are now multiple large-scale fan projects that look far better than

Bethesda has stated they would love to work with Obsidian again. The true jews here are Zenimax, who gave Obsidian the 85 Metascore condition.

the children did nothing wrong

>Not purging them all

Isn't fallout 4 supposed to be a gaming fantasy? Why doesn't let me live out my fantasy dream of being a robot? I honestly like fallout 4 if it even let me do that

>Plus more Super Mutants
Outright false.

Whoever the fuck thought that giving up 6 of your settlements was necessary to beat the quest needs to be necked

man i was going a good playthrough and still did not hesitate to cleanse the landscape of them

>Isn't fallout 4 supposed to be a gaming fantasy?

purged the unbelievers, no regrets

Literally everyone on the island deserved to die, although the children less so.

Still, their faggot brothers and sisters in the commonwealth shouldn't have tried to kill me multiple times.