Animal Crossing Direct

Only two days from now.

Other urls found in this thread:

"The presentation is being held specifically to reveal the new mobile game. News about Switch and 3DS will not be included."

Hype went from 100 to 0.

Wow, what a waste of everyone's time.

Glad they're finally remembering they announced this, but I wonder why it's in JP first. Wonder how the actual game is going to work.
Can't remember if the Fire emblem mobage did this too, but I'm pretty sure it released simultaneously.


I'll be having my gallbladder removed that day. Fuck.

>will not be included
E3 didn't show any 2018 games too.


definitely F2P

>mobile game
It hurts and I hate it

Didn't the FE mobile game direct say the same thing? We got a Switch tease in that.

When a Direct specifically says something will not be discussed, it will not be discussed. This has been a fact for as long as the format existed.

No, it didn't, that presentation was for the Fire Emblem series as a whole. It also revealed Echoes.

It was a FE Direct, not FE Mobile Direct. But who knows.

Hard pass.
You just know some fags here are gonna eat it up though and support Nintendo's move to phones.

>yfw they start talking about mobile game
>yes, this is what the animal crossing mobile game will be like...that is, if we continued development on it
>instead, we cancelled it for this switch version. please understand

No one said anything when Squeenix moved to mobile.
No one said anything when Sega moved to mobile.
No one said anything when Sony moved to mobile.

It's only bad when Nintendo does it.

Actually everyone did you're just delusional. As always

The funny thing is AC will be right at home on phones. After like 2 or 3 days you only look at the game for max 15 minutes a day to check shit, not worth booting up a console to do that.


>mobile trash
Wow it's fucking nothing. Thanks nintendo.
Real AC on switch when?

They did say the mobile game will be linked to a mainline one

But the switch is a handheld and its sleep mode is awesome

I was verbally against it every time. Stop being retarded and stop defending phone game trash.

go to the archives
type square enix mobile and see posts
type sega mobile and see posts.
It isn't hard user

what if you have to gatcha roll to decide what villagers get to move in into your town?
are you ready to roll?

Fucking well done.

Unless the Switch can keep AC on in the background while you're playing Mario or something it'll be the same as every other AC though.


Thanks for saving my time.

maybe there will be a tease about AC switch at the end?

Ohhh, gotcha, wasn't sure. Well I'm still pretty excited for new AC content in general, hope its neat.

Wow, it might have actual gameplay for once!

>It's an Isabelle virtual pet

I'd play it.

I knew my time wasted on studying the weeb language would come in handy
Pretty rough though
>"Oriented towards the smartphone app. Animal Forest information to everyone through the internet"

Announced in English too.

Thanks for the info, now I don't have to be disappointed.

Good news is the quicker this game releases the quicker we get AC switch.