
oh nice a trading card

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums hasn't had a sleepover thread in months OP. Why do I even bother still coming here?

>10% off some shitty mobile game that was ported to steam

>having friends
i'm so lonely

>its a chat message from my mom reminding me to change out my piss jug

>Payday2 event

>90% off for bad rats

if you're not memeing, we can be friends

>having friends.
Feels pretty good to play monster hunter and CSGO with irl friends.


i'm not memeing but i'm not too interesting or talkative
yeah probably

>1 new comment on your steam profile

Video games are only fun with friends.
Watching anime is only fun with friends
Sleepovers are only fun with friends.
You catch my drift?

kms because nothing is fun if you're alone?

>You have been invited to FREE CS:GO SKINS.RU 100% steam group

Or the opposite. There's actually plenty of SP games that are fun alone. But being alone isn't fun in itself and no video game can make you escape from that.

Literally never happened to me.

Me either, but we could play video games together. My offer still stands either way,user.

>its another booster pack
nice, a few shekels closer to free vidya

>There's actually plenty of SP games that are fun alone
i like immersive games for that reason
what games?

I play lots of stuff. What do you usually play?


>antifa steam group invite

>This is spooky bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over the workshop!
I literally just received another one of these


mostly singleplayer stuff, mp is too hard or requires teamwork
also i haven't played much on pc since i got a console

rape the maids

source on your avatar?

>cropped out porn
Kill yourself

I see, i'm exactly the opposite and I only play multiplayer stuff on PC

every time
what do you play on pc?
dota, tf and csgo?

>tfw no one knows Vertigo properly and they want you to teach them
It's a pain

Oh hey another FR.

>everyone moved to discord
>no easy way to look inside a discord server
>anxiety keeps me from joining servers since I don't know what they're like and they announce your entrance
I just want a friend group


>50% off Civ 6 Deluxe Edition
Should I buy it or should I not? I don't think I'm gonna get a deal better than this.

>join some discord
>"hi [yourname]!"

wat once youre invited to a group you can just start discord and click on the group without joining the voice channel

unfriend any retards that post this kind of shit

>50% off for some shitty game you ignored years ago

Gabe, you fat fuck, get your retarded marketing department together

>50% off Dawn of War 3

Good try, still not going to happen

Hell no, it'll be cheaper in a couple of years, after it has fully matured

>And they announce your entrance
Only thing putting me off most discord servers.

Where did he mention anything about a voice channel?

>wanting friends
Everyone in the world should be friends, everyone in the world should be nice to everyone in the world. Sounds pretty simple.

i was hoping i won't mind being alone and it will get easier
guess i was wrong

>50% off disastrous sequel that nobody bought because the devs tried to appeal to a wider audience, ignoring the original audience

what was its name Sup Forums?

>rando anime avatar guy added me
>30 games
>he responds to himself on his own profile



you guys want to erp with me? haha just wondering

fuck off furry

>Watching anime with friends
Yeah no.. trust me on this

>New comment
>New comment on profile
>"stupid gay nerd -rep"

i'm not good at it haha

I buy every single random bullshit $1 game they give me a coupon for and look forward to reviewing them; for better or worse.
But I'm in the middle of ACII so they'll have to wait.

>someone wants to add you
>panic a little
>try out discord
>"who are you"
>leave the server
i'm suck a fucking pussy i should off myself

Should've said "I'm the cook." Missed opportunity user.

I'm like that too. I don't use discord or group chats at all since i'd hardly talk with anyone in it

tranny alert

fuck off im not a tranny im just a piece of shit

Don't you call me a tranny you little shit. I may be socially awkward as fuck but i'm not that mentally ill

Fuck off stupid I'm a guy who likes guys

[Unintelligeble Russian Asshurt Probably Telling You That You Are Their Clan Enemy Now]

they aren't friends, it's tards posting on my mods

I'm not a tranny

>All these anons looking for a friend
>Want to be a friend.
>But then also remember that I spend the majority of my time out of contact with people right now (aside from shunting humorous or sexy images to my discord group and checking the ones that are there) while I play a ton of single-player games and multi-player games that none of my friends have.
Sorry guys. You'd basically be adding a static radio to your friends list that occasionally manages to break through the interference.

>tfw it's someone wanting to erp with you

You wish you were a girl, don't you.

You're rarely guaranteed to become friends with someone just because you add them to your friends list. It's about meeting new people and POTENTIALLY being friends with them, if you click

If you think adding someone or them adding you means they're forced to interact with you, you're an idiot.

We're all girls here

GRIDs infested homos are not allowed to post pictures of my wife

no the concept of super gay love between extremely homosexual boys is hotter

I left the fucking steam group because of the constant notifications, and I still get them.

I haven't even played Payday in over a year for fuck's sake.

It's nothing about forced interaction.
It's the complete lack of it because even my close friends aren't supremely in contact right now. Or rather I should say I'm barely in contract with them. Just works like that. Game comes out that we all want and BOOM. Band is back together for a time. Then we all peter off and I just pray that the loneliest one in the group doesn't kill himself between now and when next we start chatting it up again.
He really worries me. Wish he weren't literal states away.

>Hi, I like your mod but is it compatible with Radious?

I see the thread's already gone gay

reel it in boys

>A new comment on your profile.
>"Dude, the new tf2 update is out!"
That friend is kind, but also retarded.

Dawn of War 3

I got a 50% off coupon for that and i got it. Oh wells

shut up retard


Don't add me

>join a discord
>chat is nothing but
>>i feel sad today
>>Awh feel better >Thanks leave discord

Oh I got a friend request.

Must be a trading card or a friend invite from somebody I've never even met before.
I use Discord if I want to talk to others.

I'll be your friend if u gift me cuphead, I want a new platformer to 100% and the end is nigh is shit

Don't be mean to him, he just wanted to let you know. This kind of innocent enthusiasm is really cute.

>Watching anime is only fun with
>Video games are only fun with friends.

I totally disagree with you user...
The sleepover may be truth but dunno, never did one.

Sent. ;)

Let's be friends.

Fighting game friends!

>tfw you just can't really find boys cute
Not that it really matters. I figured fags would have it easier since I'd come to believe men aren't quite so fucking obtuse as women but this thread seems to speak otherwise. Loneliness galore.


Das fühl wenn

All the unexpected friend requests I get are from people I destroy in Street Fighter™ and I automatically assume them to be manchildren who cannot contain their anger maturely and hence just reject their request and let them continue their miserable existence by themselves.

>shit at games
>socially awkward
>People only add you because you're a girl

>it's a good offer in keys for your item

t. mtf abomination

What are you trying to say user? Finding something cute and finding something sexy are separate things. My dog is cute, doesn't mean i wanna have sexual intercourse with it.

t. mentally ill trany

Fuck off Mike, no one cares.

Sure thing, just be EU and have either BB or SFV.