it's not a secret. 90% of the people on this board game on a pc at least some of the time. if you're part of that group or are in the process of building a pc, consider not using steam for gaming. there are other platforms.

if a platform you like doesn't have a game you want, pirate the game, buy merch, ask the devs to release on your preferred platform, or find some other way to support the devs you like. do not support steam if you can

it's up to you to fix gaming and taking steam down a notch is the first step

Other urls found in this thread: alternatives steam is bad OP is a faggot is steam bad for gaming

Wow, OP, you sure listed a lot of great points there. I think I'm just going to abandon Steam and all of my games for no reason now.

why dou?
steam has done alot more for gaming than anyone in the industry ever has, with exception to engine devs

>there are other platforms
>proceeds to list 0 viable alternatives

I know this is bait but you can at least try.

I realize some will have plenty of games of steam and won't readily abandon them but consider getting your games on another platform from now on. it may be slightly inconvenient to split your library but it will only benefit everyone. even steam users

youre either
A. some hipster faggot who refuses to use popular things
B. some russian asset flipper who gets mad that his shitcake of a game got rejected

Another great list of reasons why I shouldn't use Steam. Man, I just fucking hate Steam now. Good job, OP, you've convinced me. alternatives

> everyone
so devs who dont have to give steam 60% of a sale
i guess getting cut off from those millions of users is worth it just to stick it to the man
think with your brain not with you eggo

happy to help

>keeps listing no arguments whatsoever
What an absolute mouthbreather

People would be more inclined to agree with you if you have a good reason to do this. Do you have a list of reasons of why I should abandon my Steam library?

>Nu-Sup Forums needs to be told that Steam is bad

I've considered it and decided to continue using Steam. It's even sweeter now knowing it will make you mad.

the plan is to give steam competition. users will migrate. other platforms are already putting systems into place that let users move games from their steam library to their other libraries

Whoa, I hate Steam even more now because I don't want to be considered "nu-Sup Forums". I didn't even think it was possible to hate Steam more after all of OP's cogent points, but somehow I do.

>taking steam down a notch
I'm going to be super fucking generous and say 200,000 people frequent this board and you somehow convince all of them to ditch Steam.
Do you have any fucking idea what's the current Steam user count?

No, not Sup Forums, just the neofag influx

doesn't make me mad in the slightest. igniting the anti-steam movement now will only mean it increases in size with time. steam will have to change eventually

The only realistic way to not support Steam and still support the Devs are to buy their games on console.

>list an alternative so I can dismiss it with a meme
It's not my first day on this board. besides, the point isn't to create another steam. the point is to let others choose which platform they like the most. more competition is better

Get fucked OP you fucking faggot steam is alright get that tinfoil hat fastened you dumb ass libertarian redditor braindead hipster

then do so

>hat jew has entered the thread

>the average steamdditor

well i do know that GOG allows for something like that with libraries
maybe gog and steam are collaborating?

What platforms do you recommend I use for modern PC games, OP? A lot of sellers have you redeem games through steam, so sites like GreenManGaming and Humble Bundle are out of the running.

Lets say, for example, I want the new Prey. How do I get it without using steam or pirating?

haha I wouldn't be surprised but for the moment, gog is a better platform and if gog turns into another steam, you can just easily pirate their games or just reinstall from the backup installers they let you download

>unironically using the "nu" meme
Please go back to plebit and kill yourself

Neofags out

I would recommend you pirate the game then buy prey merchandise or the like. or as another user said, buy prey on a console of your choice. or another option would be to send an email to the devs requesting they release prey on another pc platform

31 posts and not a single actual argument. Really says it all right there.

Aww babbys first "steam is the bad guys xD" post. At least tell us what got you this riled up. Your little flash game was rejected?

>telling stockholm syndrome patients to abandon their libraries that they have put hundreds of dollars and hours
It's not about alternatives or market competition or anything like that OP. They are too far gone and now steam is too big to fall.
It's not even a monopoly at this point, they have the total control of the market and anyone who sells their games with their own DRM effectively lose sales they could have, be it one hundred or one hundred thousand.

Lets say I don't want or can't get a Prey t-shirt, I don't have any consoles and I don't want to pirate. You're saying the only choice I have is to send them an e-mail and wait, or buy an entire console just for one game?

If you can't expand on the above, simply answer why I should go through so much trouble in the first place. Without listing DRM(Blizzard App and Uplay exist just fine, right?), give me a few reasons why I shouldn't use Steam.

user you don't get rejected on Steam anymore, they let you buy your way onto the store now.

>implying a link to a Steam alternative is an argument against using Steam itself.

I agree with this user

if you aren't willing to spend $10-$20(less than a third of the game's price) buying some form of merchandise(not just shirts) then you clearly don't want to support the devs that much so just pirate the game and buy the next one if it releases on a different platform your prefer

>give me a few reasons why I shouldn't use Steam.
>no argument given

You're bad at this OP

>agreeing with yourself
just sad

I didn't say I wasn't willing. I'm saying, in this scenario, I cant. Answer my question. Why shouldn't I use Steam, and don't include DRM because other services exist just fine with it.

jaded, but most likely correct. still, no harm in starting the conversation. look at the whole lootbox thing that started here. it's a burning fire now and even youtubers are making a bunch of videos about it at the moment. even fucking IGN said it was bad for gaming recently. it won't kill lootboxes but it'll get people talking and that always sprouts some small form of change. the more you talk, the bigger the change is

>more competition is better
So it's going to be like back in 2000 when one part of people was using icq, the others Skype and the rest of them MSN, so you have to install 3 Programms instead of one. That's also the reason why I don't want to use uplay and origin. I don't want to have to install 8 fucking launchers for my game. steam is bad

there are tons upon tons of answers to the "why is steam bad tho?" question. educate yourself. I'm not going to spoonfeed you so you can cherrypick and be dismissive.

No, thanks.

Why bother arguing with kids who started using Steam in 2015 and still think based Gayben is giving them the best deals?

I have absolutely no reason to give up my steam library, and all the reason to keep it

I also have no problem with how steam goes about things.

TLDR; Constructively address people's concerns as to your reasons for even arguing steam should be abandoned or competed against, none of the alternative platforms are preferable for ANY specific reason.

Here's my "counter-argument" OP is a faggot

it's about the conversation, user. as retarded as it sounds, it works. the next time somebody has a bad experience with steam, they'll remember the conversation and decide to quit steam and use another platform. over time steam will lose users

All I get is old as fuck articles and stuff that reads like a tumblr blog.

which other platform?
Origin? Uplay? GOG?
all of them don't have 90% of what I can get on steam

>google why something is bad
you can't get lazier is steam bad for gaming

there. no tumblr

>"Don't visit Iceland. That place is horrible. There are many other places you can visit."
>"Why do you say that? Can you explain?"
>"GEEZ I'M NOT GOING TO SPOONFEED YOU FUCKING BABIES, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO MEME ME TO DEATH! Here's some meme LMGTFY links, do it yourself if you are so interested! FUCK!"

>"Hey everyone! Stop using X! It's bad!"
>"I'm not going to spoonfeed you."

Hey guys, OP here. I feel like I haven't stated my argument better, I apologize for that. You should stop using steam because Gabe is fat, thanks, I hope you change your mind now.

No argument either

did you read the OP?

Wow you know Google search commands, that totally showed me that the baby blogs crying about steam are to be taken serious

>gaming site
Nigger, you can't even label it properly.


Too late most of my pc games are on steam. Will you buy all the games outside of steam then? And for my friends too. Also I need my save files

im only turning my back on steam if they go full sjw or do aids stuff you fuck off


But why? Steam isn't without faults, but it's bretty gud overall.

> Will you buy all the games outside of steam then?
buy a console or pirate
>Also I need my save files
copy and paste to a pirated version

Sure is an awesome website I have here.

You are legitimately autistic

burn it all

>kill the only gaming option that isant total shit.

Kill yourself instead.

The funny thing is that you've actually presented more of an argument than the OP has.

Pedantic is the word you're looking for this time, but keep using the one word you happen to know. A broken clock is right twice a day.

Name one other site that gives me demos

>buy a console
how about I just kill myself

>buy a console
Why would you buy something that's even worse for gaming?

yes, exactly. please do that

Hey, that brought me to

Thanks for backing me up, OP. I knew you didn't mean what you said about Steam.

>literally any torrent site

>4 years ago
gratz neat article

>hates steam
>advocates for paid online platforms where consumers have 0 power over devs and no way to voice their concerns.

Ladies and gentlemen, a nu-male.

It's almost as neat as an OP who provides zero reasons, zero arguments, and can only provide snarky, useless-even-by-his-standards links. Getting the picture yet?

>mfw game library is 581
>mfw steam rank is 232

Fuck it, you've convinced me to move to Origin.

>he buys singleplayer games on PC

>no paid online
>cheap games gallore
>gigantic backlog dating to the 90s
>get to keep all your games everytime you upgrade to a new system
>get to post and shitpost on official game forums and artworks with close to 0 consequences
>have the ability to create groups with chat, voice chat and streaming options.
>can share game content with friends.
>can get games often for free
>can share all your games with close friends and family with 0 extra costs.
>somehow this is all bad.

Nu-Sup Forums everyone.

yeah, written by this fag

And every single point made is still valid, which makes it ten more than the OP has listed.

wtf i hate steam now

>he buys games
fucking cuck

>he plays games

Fucking nu-Sup Forums I swear.

>he doesn't buy only mp games on steam
Friendless cuck spotted.

>he also breathes air
>guess i should stop doing that now.

Kill yourself.

>he doesn't just constantly have sex 24/7
fucking LMAO, what are you? a virgin?

do you even play 40% of those?

yes, you should. end your life

no, it's a $100000 lump he'll regret when he's 40 and has no way of selling them

>igniting the anti-steam movement now
You're not nearly the first cuck to complain about Steam for no reason.

>has no way of selling them
you can sell the account

Maybe if all he bought was triple A trash on day one. Of course that's probably all you buy, so you just assume everyone else does the same.

for a very small fraction of the cost. I bet most of the games he's bought are asset flipped games because he loves steam's dick so much

But he is the current one. Steam had sex with his wife, and now he is stuck raising half-valve children he has to pretend to love. Please don't let his tragedy befall anymore poor saps.