Ni no kuni 2 or Dragon Quest XI?

Ni no kuni 2 or Dragon Quest XI?


Dq for the tits

DQ because you know what you’re getting into. They’ve changed a lot about NNK2 and who knows how it’ll play.



I want to cum in that pit pussy

Dragon Quest. Didn't like the first Ni no Kuni very much desu.

I hate the artstyle on both games.

>yet another boring cowtits
She's going to quickly be forgotten.


I'll take a good game instead, thanks

There's a loil

I prefer cute shota so ni no

Also Martina gets my dick sprung.

Where are guys at on dqxi?

Cute queen(male)

PC when?

~15 years given their previous track record for ports and remakes

DQ if you want something traditional

NNK2 if you want something different, but it's not necessarily better

It's hard to support DQ though, half the time Square don't localise it & treat the Western fans badly

I don't think anyone in this thread is even playing it.

Ni No kuni looks like a vast improvement over 2 while DQ looks the same boring shit


how about killing yourself you stupid nigger?

>half the time Square don't localise it & treat the Western fans badly




Although Dragon Quest XI is the correct answer, when you start a thread with a DQXI image, it will draw people who are naturally more interested in that game and skew your results

Perfect tags.

Shin Megami Tensei V.


Should I fap to her, Sup Forums?