Magic - MMORPG

>"Cryptic Studios is developing a new free-to-play, action MMORPG based on Magic: The Gathering, the acclaimed strategic card game."

>"Experience stunning visuals and sound as we bring Magic to life in this next generation MMORPG. As a Planeswalker, you explore amazing worlds, combat powerful creatures, and meet the legendary beings that shape the fate of the multiverse."

What will it be? How will it play? Classes? Cards? Summon shit based on your mana/color/class?

Can I play as Jace?

It will be complete crap.

>F2P Action MMO

Gonna be flimsier than the toilet paper they're using to print cards.

I'm sure it will have microtransactions that somehow rival the cost of playing the paper game

Garbage, it will be garbage
as much as I'd love a good MTG game


I guess it's time for neverwinter to die just like champions online and star trek online

It'll be vaporware. Ultimately it doesn't really matter, none of the planes in MtG are plotted out well enough for anything memorable to be in the game. It'll end up being generic as fuck if it does release.

>free to play action
and dropped

sto just got a new expansion though

which is a single mission and the new class ships didn't even release the same week as the class they're for

This will be the first decent mmo in a decade can't wait

>Free to Play
>Action MMORPG
Oh man. This is going to be another Dungeons and Dragons, won't it?

I do want it to be good, but there is almost no chance in that happening.

It's gonna be a generic as fuck MMO with a shitty barely working action combat slapped on top of it. Basically TERA in other words.

One of the things I hate is that MMO developers seem to think changing the combat a bit stops the incredibly tired and shitty" zone based leveling leading to an endless series of raid" based formula from being fucking awful.

You mean Neverwinter. DDO is a different game.

>Basically TERA
Or you know.. the Neverwinter mmo, made by the same people

>implying it's ever going to release

remember that WoD mmo?

Ahh, yeah. My bad.

Never played it since it looked so bad so I can't in good conscious make a reference to it's gameplay.

DDO is a f2p game now though, so hes not wrong either

that game was pretty good. that and LOTRO. both were very unique non-warcrafty mmos

more interested in their hearthstone clone desu

How do you even put shit like Instants in the game?

Wonder if they take the rarity system from the actual game and try to sell you booster?!

Kind of like this strategy game that had packs.

Who the hell still invest money in making mmo's?

There's still profit to be made there. People just finally realized they'll never got WoW's glory days numbers.

Chinks, Gooks and Japs.

tfw invested significant time into most of these

god Im pathetic

Why is WOTC so hellbent on splitting their playerbase across so many games? Pool your fucking money and make ONE good game.

Any sort of okay F2P MMO's worth playing these days? Especially ones that breaks the usual themepark formula for something new.

Dosn't need to be great, I just need something to play when listening to podcasts and shit like that.

there are decent ones if you dont mind very dated graphics and extremely (((cash grabby))) f2p mechanics.

Ive put like 2000+ hours into STO, and the only thing you need to buy really is a single month of time for the increased cash cap (which stays after you unsub)

---Based on stream / vod interest---
Current Popularity in order appears to be

1. WoW
*huge gap between WoW and #2*
2. BDO
3. Runescape
4. Lineage II
5. Destiny 2 ( sort of counts as an MMO )
6. G W 2
7. BnS
8. Tera

See also /MMOG/ on /vg/.

Dead on arrival

Why not play something like POE or D3 when listening to podcasts? ARPGs go great for that.

>Free to play MMORPG

The only real f2p mmo that actually change that formula is Runescape, Tibia.
You could try that Archeage private server or play the 7 day trial of Black Desert Online (havent played it though).
See what clicks with you.

BDO is pretty shit once you hit like 55 and realize its just a PvP game that is completely gear dependent

Honestly? Nothing you probably don't already know about seeing as 2017 wasn't in any way notable for new MMORPG releases. Guild Wars 2 has the entire vanilla game for free and carries over if you B2P, TERA is still going surprisingly strong despite generally shit community, TSWL is F2P but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're in it for the story and puzzles.

>want it to be good
>know it will be trash
This is suffering but if they do innistrad with as little eldrazi shit in it as possible i will be happy.

BDO is good to fuck around in and it will take you a while to get to max level so it'll be worth it $10 or if its on sale. Main problem is if you attempt to do anything than play it casually you'll run into walls considering spending money is heavily encouraged.

This is a MTG game we're talking about user, nothing about this will be good. They made it happen once, but only due to mtx and cross-promotion not being a thing in 1998 PC gaming.

the story is really, really good though. and the combat only gets bad when you get to tokyo

aren't they completely remaking the game or something though to make the combat more a pain in the ass?


Aren't most older games kinda dead?
I don't know why since I never interact much with people and I bet bored after like 4 days of playing, but for me playing a dead MMO is just depressing.
I was looking more for personal recommendations. But thanks.
Don't own D3 and I've been meaning to play POE for a while now since I haven't played it since beta, but those games don't really do it for me unless I play with a friend.
There have been a few, the two I've played the most have been Firefall and Warframe, both grindy as all fuck but they did something different enough to keep me playing for quite a long while. But Firefall had fuck all content and Warframe is basically a freemium game.

I've been meaning to play Secret World for ages, how is the F2P though?
I remember trying TOR a while ago and while it styles itself as F2P its basically just a glorified trial, GW2 suffered a tiny bit from that as well, but not nearly as bad.

>Aren't most older games kinda dead?
STO still has active reddit clans

You HAVE to play as Jace

>I've been meaning to play Secret World for ages, how is the F2P though?

It's now re-branded as Secret World Legends. Basically, now you have classes versus the old skill wheel where you could unlock whatever you wanted in whatever order. Meat of the game, story and atmosphere, is untouched. Funcom has just been fucking around since release and basically staggering content that's been out for original TSW for a while in favor of making new content.

All things considered they're not horrible, they just drop games unless license holder is breathing down their neck. Neverwinter and Star Trek Online are both doing well if you're into that, it's Champions Online that's dead in a ditch somewhere.

tfw free-form skill systems in mmos are long dead

MxO had one of the best ones too

I miss Lineage II and Age of Wushu

I see. But there's no shitty "get a premium account to get access to the trading function goy" stuff? I don't mind boosters and shit like that, but I want all the core features of a game if I'm gonna play it.

Did B&S ever make a dent on TERA?


Yeah I'm still bitter about Champions Online. Really wanted something to fill the void left by City of Heroes.

There's some shit like "you need keys to do dungeons", but everyone gets those at slow rate. Even the patrons at bitching about it with their bonuses. Like user said you're in it for the story and puzzles because dungeons have like 3 days cooldowns for non-Patrons. There were also some shit like Riding V skill which you had to fork out cash for, but that may have changed.

>10000th eastern animu f2p mmorpg with in game costumes/pets purchases

ill pass

best thing about SWL is that all ever released content is available to you for free now whereas you had to buy dlc for original game to access it.

What abotu DC Online? I remember it being sort of fun back in the day.

Aaight. Sounds good. Gonna give it a try then I think.

>f2p mmo


Honesty an MtG based MMO could have potential to be amazing.

That said the only 2 outcome I can see of this is the game being forever vaporware or just being an underwhelming wow clone.

>All of your spells will be based on cards
calling it right now

This is kind of retarded due the mmorpg market being saturated, however given how much they can get away with these days they will most likely do fine.

Subs + cash shops + dlc + expansions + rape your mom.

If it plays like wow, people play it for like 6 months and then ignore it
if it doesn't play like wow, people play it for two months and then ignore it
the sad part, of course, is that WoW is starting to copy guild wars 2

Teras a step in the right direction at least.
Even if mmos fixed the shitty amusement fun land problem mmos had combat like wow still it would probably be even worse.

$10 price tag is super misleading considering how important 4 pets is to meaningful progression while grinding, and how important a maid costume and Max carry weight is to afk progression

if it will have animus and lolis its eastern and i dont care what company makes it

>animus and lolis

Sure hope it turns out alright, but how do the handle the different planes, and Nicol Bolas as a huge threat in the multiverse

Has potential, but could be fucked up really easy, hope it doesn't flop

I will only care if I can play as a cloven hooved succubus and drain ""life force"" from other players

>No other MMO will ever have a class system as good as rift

I really wish I could get into it again, especially with that sick deep-sea area, but I just cant hold interest for more than a minute any more.

have you played either neverwinter OR STO?

they're actually not bad. STO especially is quite good. somehow. despite crap tek being a bunch of downs babby monkeys locked in a room when it comes to coding.

its almost like the game is good despite them. (although the lastest update is horrible)

Actually, im intrigued by the prospect of a non-card medium of MTG, the underlying lore and flavor text on cards that provides it is probably more interesting to me than any other fantasy media in existence next to maybe Warhammer, there's just so much, i'm so curious, i'd love to see it explored somehow, i dont

That being said, "F2P MMO" is a huge red flag, we'll have to see how it pans out

SWO and tabula rasa were god tier class systems

>lastest update
what, you don't like weird gimmick ships and levar burton?

don't forget the new specialisation miracle worker that now invalidates engineer class entirely so that tactical babbies never have to be NOT the best at everything ever.

STO is fucking awful beyond belief though.
Terrible drawn our space combat, planetary exploration that is so bad it makes it feel like you are playing fucking Second Life. It makes TOR look like the greatest space MMO in existence in comparison.

>implying there has EVER been any reason to not play tactical
doesn't really change anything. tactical still has APA, so like, fuck everything else

DDO could be amazing if it werent for the fact that the business model is probably one of the worst in surviving history

If they cut out all the nickel and dimey bullshit and just slapped a 8-10 dollar sub on it and unlock all the content, the game would probably double in player size overnight

STO. it has the ONLY f2p model that actually IS f2p. no F2P player is locked out of anything. for a given dosage of grind, you can turn in game currency to cash shop currency and buy the exact same shit as people who buy cash shop currency with real money.

there's no abilites, classes etc, locked behind a paywall. any 'zen' item can be ground for thanks to the dil exchange

you realize thats how it originally was, right?


I have no idea how RIFT turned out so generic and forgettable despite having a really intriguing Soul system.

Plus you don't even need to buy T6 ships from the shop. They give out like 2 or 3 unique ones a year anyways.

ship cap hurts the game unless you shell out for more space, though.

you've got a ton of dry dock space, and event ships can be rebought for free if you discharge them. any ship that isn't T6 can just be tossed into the garbage as well

What exactly is it that stops you from playing?

I hear the game also went F2P, and i did not hear good things

>can't stop playing
>no one can stop me
>nevermind the ship, its usually a space ball

in during Urza is a raid boss and he drops Urza's Pantaloons when you defeat him

>casca goes to space

i look at it like this, HOW is it even playable at all?

its a 10 / 11 year old action bar beat em up rpg engine.

>and here i am swooshing around in my Kill Krooza in space nuking shit like a boss

i've basically abandond my poor faction mains, a federation engi, a kdf engi and rom sci, to play a new AoY tac.

>simply because my t6 temporal escort is just to cute and sexy, and nuking shit with 'bad' weapons despite the MUH META crying from autists is FUN.

I play thematic soft-hard canon builds and it makes people go insane when i do ALMOST as much DEEPS as them in their REEE MUH DEE PEE ESS ultimate grinding ships.

no, no i do not. why is geordi flying a crappy galaxy ? starfleet couldn't even give him a sweet yamato? or a fucking Andromeda?

Oh wait, this is magic? for some reason I thought it was might and magic. damn. any middling interest has been completely lost


I think it started off really interestingly in almost every aspect but after about the half way point of levelling all the magic of it dissipates. Had some great times fucking around in the PvP though abusing OP builds.

Reminded me of how Warhammer Online went, started off fun but had like 0 staying power past the half way mark. Fuck I wish it worked out though I love warhammer fantasy.

Hey, remember when DBB faw escorts were the meta? and there was no stacking respawn timer? that was the best. I don't know why they actively sabotage any fun to be had in their game

dafug? is that a fleet command cruiser? federation style?

>Lineage 2
Please don't include Korean stats.


i run dbb pulse phaser build on my scort with a tos phaser because i just love the special fx AND they're still federation weps, and are 23 c appropriate.

i DO also love me sum big fine grand lady's of war too though.

i mean, just LOOK at the ass on this baby, and those THICC legs, she's got legs for DAYS mane, she a long distance runner , she got ALL the stamina.

warhammer online was a 10/10 goty when it worked as intended with pve, pvp and rvr working in conjunction. problem was that happened once every blue moon and required perfect population balance/spread. once population started dropping warhammer online embarked on a downward spiral without any hope of escape because of how the game was set up.

new miracle worker ship. it has a ddr system where you need to hit 3 colored bridge station abilities to activate a special buff, of which only one is useful (its random which you'll get).

also I only have like 1 engineering ability slotted in my boff stations, so Im fucked if it needs two yellows

but it does come with a unique universal console slot, on top of the usual engineering/science/tac ones

And it has released a lot of content since AND the mmo market is stale enough that it could do well since honestly it is fresh as fuck in comparisin to anythibg out currently

>goto website
>"join the team"
>fantasize about working for a popular game in an industry i love
>read requirements
>meet none of them for any of the jobs

why the fuck did i get this useless college degree? cant even get hired since i have no experience wtf i this some kind of sick joke capitalism does to people?