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obviously the full, retailed, version of that sidescroller they made. The title of it was very clearly “prologue”

Jack Bros Q: Dancing All Night Ultimax Overclocked

>30 minutes

shit now I have to wait around for it, all so I can inevitably get dicked around by Atlus for four hours with maybe a couple minutes of worthwhile content tossed in

why do I keep falling for this shit

>announcements of announcements
This isn't newsworthy. Stop watching shitty livestreams that are literal ads. Just read a press release like any sane folk. So you don't have to hear shitty japs act like they care about the revolutionary things they reveal


your reaction-image isn't even relevant to my post. christ.

Don't tell him how to live!

What do the moon runes say?

Why are there 2 links


New entry in the SMT series

At first I thought that was an ISIS video.

Oh its because youtube is shit and its been changed
Everyone move to this one

>Just read a press release like any sane folk.

Bottom vid just revealed SMT V

interesting. Shit's gonna get censored harder than Persona 5's cover.

P5 PC port

Wrong, new president doesn't care about censoring games, check butcher on switch

[Petitioning Intensifies]

>new president
It's on a Nintendo console. It's going to get censored. Butcher doesn't feature highschool girls in swimsuits. It's not comparable.

That's only if Atlus is dumb enough to let Treehouse get their grubby hands on it.

Yeah, if they handle V localization like IV and Apoc, there's no need to worry really.

Atlus US, SEGA America and Nintendo of America are literally all in the same building. They drink tea out of the same cups. You're retarded if you think they're not going to censor. You're not going to get dual audio either. Enjoy supporting your hobby while pretending things have changed


atlus has their own people that translate stuff.

>yfw SMT Muosu

so what is this?

SMT V, Switch exclusive.

SMT V for Switch.

SMT V for Switch/PS4

>characters only from I, V, and persona 5.

It says the video isn't available.

Don't make me say it.


This is your new SMT protagonist. Say something nice about him!

You are fucking dumb this isnt the WiiU days anymore

while we wait, I just finished Nocturne as my first real SMT game
Where do I go from here?

SMT4 and 4 final werent censored
Shut the fuck up


Strange Journey.

faggy uniform
better than IVA

SMTIV:A got to have a voiced loli orgasm and no one has batted an eye. Stop.

digital devil sage 1 and 2
its ok

should i wait for Strange Journey Reducks?

No on PS4?



I wish they had censored that, it was cringe as fuck. Killing Toki tho...

Then check the senran game were you can even feel her boobs, or azure nights 2

>Waiting one more year
Why would you do that, just play the original man

only like half a year now

Welp, it's going to be kusoge.

Is this how you're copping, Sony-cuck?

>anons are genuinely being tricked into watching an Atlus stream yet AGAIN
You autists never learn.

Sony-dronez on suicide watch!!

Rockstar has done it for years. The recent trailer was announced a couple months back, when the game was originally supposed to be released during the summer.

Is it still going? They already showed a trailer for SMT V.

Atlus actually granted us mercy and gave us a quick no-fuss stream. They could have easily padded it out for hours with a shitty panel but I guess they thought better of it.