Go back to that tire fire known as Sup Forums

>go back to that tire fire known as Sup Forums
What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


or this is some made up bullshit?

No, it's one of her lines in the new game, I just heard it.

i'm believing this is some made up bullshit now

The South Park creators probably go here and know how much this site hates being mentioned anywhere and did it to piss everyone here off.

The game, stupid. I think I was fighting homeless people.

Honestly, where's the lie?


I didn't realize Sup Forums is a site for cops.
How are you doing fellow upholders of the law?

Like half of this site is chairforce/POGs with nothing better to do.

Considering all the nigger hate around here, I'm not surprised in the slightest.

No, what I meant was, she's right about this place.

>t. Nigger

Seems like an accurate assessment.

t. cop about to tase me

>Ubisoft on all out damage control

>tire fire
She's really holding back


I actually liked the whole nigger hate gag in this one. And the boss fight was one of the most challenging in the entire game. Even Morgan Freeman was easier.

If only those rules were being enforced about 8 years ago

Two iphones?!

You wish darkie

If he is black saying nigger is not racism.

It's pretty small here compared to Sup Forums, you jus search for it

actually we are running low on food for Shub-Niggurath

I'm black and even If I don't care about this word here, if a black guy say nigger to me IRL, I punch him, clear and simple

And is that really all that racist? I mean was Lovecraft racist?

ooga booga indeed


Wow, what a fucking nigger.


Literally showing the ape-like aggressiveness you can only expect from a nigger.


Of course you would, you fucking nigger.

I know, right? I dont think i've heard anyone be that nice to Sup Forums before

Well actually....

oh is that so, nigger

How new are you?

Or are you one of the refugees from gaf?

Its a random battle line, pretty sure she says it against crab people and cats too

QUESTION: If you play as a cis girl, do the boys still think you're a boy because of the first game? They make some odd comments like "you sure have pretty hair for a boy, buttlord"

Thanks for the (you) guys

Being a racist was pretty normal at that time in the US.
But yes, he was pretty racist, in his stories the evil humans are almost always arabian people or "halfbreeds" as he calls them.
He also uses very racist vocabular like "nigger", it's pretty funny when you forget that and he just throws it in sometimes.

there is a cop who posted of shit nigga anime reaction Picture to his boss and almost got fierd for it.


>i share this board with crab people and damn cats
Fuck this place.

i hate it when popular media mentions my safe space FUCK YOU normies wave inbound


>if a black guy say nigger to me IRL, I punch him, clear and simple
And I'd punch you right back, then we'd both go to jail.
Just another statistic, you sure proved those Sup Forumstards wrong with your violent reaction.

Have another one, you slut.

lol your a monkey.

hey can you give me (you)s instead of this dumb fag thanks

I don't mind free (you) man.

It's always fun to bait Sup Forumstard. I'm not even American

what the fuck is your problem

>normies wave inbound
They've been here. They came with /soc/, GamerGate and the 2016 elections. They've been here and they refuse to leave now.

sure here you go

why not I like to see some competition in this place

Yeah but he had some weird ideas even for the time, like he thought blacks were born from eggs.

P-Peter can I trade you a (you) instead of my Minecraft login info?

They lurk like crabs but post like people!


Alright, if you are really a cat then who took that picture?

>Réddit spacing

>petah i thought we were undertale this week?

probably a cat abuser (aka: nigger)

sure feel free to have a (you) just to spite the other fag

Is this game good or should I wait for steam sale fuck this month.

but I need to play with my friends tomorrow peter

It's good but not $60 good. Wait for a sale, or pirate it, or something.

so Matt & Trey are doing this because they want a bunch of people to flood this site, a long with the neogaf refugees?

Thanks again for the nice amount of (you), subtile race bait always work on ameritards

snibbety snab :DDD:DDD



But this site is fucking garbage. You faggots just bitch about anything and post contraindications shit even if you agree with it and have shitty poor bait.

beter please dont take my minecraft login

dont take away my brown blocks you nigger

haha i've got more (you)s than either of you faaaaagggsss

[b]eter please leave my minecraft alone

I don't know if I should trust a stranger on the internet with my login info

Who the fuck gives a shit about South Park anymore
It's down there with Famguy and nu Simpsons

have a free (you) pal

I love a competitive environment so why not

where is immunity doggo to protect my password??

Can confirm chairforce, sitting in briefings all day and shitflinging on mobile

t. disgruntled magapede

No they're doing it cause this place is a tire fire full of scumbags and assholes that hate everything.

>muh secret club xd

Why is Wendy so cute? I want to ____ her.

I hate you.

t.child who still finds fart jokes and basic swearing funny

God damn dude, it's the current year. That's like...Fucking mean.


>I was just pretending to be a nigger!

Mods only care if it's related to Neogaf.

t. child who can't take a joke without getting offended

I know.

I'm a real black guy here, never committed crimes (like 93% of the black population), right wing without being into race bait.

What am I here to the "niggers" hater?

You're not getting shit, Beater.

Calm down, take some steroids, you hacker you.

A bitch ass nigga trying to make his way out of the hood. The worst kind of nigger.

Sup Forums is a site for drug deals and revenge porn. how new r u kid?