60 fps with no dips, ultra graphics, 4k, here we go!

60 fps with no dips, ultra graphics, 4k, here we go!

>only 60fps
>only 4K
Cemu can run Breath of the Wild with a max 240FPS cap and 8K.

I already can smell the disastrous PC port.

Fuck KOEI. Incompetent bastards.

Enjoy the version with all the fun patched out. Nioh has been shit since pvp was introduced.

60fps/4k is like mediocre and most common PC standard.

>Recommended: GTX 1060 6GB/i7
So how bad is the port gonna be?


Who 21:9 patch here?



>not enjoying all the games with more vision and workspace

So I'll be fine if I pirate it then right?

Now please correct me if im wrong but didn't they say the game has those ps4 settings? Adaptive res, unlocked fps and 4k? I dont care about 4k and I'm fine with 30fps i just want the game to be 1080p without any resolution changes and fps drops and unlocked fps will be good anyway because my rig can handle it

>unnaturally stretched

>I'm fine with 30fps
Get out pleb

Try to see a movie without black bars, it fits perfectly, every game gains more vision and fells good to play an fps in it

Also, I use my monitor for games and working on pc, not for tv shows

>has steam cloud
nah lad, is the good team port is gonna be alright
if you have a controller that is

It's going to cost something stupid like $70, isn't it?

30$ in key sellers

>gtx 780 minimum
Either the the requirements are overblown or it's gonna be the worst port of all time, it runs on a base PS4 for fucks sake


does he talk in the real game like he does in warriors all stars? this is important

if he doesnt sound like that in the real game im not buying it

Dont get me wrong i play every game i can on 60 but i won't go screeching if it's locked to 30 and if i had to pick 720@60 or 1080@30 im playing 1080@30 because i cant stand looking at lower res

I was just wondering if the game really is locked to 720/4k only because then i won't even bother

>locked to 720/4k

stay on consoles where you belong

just pirate it if you're gonna steal it anyway

30 fps is fucking unbearable you pleb.

It's 2017, hello.

but what is the multiplayer

This, is the multiplayer component worthwile like in Dark Souls?

>but what is the multiplayer
Obstacle just like in DaS/DeS/BB

>being a 16:9 pleb
21:9 is better than dual monitors.
It's better for games.
And better for movies.

Is there anything 21:9 can't do?

Co-op’s solid. Can’t really say about the pvp though.

He’s much less hammy, but still plenty of war cries and calling people pretentious little pricks

But i like to play in coop with my gf

>Is there anything 21:9 can't do?
fit in the desk

>people think a fucking koei game is going to have a good port
I mean I hope it does, I'd rather have it on PC, but I'm not getting ahead of myself

? has nobody in this thread played warriors all stars?

>warriors all stars

Not even 5% of boxes on steam can run 4k, you delusional fuck.

It's a fantastic game and I'm glad that more people are going to be able to play it. Might even buy it again to support the devs.

Apparently it can't be straight. Curved monitors suck for drawing.

>>being a 16:9 pleb

I'm 16:10 master race, you dumb NEOFAG

>It's better for games.
Not all games even support it and you'd have aspect ratio issues.
>And better for movies.
Sure buddy >Is there anything 21:9 can't do?
Be relevant.

>if you have a controller that is
koei shills should be gassed and piked

I'm not interested in any of those games so why would I care? Care to mention the XCOM 2/Undertale (i.e. your most popular game) ports?

Every even semi-relevant PC game gets a console port eventually with the exception of your by the numers MOBAs which consolecucks don't give a shit about anyway.

easily more than 5% of steam have 1070 level cards

it may be omega force shit but it shows their ports are getting massively better, dw8 was a good port also.

you dont really have to "port" games to pc anymore theres not much excuse for shit being badly done, just lack of effort. now they understand that the west is worth sales, so at least some devs cough not platinum cough will put in effort

The game is a console port

Better than playing on 720p

Anyway I'm talking about this, ps4 has 720/4K meme options but is there a 1080@unlocked fps option?
>The PC version can be played either on Action Mode, which features a stable 60fps, or on Movie Mode, which is described as a cinematic option that can expand the resolution to 4K. Koei Tecmo's note to press suggests you can't deviate from either of these two modes, no matter how powerful your PC.

>Koei port
In your dreams. You'll be lucky if it's in English.

>Koei port
Good luck getting even half of both

lol you actually got mad at that image and lashed out just because he posted it

hook line and fucking sinker kiddo

When did I implied that this was a good thing?
I said the port is going to run fine but the KB+M will be trash as always

imagine being this deluded

>Not all games even support it and you'd have aspect ratio issues.
Every game has support or fix for it, every game played since I have the monitor only Zeno clash was only 16:9 (And plays like if you play in a fucking 16:9 monitor, its easy)
>Sure buddy
Movies are not tv shows, faggot, if you remove the black bars you have perfect 21:9 image
>Be relevant.
Be mad dude and get cucked by 21:9 master race where we see you on the sides of our screen

Any person who plays action games should one a fucking gamepad.
KB+M is far from ideal for every type of game.

My desk is pretty tiny and it fits. Stop being a turbo desklet.

There are flat 21:9s, mine is curved but I don't even notice the curve when sitting in front of it. It makes viewing the edges better.

So what? If a game doesn't support it you just play it in 16:9 with borders on the sides. There are no aspect ratio issues.

>My desk is pretty tiny and it fits. Stop being a turbo desklet.
I have one too, but have to move everything when I changed from 16:9

>So what? If a game doesn't support it you just play it in 16:9 with borders on the sides. There are no aspect ratio issues.
This, litteraly playing my switch in it and no aspect ratio issues, just 16:9 with black bars on the sides, just like if you play in another monitor


stay mad with no games and bad multiplat versions


Be glad you get the actual games like Undertale and X-com on your pleb-station lmao.

High quality textures won't save Nioh from being an eyesore. The environments are plain ugly. Armor looks great, though.

>Have small desk
>probably had a 24'' screen before
>buys large ultrawide screen
>wtf i hate desk space now!

user, if you have a small desk it's your fault, not the screen format.

Brainlets think you can only play fullscreen with stretching. They probably don't even know how to use GPU scaling.

Hope you aren't getting too excited, it's not that great.

It's certainly not bad but I found it utterly forgettable.

Wow its a fucking joke stop shitposting about every comment you see here, I reorganized everything on my desk and it fits perfectly


Rev up those trainers because I sure am ready for some casual filtering

The main issue I have with the familiars is that you're given one for god knows how long at the start, then all of a sudden the game just starts throwing them at you and you only deviate from the norm if its a boss with an elemental weakness. Just sticking with the ox for the time being.

>MOBAs which consolecucks don't give a shit about anyway
The most popular PC games that you fags love to rag on like Battle Royale and Open World survival shit are more popular on consoles than any actual console exclusive. You're deluded if you think consolecucks wouldn't be all over F2P MOBA shit.

Oh boy time for 50 million threads about Hino-Enma again.

>uninspiring Witcher clone with bad Geraldo

Uhmm, weebtards?

>Koei Tecmo port

No Thanks.

>inb4 the PC port is going to be perfect

imagine the damage control

>when it's nothing alike
>when Witcher itself is derivative as fuck
Fanbase that slurps plagiarized cock is retarded.
News at 11