The 5 best RPGs ever made

These are objectively and universally the best Role-Playing video games ever created.

This is not a personal opinion, this is not up for discussion. It is a fact.

>"but I think game X is better"
You're wrong. Anybody who disagrees with this has simply shit taste or hasn't grown up enough yet to realize this is a FACT.

>archaic garbage
Just retire already grandpa

I don't know. Fallout 2 and Planescape Torment are pretty good.

it needs to have at least one modern rpg up there, TW3 is the best option in the last decade

what about M&B Warband?


Where's Ultima IV? Where's Lands of Lore? Where's Betrayal at Krondor? Where's Wizardry: PGotMO? Where are any Gold Box games? Etc. Why are all your picks from the 2000's? You're like a little child. Did you literally stop playing Pokemon, Final Fantasy, SMT, DQ, etc last month?

This. OP is an underage shitter who pretends to be cool and hip for the "born in wrong generation" points.

Replace Morrowind with Oblivion and then we can talk

>I judge games based on the year they were released in rather than whether the game is actually good

>Gamebyro Bugfest 2002

Replace them with Torment and Arcanum.

>western shit
Into the trash.

nice reading comprehension for trying to move your shitt goal posts retard

> no FF7
ya tried, ya failed

This a joke?

KotorII is unironically one of the greatest achievements of the genre and it's only disliked due to contrarianism

Shit taste user, digits prove

>not a rpg



Where's Ultima IV and Ultima V? Where's Bard's Tale? Wizardry? Magic Candle? For that matter, where's Rogue, Moria, NetHack, and Angband? I can always place the age of gamers by their "best of" lists, since they all figure the world only started existing the instant their mom shat them out her cooter.

It's an action game forcing you down a path with no way to affect the story, with stats and dicerolls during combat. Are you telling me the Division was an RPG?

Sorry, child. The adults are talking here. If you you would like to discuss Jrpg's (casual rip-offs of Ultima and Wizardry), you may do so outside of my presence.

OP is realistically younger than the generation that played those game brand new and heard of them on Sup Forums.

lol grandpa

I'm old enough to smoke a pipe and look good wearing a fedora. The fact that I'm still gaming 40 years after buying my first Telstar Pong console means I got m4d sk1llz, boi.

The Witcher 3 shits on all of these

Go to bed grandpa, stop clinging to your outdated old nostalgiafag games and start realizing that we have better games now

Meanwhile in bizarro Sup Forums

Have you tried them? I think you might be surprised by how much fun something like Ultima V or Wasteland can be. And I've been playing NetHack more or less non-stop for the last 30 years. You figure you'll be playing Breath of the Wild or Skyrim in 30 years?

More like 9gag

>Sup Forums in the future talking about classic underrated games

Realistic and self aware list for rpg's that i played:
-Gothic 2
-Divine Divinity

No, Witcher 3 doesnt belong. And the most fun i had with Elder Scrolls was with Oblivion DLC, so i wont put Morrowind either. Deus Ex is okay to enter, it just never clicked with me.

I still don't like this meme very much

i love morrowind but the roleplaying elements are really lacklustre, its focus is on the setting not the player character

Daggerfall was better anyway.

Ultima Underworld is both the best rpg ever made, and the best videogame ever made, period.

Man you are a retard.

>Its gud because its old

Then New Vegas, DA:O and Witcher 3 are FAR superior than all the games you posted.

>no fallout 2
>no planescape torment
>no arcanum
Shit list pleb

more like
>Gothic 2 NOTR
>New Vegas
>Original Sin 2
>Witcher 2

you could at least put actualy good game there

When will Sup Forums overcome its butthurt of one of the best RPGs ever?

>literally a dumbed down version of BG2

>Any of those games
>Holding a candle to Ultimas 4 through 7 Part 2

sorry i prefer my games with gameplay

>No nvn
SHIT list

>sorry BG2 is too complex for me, and I don't understand the story without cutscenes


>being ultimate butthurt over the truth: the post

These are actually fun unlike OPs games

Shit meme, Gothic is baby's first RPG. Only thing going for it is the open world.

>REPLACE Gothic 2 with Wasteland
>REPLACE VtMB with World of Warcraft

I'm not butthurt. DA is inferior to BG 2 in every possible way, from characters and story to combat mechanics. Only brainlets would prefer it.


Skyrim 2

hmm I wonder who's behind that post

Where's Arx Fatalis?
That game is fucking amazing and still has better magic than any Elder Scrolls game

>DA is inferior to BG 2 in every possible way
except gameplay
BG2 is a fucking turd when it comes to gameplay and thats what matters the most in a videogame
DA takes a big shit on your point&click menu simulator

and yes you are the ulltimate nostalgiafag butthurt over this

>reducing BG2 to a "point&click menu simulator"
What's the matter, not patient enough to read and plan your moves?

whats the matter, real time is too fast for you to comprehend and act?
>tfw not a brainlet needing unlimited pause time to think of my next move

turnbased brainlets everyone

the fuck you talking about son? What RPG DOESN'T have a set story arc?

Nothing holds you back from playing it in real time, assmoron

apart from the garbage gameplay and lack of features, true


>not recognizing Edwina as perfect waifu

>gazillion times more spell combinations and tactics than in da:o
>lack of features
you're just too stupid, admit it.

Not really.

Especially with BG2 and Morrowind up there. I love them both but FO2 is a better CRPG than BG2 and Morrowind honestly is not a great RPG so much as it was a unique experience worth having. It needed a lot changed to move up into the realm of best RPGs and Oblivion decided to go the action dungeon crawler route instead so that ship's long sailed. Gonna give OP a hard "nah".

still doesnt fix the shit gameplay and lack of AI managment
you are just a slow brainlet nostalgiafag who cant handle realtime and non-shit gameplay
no need to admit it, because its obvious lmao

oh and DAO has more AI tactics and combinations than Baldur's Garbage ;^)

>Make an action adventure game with as much statistical relevance and player choice in mission outcome as GTA:SA
>Call it an RPG
>Get away with it
My God how my former favorite genre has fallen.

back to plebbit casual

You forgot something OP

>needs ai to manage his characters in combat
>calls others brainlets who cant handle realtime

It was something special, but was poorly balanced so you could make yourself unbeatable with the right build. Mage with pickpocket/throwing + Azram's Star/Glaive = wildly OP.

>needs to micro-manage all his character with 10 hous pauses in combat because he is so shit at the game he cant win by only playing one
>calls other brainlets who can handle the game with a single character while he needs a whole party and 10 hours pauses to stop and think

>le chosen one hero chases the evil villains
>only 3 generic classes with almost no development
>cities all have the same boring look
>no spell system
>sidequests consist of repetitive and shallow tasks
>terrible presentation
>shovelware vibe

It's a terrible RPG.

>wants to "win" a party-based game with a single character in the first place
go back to cod, kiddo

>no Ultima 7

Why isn't Fallout 4 collector's edition up there?

>able to win a party-based game by controlling a single character only
you are truly a brainlet

>I'm too lazy and stupid to come up with tactics for all the characters, I need the AI to do that


Ultima IV > V > VI > VII > II > I > III

Replace G2 with the first one.

>set up the AI myself
>but somehow its the AI who comes up with it
how much more times are you going to prove that you are a brainlet? lmao

>No Ultima 7
>No Betrayal at Krondor
>No Wiz8
>No SaGa games
>No Fallout 2
Faggot OP, let's do this.
>Boulder's Gate II
Would be fine if it wasn't based on that archaic, garbage D&D ruleset, but it's possibly the best game in that list, even so stuff like Arcanum is better.
Saved by a somewhat endearing cast and hamster memes and for some things might even be inferior to BG.
Typical Bethesda ARPG trash with horrible gameplay that is even inferior to Daggerfall when it comes to making fun builds and just having fun with how broken the combat is, horrible writing and a world that is worse than G2's world.
Absolute trash gameplay redeemed by a somewhat original scenario and some decent roleplaying, but I don't play RPGs for make believe bullshit and terrible writing, and if I wanted that I'd update my journal and play Torment.
PB's proto Witcher, with just as much nonexistent roleplaying and janky combat as the Witcher, but at least a much better world, notably the only truly "good" game PB ever made, even so there's little roleplaying to be had and just like the Witcher your choice spectrum is "Good Nameless, Bad Nameless, Cunt Nameless", but at least there's Greg.
Let's not forget the terrible decision of having spells do fixed damage, the generally terrible character building, nonexistent stat system and combat, and alsTHERE'S ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE SCUMMY BEASTS
>Dude Sex
Another shooter that fancies itself a RPG just like Bioshock but with arguably better writing, a decent game but a poor RPG, like all ARPGs.

cRPGs are for those who suck at actual games where the game requires actuall skill from the player for the gameplay
meanwhile in cRPGs you just click and the computer will do everything for you

>needs to depend on AI presets instead of doing everything in real time
>still dares to accuse others of being slow brainlets

only 1 thing out of all you listed is true

>bad gameplay
So every RPG ever?

>being such a brainlet he needs to use pre-set AI tactics because he cant set up a good one himself while also needing pausing and full party management
>calls other brainlets

>bad gameplay

>52 IPs
>93 posts
stop posting all this garbage bait

Feels good nobody can dispute this desu

t. butthurt crpg brainlet

the stats in Deus Ex are so shit and meaningless that it makes you think they made it in 5 minutes and implemented into the game just so that they could call it "RPG"

Well? Which one of these geniuses got it right Sup Forums?

Is Morrowind really as good as everyone says it is or is it all just nostalgia? Been getting into older vidya recently with Witcher 1 and Oblivion so tempted to give this a go