What did A Hat in Time do that Yooka-Laylee didn't?
A Hat in Time
A Hat in Time is a fun game.
Yooka Laylee is nothing but nostalgia bait. Nostalgia bait rarely works out, viz. the hundreds of people bitching about all kinds of HD remasters being wrong and what-not.
Didn't suck
I fucking hate this fucking game so much. Never post it again. Holy fucking shit this little girl shit has got to end. The fucking developer is a fucking loser for making it about a little girl it should be about a grown man. You guys shouldn't let this be grazed over. This game needs to be shut down and deleted permanently. Now kindly stop discussing this game on Sup Forums forever.
PS: It ripped off sunshine so there is nothing unique about it. If you give this game a high rating you are effectively giving sunshine a higher rating for inventing the ideas, if it weren't for sunshine this disgrace to gaming wouldn't exist. Think about that.
Good gameplay and the few worlds were fun.
Hat in time was made by 6 different indie devs in different parts of the world with a love for vidya
Yooka Laylee is a crowdfunded mess that was built by californian nu-cucks
you can tell from the gameplay one game shines and the other is a busted turd rushed out.
Full voice acting
He went to jail to.publicize the game
Holy fuck, is this real? Is he gone?
yes he ded
Be a fun game
He was just on Drunken Peasants last week. That's an old ass tweet and you don't get FBeyed for loli shit
Have...(are you ready for it?).... soul, *cums in his pants*
Shill the game.
>not shilled
6/10 don't let these deluded fags delude you.
It's unpolished, full of horrible skits which just detract from the gameplay by taking control away from you
It takes just 5 hours 100%
It offers absolutely no challenge
These pedos wouldn't give a shit about this game if the main character was something else
Yooka Laylee is 100% unironically better.
Are you being ironically unironic?
jontron is in the game
""""cute"""" main character
Yooka Laylee is better bang for the buck. Both are pretty shitty games.
YL is a pretty shit game, indeed. You should play a hat in time, it's great.
learn to read english you third worlder mongol
They're both shit. Dark Souls 2 is the better indie 3D platformer.
I love this meme
Oops sorry, don't forget to buy a Hat in Time though, it's a serious contender for GOTY
Do you get paid in tendies?
OP, there's a reason why the other threads didnt had anything other than subject, they usually turn into shitposting battlegrounds if it's not like this
Not even worth a pirate.
Yeah because you faggots keep spamming this literally who shit. All people who post just shit on this because it's spammed. There's less than ten of you fags who actually give a fuck about this. Get a Discord server or something you pedos.
its been fucking weeks
The AssCreed Orgins threads are more subtle than these.
Man you're not even trying with this bait, none of these things you say is true.
>Yooka Laylee is better bang for the buck
Lol no it isn't for one it's more expensive than AHiT and it has way worse gameplay, the platforming, traveling, everything is slow, and the levels are so uninspired and boring.
>still above average
I'm glad you liked it
All of them are unironically true. I know it might shock your tiny mind. It's a 5 hour to 100% zero challenge game that's released ahead of time, it's unpolished.
I completely forgot about "lol u tk him 2da bar"
Someone said said it's because it focused on Gamecube style platformers instead of the collectathons that were on the N64, and that's good enough for me.
Yeah but you faggots are pretending it's some 10/10 game of the decade when it's literally Yooka Laylee tier. Also 6/10 is hardly average, the scale isn't linear.
It actually runs at a consistent frame rate instead of a cinematic 20fps with drops to the single digits, so I can see that
>the scale is linear
Then why use the fucking scale then. Jesus Christ nonsensical review scores are the worst.
There are barely any cutscenes to take control away from you, and the game definitely takes way more than that to complete at 100%, you haven't played the game at all.
You got me officer, looks like i'm going to shill jail
>Also 6/10 is hardly average
Oh, we have a modern game reviewer on our hands here.
>that's an old ass tweet
>12 oct 2017
Time for you to realize that the avearge game doesn't get a 5
As modding support is comming out, how does one make scripting stuff like custom hats, badges and what not?
Is it made with UnrealEd or something else?
>Reddit spacing
No it literally takes 5 hours to 100% and all the retarded skits just take control away and aren't funny at all.
What went wrong?
Can you fuck off and make a general in /vg/ already? Tired of this shit. Pirated the game due to this board and it wasn't even that good.
Yes. Some guy modded in the SM Odyssey hat with working hat throw
The mod tools are basically Unreal engine
You get the death penalty you have five minites to carry it out.
Imagine being so mad about a game that instead of ignoring a thread about it you enter it to let everyone know how mad you are about it
>Act 1
>lvl 2
>pc freezes after few minutes
>try lvl 3
>plays just fine
What the fuck, now I have to decide about refunding the game or not because the freeze/crash might happen again and already played 116minutes of those 120min for the refund.
Nothing, there's nothing wrong with seeing the average game as 7
but little girls makes literally everything better
because people are idiots who copy review sites that pretend 2-5 don't exist
I'm now going to buy the game just to spite you.
Older than his appearance on the show at least. I don't think the feds let you do a podcast from jail.
I'm pretty mad at the ac origins shill threads.
pander to pedos
It's hard to ignore when you spam it constantly. You don't even talk about anything you just shill it. I mean I use ublock origins because I hate ads, of course ads piss me off.
Then filter it
This isn't the right question. Comparing YL to A Hat in Time is deeply unfair, and just ridiculous. Why would you compare a bicycle with a space shuttle? Why would you try to draw comparison between cancer and pure ambrosia?
The real question is: what did A Hat in Time do that Odyssey doesn't?
And the answer is, everything. A Hat in Time is a masterpiece, an impossible perfection made form through the purest souls. It is God reborn, when Odyssey is a boring, soulless, uncaring video game - Satan Lightbringer taking an earthly form.
It panders to pedophiles
Extensive marketing campaign
It's good. Problem is the platforming is way easier than bing bing wahoo.
Camera is weird sometimes.
Shouldn't have had a double jump.
Also way too short and it lacks polish.
>it's totally not game market being flooded with same low effort shit, that brings avg. score down, honest
There are some optimization issues and some bad geometry, but I don't know if I'd say it's a lack of polish, to me a game that lacks polish is fucking Overgrowth
didn't implement a physics engine
Did you mean English, you inbred trailer park menace?
AHiT is made by a group of racist and white supremacist because they allow a white supremacist to voice a role in the game
And what's exactly bad about that?
Appeal to pedophiles
>Acronym is one letter away from shit
Literally says the game is hit
>Yooka Laylee is only 10 letters off from being This is shit
cute loli
One is a smaller number than ten.
kawaii loli
Filter it you mongoloid
Have an adorable & appealing MC.
It's not that the platforming is easy, it's just the levels
Ten is a bigger number than one
>police on the right take cover on the side of the car closer to shad's house
Honestly Yooka and Laylee were both really well designed and the best part of their game. The characters in Yooka Laylee were actually really good, it was the clunky game that was the problem.
If you change little girl for Mario Odessey or Nintendo, this will turn your posting more logical
Literally no marketing
The receptionist at the bird movie studio
Does anyone know some decent artist I can commision a comic (4-koma style)?Only requirement is a decent cartoony style
A Hat in time is closer to "shit" than Yooka Laylee.
The entire game had a budget of under $300k over 5 years for like 8 people
That's like $7500 per person per year
oh shit yooka laylee is out?
>this can be either pure happiness, genuine concern, or bullshit.