What is your favorit alignment in video games, Sup Forums?
I alway play as Lawful Good.
What is your favorit alignment in video games, Sup Forums?
I alway play as Lawful Good.
I like being a good guy that kills bad people and does things for money
Being Neutral Geralt in Witcher 1 and 2 was awesome
Lawful good or chaotic good, depending on settind and/or my mood.
True neutral all points in luck jew mode where your only aim is to get money and power. Bonus points for stealth.
chaotic good everytime
if i'm trying to save the world, what would be the harm in stealing that shopkeeper's magic weapon after all?
I don't like being mean so I play as the good guy always
>having an alignment
In some quest lines im lawful, in others i'm neutral
if you make your mind up before facing a problem you're gay
So chaotic neutral?
Give me a single good reason why it the world wouldn't be better if Hitler won.
Chaotic good/neutral/evil, depending on how i feel about the in-game characters.
I usually end up doing the good thing for better quest rewards, pretty much any rpg, including the "amoral" ones like new vegas do this. The only rpg that i know of that encourages you being shitty is Vmtb.
The nips wouldn't have gotten nuked
that shitty mustache would be a popular facial hair style
Because he would have taken away our guns had he won
Chaotic FINAL
I like to pretend to be a neutral greedy mercenary which in rare occasions does the job for free if the enemy is just too evil
We'd have socialized healthcare and married couples would be given free houses for having children.
You got btfo with three good reasons m8
>In some quest lines im lawful, in others i'm neutral
can you be my angle though?
the world would follow the personality cult of a monoballed virginal faggot for decades
But all those slavs would've gotten genocided :^(
reluctant hero.
Hitler never took guns in fact he deregulated firearms
Chaotic neutral, why should I go out of the way to make good or evil if there is nothing to be gained from it?
whatever one lets me have a very simple rule to follow that lets me do some fucked up shit.
so probably lawful evil.
the jews would be in control even more.
I usually end up somewhere around lawful good or true neutral.
Lawful good or Chaotic Neutral
>Lawful Good.
You authoritarian retards are the worst.
>torture and apply my weird fetishes to npcs in skyrim
I dunno, chaotic good?
I help or kill people based on how well their character is written. the end result is always chaotic neutral (or lawful good if the game is shit)
Chaotic neutral or Lawful Evil.
Chaotic Neutral if the game has any sandbox elements.
Is it me or is it polarizing how west thinks of role-playing games? It's now make your avatar and play yourself through it instead of make a character and role-play as that character.
What went wrong? When did this shift occur?
Chaotic neutral. It allows you to do actions based on personal preference, help that guy, fuck over the other guy because his VA is annoying, without dabbing into the moral systems of a fictional fucking world.
In most games you get cruise controlled into doing the "right" actions anyway, with the ability to watch all the endings by reloading your last save. No need to work towards anything much less a moral standing.
>moral alignment
lol what a fuckin retard, just learn that word today you brainlet?
Lawful evil claiming to fight for a higher good is objectively best. Shame there are few games that allow you to do this
I love playing as edgy neutral evil character fucking everyone up for his own gain and power.
Is the joke in the picture that FBI is considered good?
I think it's just a result of improved technology. Instead of picking from a pre-made portrait or model you can use a character creator to craft a self-insert.
>Hitler was legit crazy and unfit to be a political leader for the long-term
>the Nazis never would have "won" they might have ended up controlling a large portion of Europe but Murica and Russia wouldn't bow down considering both were military superpowers
>large amounts of ethnic cleansing, it wasn't just the jews who would be slaughtered and as much as you hate other races that shit ain't right
Isis probably wouldn't be a thing though if the Germans won
If we're talking about shen megoomi tensay routes, law is authoritarian and objectively the worst route. If we're not, then I apologize, retard.
Chaotic Good
The actual "RP" niche of the current "RPG" playerbase is so negligibly small that you might as well remove it from the title. It was never different, just that over the years it attracted a lot of other people.
I still play as the character, in fact I have a lot of fun doing that.
if you want to know why the shift happened, its because normies want to have the "experience" handed to them.
Always true neutral.
Chaotic good only way to be
Which results in online videogames being near perfect. From todays viewpoint it would be a 90% drop in cheaters.
no its a character in the fbi thats forced to be hitler
We aren't.
Fox Mulder
The joke is that Hitler was a chaosfag
One of the key points of X-files is Mulder and Scully uncovering how fucked up the government is. How can you use this as an example?
I can be your angle or your devil
>the Nazis never would have "won" they might have ended up controlling a large portion of Europe but Murica and Russia wouldn't bow down considering both were military superpowers
>it's a Sup Forums talks about history episode
Aren't we all playing Neutral Evil by default? Yes, sure, usually it amounts to doing lots of good things because campaign is written with good characters in mind, but doing this because you know that picking good choices always gets you the best rewards is pretty Neutral Evil, aka True Selfish.
>It's chaos that's authoritarian
What did they meme by this?
its like obeying the law in gta.
no one thinks about doing it but its kind of fun to just get invested in the game and think like your character.
I wish games did that, hell I really wish there was a game that did that.
Neutral Good
>implying there would be online games
naw if you win you're the good guy 100%.
thats the rules.
Lawful Neutral
who's with me?
Lawful evil is factually the most fun option.
>Stealthily steal things without anybody knowing
>Only kill people if you'd actually gain something from it
>Side with those that would give you the greater reward with no regards for their beliefs or morals
You could also do stuff just because you think the option would be entertaining. You usually aren't that attached to the in-game benefit either because gold and items aren't really scarce. So it's more like chaotic neutral.
In a world of scarce resources everyone would instantly turn neutral evil though, meaning any sane person; which I consider a huge flaw in the system. When a choice is eat or be eaten there's no room to be good at all.
Chaotic Neutral. Aka the cop out alignment.
Came here to post this.
>Lawful Good
Get a load of this normalfag.
For me, it’s Chaotic Neutral.
That's chaotic you fucking retard. What's lawful about stealing and killing?
That's neutral evil
Here's the thing though most of the time when you play table top you make a character to role-play as not just inserting yourself. It just makes everyone else mad because you start to do stupid shit. But I guess since it's by passing the other people part you can be isekai faggot all you want.
>mfw I realize this is why isekai is so popular
>Only kill people if you'd actually gain something from it
>Side with those that would give you the greater reward with no regards for their beliefs or morals
That's Neutral Evil.
>Chaotic Neutral
Ah yes, the "I don't actually want to play with an alignment" alignment.
>being evil means being a petty asshole who saves the universe anyway but is rude about it
Thanks, bioware
Chaotic is killing people for shits and giggles you retard. Is a thief chaotic according to you?
Hitler says he's in the FBI and other FBI agents believe him immediately.
Not every chaotic is Joker, you dumbass.
i think alignments are stupid
Making factions kill each other is pure fun. A convenient lie here, a little sabotage there and all the loot belongs to me.
lawful evil or lawful good
>brainlets who can't think for themselves
>Evil character who works for the greater good because it suits his purposes
is the true top tier alignment.
Bonus points if you can actually be a nice seeming person while still being evil because a lot of games think "giant douchebag" is all a character needs to be evil even if they never do a single evil thing aside from maybe punching somebody and snarking at everybody.
i definitely RP in roleplaying games if i'm given the choice. in fact, if i can't roleplay in an RPG then i'll probably drop it pretty quickly, like in Witcher 3 where there was such a dissonance between Geralt's behavior and what i wanted that i ended up dropping the game.
i also started a new character in divinity 2 after 15 hours of gameplay because i wanted to play a mage, and i had already "written" my character as a traditional warrior in my head and it felt wrong to respec him.
but that's probably all because i've been playing traditional RPGs for a while, and i know where these games originally came from
It wouldn't be that big of a problem if the system wasn't so shit, or, rather, inapplicable to video games
>I am the mayor of this town and I will ask you to retrieve this *plot device* for the good of it's people. I don't know yet that I will get brutally killed for it but neither do you ;^)
>Well FUCK YOU, mayor. I refuse to work for an organization, period, because I'm chaotic evil [asshole]
>haha let's pretend I didn't hear that btw here's the quest marker for the plot device cave. You also can't kill me because I'm marked as important NPC for that one time ten minutes later where I get killed by the other guy ;^)
Try fucking roleplaying anything besides Obedient Stupid in these conditions.
I think alignments are great
Kreia wasn't a centrist or neutral tho, she was just pure egotism. Everything you do should empower you and nobody else, everything everyone else does should be manipulated to give you an advantage (but you should never rely on that power of others, only your own) etc.
Lawful Neutral, do your duty and go home for the night
>have no power of their own but holds their own opinions that no one cares about
And not a single subtle thief is chaotic, you dipshit. A pickpocket or burglar who sneaks in and takes shit is neutral evil. Chaotic thievery would be breaking into a house and beating the shit out of the residents until they died.
Sexual alignment.
That's pretty much nihilism though.
Chaotic Good.
I like helping people but rules are for nerds.
is Rance neutral good or chaotic good?
Well you could be a chaotic thief when you know for a fact that you'd get shot if caught but still want dem bling
lawful good
He's a lot of things.
>only aim is to get money and power
That's not true neutral at all, faggot.