NO ONE talking about undisputed GOTY

>NO ONE talking about undisputed GOTY

I knew you fags had shit taste but this is embarrassing, D: OS II thread

Thoughts? Just got out of Fort Joy at around 20 hours, had sex with a skeleton 10/10

Eh, I'll get around to pirating it later.

Shit RPG gameplay is enough for me to not play it, and I genuinely tried to play the first one but it's too fucking boring and there's too much shit to pick up.

Definitely the best game in years IMO. I play local co-op with my spouse and spend entire days playing.


>shit gameplay
explain, the combat is fucking terrific

its not very good though

I'm fucking around in arx, kinda feel dumb for having two warfare dudes in my party, didn't use half the skills trees ;_;

I hope this is bait.

it's terrible
you'll see when you got further into the game

Alright anons now I'm confused what could possibly change after Act 1 to make it so terrible?

I'm interested but it's £30
We probably won't see it on sale within the next year, huh?

The reason we stopped talking about it is because act 3 and 4 brought us back down to earth. It's fundamentally a great game, but they clearly were running out of development time/money before they could get to polishing up acts 3 and 4. Right now we're waiting to see what patches, modding, and an expansion will bring.


It's not very challenging but I do enjoy it

I haven't even played it (I was the guy that tried DOS1) but it's a turn-based RPG, and therefore the combat is shit.

t. brainlet

Opinion discarded.

You must think Pillers of Eternity has good combat



About to hit up the final fight after 100 hours, though I kinda rushed act 4. Probably going to start up a new lone wolf character straight after.
I haven't been this enamoured by an rpg since last decade.

Is lone wolf even fun? You don't get to enjoy the character interactions

>Get to act 4
>Drop the game

They made the game too long, got my fill of it for now

It's the food buff for apples. They now heal twice as much and make you immune to certain status effects due to the vitamins protecting you.

The only character I still want to learn more about is Fane since I didn't have him in my party, to my regret.
I'm just going to make an undead and bro it up with him, being dick ass skeletons and boning everything that moves along the way.

Nothing. It gets a lot harder early on in Act 2 and a lot easier afterwards. But balancing also goes out the window completely and you unlock totally overpowered source-requiring abilities that can one-shot enemies.

25 hours in, tactician i am still fort joy/swamps and try to fight the frost dragon.. lol

This and hollow knight is currently my goty

I really liked the game, but Nier Automata is GOTY for me!

Everyone is busy playing it you nigger

>get to act 4
>suddenly hate everything about the game after enjoying it for 50 hours
Dunno how people can rate it above 8/10 when the latter half of the game is so empty and quests are buggy as fuck
It also has the most unsatisfying ending of all time, fuck act 4

It's probably due to the pacing, getting blue balled on the nameless isle really fucks up the interest for another act. If they switched it around a bit and had the final story conclusions take place on the isle after arx, it would not have been that bad.

On one hand you want to do side quests because the main quest is not exciting at all, but then you do the side quests and it's just whatever let me just kill the guy.
For a game that prides itself in player agency and freedom it's really weird that nothing you do matter at all.

>30h great gameplay
>went Arx
>full SJW bullshit
god fucking hell why

>too much shit to pick up
do you pick up everything in real life too?

The more you play it the more you realize the combat is so flawed it cant be a good game

Yeah I was just thinking that, it's really railroady for a big RPG, outside of one choice in Arx I never noticed anything that significantly impacts the game

Found em'.

D:OS2 is undeniably a great game. However Hollow Knight is by a large margin the best game released this year. It's a 9/10 and the closest competitors are 7s.

Stop blogging faggot

>fighting the frost dragon


One of two things will happen;

If your party is poorly made with no thought to the physical/magical armor system you will be unable to progress
You took the system into account and the entire game is a breeze

Try and stop me homo

>discussing videogames is now blogging

fuck off back to wherever you came from, you're trying too hard

>discusses a video game and it's characters
>someone claims it's blogging
He just said Fane is the only character worth interacting with in his opinion so Lone Wolf is not a big deal. If you don't consider that as on-topic discussion for a roleplaying game then you shouldn't be in such threads at all because there is nothing else to talk about.

You could just try not biting.

? what?

He's a total bro.

If you talk to him you'll learn he's under a spell from the witch in the nearby cave. Saving him allows him to help you in battle ala mysterious stranger later on.

Everyone who actually wants to talk about the game is on /vg/. Sup Forums threads are always undercover PoE threads for whatever reason.

Where does he even pop up later on? I never saw him again.

He only pops up if you fuck up like an inept retard.

He kills the shriekers before the Alexandar fight for you so you can keep your charges on the purging wand, and also grants you like a 50-turn encourage buff along with like 10 turns of chilled.

You will never be this powerful

It's fun with friends.

What's the weirdest character combo you guys have found fun?
Ive been playing around with a Pyro/Huntsman:
Area Denial around me and the ability to play keep-away forever

Finally,s ome realism in my CRPGs

>Purge two shriekers on the way
>no Slane
>accidentally die due to trying to teleport Alexander to the range of the remaining tesla coils
>turns out they don't attack him oops
>purge one shrieker
>move closer to purge other required one
>now Slane appears and purges all of them

If pillars has bad combat then baldurs gate does too

>just got out of fort joy around 20 hours
Wow dude, you’re not only dumb- you’re retarded. That’s a very slow time for A1 and I bet you didn’t do everything.

>nobody talking about the game
Wow it’s almost like you’re a month late to the party

>Hasn't hit Arx yet

Best way to play really. I played as Fane and regret it. Way better bro

I am holding out for some GM mode additions and tweaks personally.

unironically this

combat gets boring way too fast

the elemental shit is cool for a while but it gets to the point where every fight is just a shitstorm of elemental status effects and it quickly loses meaning

retard alert

this no one is playing this piece of shit anymore becaue the superior RPG ELEX with actual gameplay came out

The combat seems to set up for a great combo based skill system, but then fails to hand you enough interesting options imo.
At least it's fun and easy to set up crit builds and nuke everything.

>not releasing on ps4 from the start

Can this game play decently on a toaster?

You get 10 warfare on all your characters anyway dince its over twice as good as any other skill for damage.

The balance is all over the place, mages can't do shit at the early game since they don't have enough spells to cast every turn, and the few they have do shit damage anyways, and later on they have to deal with every other enemy having random elemental resistances for no reason.

Meanwhile rangers can kill 1-2 targets every turn easily and 2h knights have a shitton of CC.
Rogues got the shaft too, once you reach act2 their damage plummets in comparison since they can't score crits

I just wish this game wouldn't starve you for civil points. I mean, one every 4 levels is just insane. You have to spec only one civil skill per character if you want to keep up with the checks. Forget about anything cool like crafting or sneaking or the like. Sound be one every two levels.

Warfare definitely shouldn't have been turned into +damage, let alone multiplicative damage.

The first few hours the game is hard as fuck and you have to use every trick in the bag to beat the encounter
Then you get the build going after you spend a few points on skills and buy the skill books
Then gets easy as fuck once you start geting skill level 3 skills and source skills

Half the quests from act2 won't complete after finishing them and some of them are bugged to hell and back anyways.

Should have waited for the EE

That's the worst thing about playing Lone Wolf: it doesn't aid your civil skills in any way so you're always missing out on one or more key skills you'll want.

Why do I always lose interest when Act 2 starts Sup Forums? I lose all drive to play the second I hit Driftwood.

I'm fine with rangers and rogues stacking warfare, you don't unlock new skills after rank5 anyways, the thing is magic damage has one less source of scaling so it lags behind

absolutely me
Gonna wait until it's all patched up and has some additional content then I will get the GOG installers

game was way less engaging than the first.

Act 3 was fucking embarrassing and Act 4 felt super fucking abrupt. Act 2 was probably the best part of the entire game. Act 1 felt too much like a vertical slice that they prepared obviously for KS backers which made it feel ridiculously unfocused.

there is a mod for that but you only need 1 civil skill per character, it's not like telekinesis and sneak are a must.
Telekinesis is good for looting faster though

nigga we already discussed it to death its good even better with 3 other friends

I have no idea. I enjoy the fuck out of Driftwood.

How are the mods for this? Are people making new campaigns?

Anyone else expecting polymorph to be shape shifting only to have it turn out to be a collection of the weirdest shit they could think of?

Yeah. I thought I could become a bear or something. But, medusa head and flight works too. Chicken claw is funny as all hell too.

Poly felt pretty coherent outside of a few oddball skills like Forced Exchange, Terrain Transmutation, and Chicken Claw.

Absolutely, it's definately good it's just weird as fuck.

the combat is shit mate
>most status effects all do nothing until armour is depleted
>discourages class diversity and instead forces you to stack either physical or magic parties
>by the time you've taken all their armour off they are basically dead anyway so all your cool spells are useless 90% of the time

It's the closest I'm getting to a One Piece CRPG any time soon

There were so many fights in my casters only run where I desperately wished for phys damage.

>The lizard race is actually fully naked if you hide the armour

This detail is actually pretty incredable.

we had 20 threads a day when it was coming out of EA you fucking part-timer.

and i had the same problems with it as the first, no real style or anything of its own, feels like some schmucks vanilla DnD campaign. the skills/classes are uninspired and the races/models are especially fucking ugly this time 'round.

Fort Joy was 10/10 but I lost interest almost immediately in Act 2. I'll give it another shot when it gets the inevitable upgraded edition re-release.

>the skills/classes are uninspired
I wish most RPGs had abilities half as interesting as OS1 or OS2's.

Is there any good resource for talking about builds? Not looking for super optimal ones just fun ones.

>discourages class diversity and instead forces you to stack either physical or magic parties
you can either do this and miss half the loot/spells or roll 2 phys and 2 magic guys to focus each group into whatever is weak to them

most encounters have a few guys strong to magic and the rest weak to it