Which of these two games from 2017 did you have more fun playing and enjoyed more?

Which of these two games from 2017 did you have more fun playing and enjoyed more?

I don't play western games, so I'm gonna have to go with ToB, here.

Tales, easily. Velvet is best.

Berseria all the way.

I only played Berseria. It's funny because I build a good PC with Prey in mind but in the end I didn't even try it, so far, as it turns out the game seems to be a jumpscare simulator, and the monster design is terrible from what I can tell

If you're gonna make a sci-fi horror games, at least make ennemies that are appropriate dammit, those shadow things are so lame especially when you fight them with a GLUE GUN.
Fucking Arkane.

Meanwhile in Berseria I get to be an edgy hot demon that eat peoples and want to kill the world's savior while hanging out with pirates, war gods and smug witches and it's amazing.

Prey is the only AAA game I have enjoyed in years. Its great

Prey, no contest

Tales of Berseria easily. Saved Tales from falling into complete shit after the turd that was Zestiria. Not to mention easily one of the best casts since Abyss and Vesperia.

prey, easily.
berseria is just another continuation of the new extremely dlc heavy tales of formula, no different than your average nisa fuckfest with 8019230184250712358912761890235612379560123790213748129034712890 dlc items to raise your level cap by 1 and give you extra exp/gold/whatever.
At least it's largely precluded by waifufag memetastic costumes to appeal to ronery spergs and doesn't affect the game too much.

Prey for all of it's problems was a complete game with some fun features and no day 0 dlc garbage, just stupid pointless preorder dlc garbage that's obsolete before you even reach the point you acquire the items it gives. PC port was god awful though.

?? The dlcs are useless

>dlc heavy
>NISA fuckfeast

ToB, because Laphi and everything he does is adorable

Berseria is a 2016 release.

Don't fall for the Prey shills.

Prey is just a system shock clone,
except with uninspiring as fuck design and forgettable plot.
The game also gets easy as fuck at end game.

Tales combats can get repetitive easily but at least the cast and story are good.

Prey is WAY better

I don't play gay weeb shit so Prey.

>playing FPS in the current year

The only FPS worth shit in the last 10 years was STALKER.


>I don't play gay shit
>Play game from a SJW studio


Unlike all the weebshits here, I actually played both. Prey is the better game. I played both on hard and Berseria was piss fucking easy while Prey was a decent challenge. Berseria also got boring at the end, though I was 60+ hours in. Prey took only about 20 hours. Anyway, what a stupid question. Most weeb fags didn't play Prey because "ew, western. I won't play a game unless muh glorious can do no wrong Nippon made it." And most Westcucks didn't play Berseria because "ew, gookweebshit. Muh America should nuke them again."

I preferred Berseria, Prey was just kinda alright at best. Not a fan of them trying to emulate what System Shock without knowing fully on what made it great.

Well an FPS, a survival one at that, is much more likely to be harder than some RPG that focus so much on story..
Berseria's approach of difficulty is to have normal piss easy battles with occasional super hard ones if you grind in an area too long or go out of your way to attack the hard bonus targets.
I think it's okay, even if it makes the majority of the game too easy, but it's still an RPG
Basically you can't compare the 2 with the challenge alone.

I also played both btfw. Prey has huge pacing problems in the last 5 hour stretch or so.

Berseria is a 2016 game. Still, it's much better than Prey.


Don't fall for the Tales shills.

Tales is just a Final Fantasy clone.
except with uninspiring as fuck design and forgettable plot.
The game is also easy as fuck from the start.

Prey gameplay can get repetitive easily but at least the mood and story is good.

Prey. Velvet's surrogate brother can go fuck himself with his dragon dick.