Rank them from best to worst
Rank them from best to worst
Original > Spirit of Justice > Justice for All > Dual Destinies > Apollo Justice > Trials & Tribulations
Release order, for those 3. I don't understand the hate boner for Apollo, but DD took away from the investigation mechanic and the "dark days of law" motif was annoying. SoJ was so shit that I still haven't even finished the game. I'm on the final case, which is always supposed to be the best by far, but it's so predictable and boring that I haven't bothered.
They already are in that order.
SoJ > AJ >>>>> DD
Trial and Tribulations > Ace Attorney >> Justice for All, AJ, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DD
Trying to play SoJ ASAP
Couldnt get past the 3 case in SoJ out of boredom.
DD was a terrible experience
AJ is one of my favorites
I would rank the whole series like this:
AA = AJ > JFA > TnT > SoJ > DD
>Dual Destinies
>Above JFA
>Same tier as first one
>boxes are colored red,blue and yellow
Don't care about the order for the rest. Original will always be the best
The entire series > every other game
>But sir, this is a mainline Ace Attorney game, we can't refuse to localize it!
>Well, we have to not localize somethi-wait.
>I have a brilliant idea!
>that Apollo
They knew exactly what they were doing with that design.
Literally every game in the series is good though.
DD would be the best easily based on the story alone, but the game had so little respect for the player's intelligence it solves every puzzle for you. SoJ was way better in that regard because it was more traditionally difficult and the seances are actually interesting, but the last case is just a marathon of everything shitty about the game.
Apollo Justice had the worst cases in the series' history by a mile, with an extremely terrible main character to boot. He was basically Phoenix's retardation turned to 11 and he never stopped fucking up or looking stupid. I had to find joy in all of the rest of the characters because for some reason only they were allowed to be likeable.
They absolutely could refuse to localize it, and almost did. DD managed to sell well enough pure digital for them to push out 6, but they really didn't want to do DD and they sure as fuck don't want to release any of the rest.
DD is just Ghost Trick though
Spirit of Justice > Dual Destinies > Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice is just so painfully mediocre, it has its moments but it's definitely the weakest of the series. Dual Destinies has issues but also does a lot of stuff right. Spirit of Justice basically fixes DD's issues and has a more interesting plot. I'm hoping they'll squeeze in one last game to form a proper trilogy (instead of awkwardly squeezing in AJ) but we'll see.
Why does everyone hate this case?
Ghost Trick is good.
AAI2 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 1 > DGS > AAI > 5 > 4
Moe is the shittiest witness in the entire franchise, retards willing to believe that the accused either flew or took the time to set himself up to fly, Regina is fucking retarded, and you're expected to feel bad for Acro for killing his father figure because he was going to kill a child instead but goofed.
It just goes on and on and Acro doesn't even show up on the first day. Also Fransziska is a shit prosecutor (for all of two cases), she becomes a much better character when she's off the bench.
Hot opinions coming in:
T&T > AA > JFA > SOJ > AJ >>> DD
By final case/game climax:
JFA > T&T > SOJ > AA > DD > AJ
I don't hate it but I get why everyone does.
>defendant is an unlikeable douche
>witnesses are annoying
>investigation sections drag on
>murder method is questionable